Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 362: Shanks VS Aini Road

  Chapter 362 Shanks VS Ainilu

  Along with the clamor, there was a small dhow with a weird appearance.

  This is a brig with emerald green body. The prow looks like a solemn **** holding a scepter. There is no cannonball window on the dark green hull. Instead, it is covered with verdant vines.

  It is surprising that these vines seem to have a shallow consciousness, twisting and twisting in the sea breeze.

   "Hey! Ainilu!!!"

  Shanks lay on the side of the Redforth and shouted in the direction of that side.

   "Would you like to come over for a banquet!!"

  In response to Shanks, it was a huge wooden board that almost obscured the sky.


  The giant plank landed on the surface of the sea, splashing countless white waves.

   "This guy with long earlobes is really persistent..."

  Beckman sighed and raised his forehead very speechlessly.

   "The last time I encountered it, I said that it was not easy to fight in the sea. This time I even prepared the [Battlefield]!"

  Laki Lu, pinching the big bone, walked to Beckman and looked at Aini Lu, which was walking on the plank.

  "In a sense, Anilu has already developed that marsh fruit very well, isn't it? With this level of storage capacity, natural fruits are almost being developed into spatial storage fruits."

  "What a troublesome character..."

  Beckman looked at Aini Road on the other side, then at his own straw hat captain who stupidly rushed towards the board below, and sighed again.

   "Both of them."

  Shanks happily ran to the giant plank, "Aini Road! Long time no see!"

  "Who hasn't seen you for a long time! Damn straw hat!"

  In the past two years, Ainilu’s image has not changed much, that is, the long earlobes droop almost exaggeratedly to the chest.


   A long stick screamed through the air, and an earth-brown long stick was drilled in the palm of Ainilu, pointing firmly to the location of Shanks.

   "Be obedient and catch it!"

  The voice fell, and the majestic force exploded under Aini Road, splashing countless scattered sawdust, and the whole person attacked Shanks' position like a cannonball.

  The earth-brown long stick carried the howling wind, outrageously blasted out!

  A red light flashed in Shanks’s eyes, and he drew out the famous knife [Withered Wood] on his waist without any haste, and placed it in front of the path of the earthy brown stick that contained a full blow on Aini Road.


  The famous knife ‘Withered Wood’ collided with the earth-brown long stick, and there was a dull sound, and the fine dust spread out like smoke.

   "Poor and weak! Poor and weak!"

Anilu laughed wildly, his palms were slightly loosened to hold the middle part of the mud-brown stick, and then pulled back abruptly, finally holding the end of the stick, the toes point to the ground, taking the waist and abdomen as the axis, came a note A brutal sweep!

   "Pole hit!"

  The earth-brown long stick swept out a vacuum track in the air, accompanied by the horrible sonic boom, rolled up a fierce wind, and once again blasted the **** straw hat boy.

  Shanks held the palm of the famous knife ‘Withered Wood’ slightly hard, covered the blade with a dark and strong armed color, and brandished the long knife with ease, once again holding up the attack of the earth-brown stick.


  The famous sword collided with the long stick for the second time.

  Ainilu smiled sternly.

   "Set the points and even the broken sticks!"

  His palm, which originally held the end of the long stick, moved a few inches back again, and then grabbed the bottom of the long stick. With his arm force, he pulled the long stick back a little, and then shot a phantom-like continuous stabbing forward.

  Shanks frowned slightly, and just now the ‘withered wood’ was holding the upper and middle section of the long stick. At this time, he couldn’t pull the knife back quickly and effectively.

  The earth-brown long stick struck, Shanks' legs were slightly bent, and he suddenly withdrew a short distance back, avoiding the sudden attack of Aini Road.

Ainilu’s moves changed again. He inserted the long stick in his hand into the board below, erected it on the ground, and then kicked forward several half-moon-shaped air slashes. It was one of the six “land feet”. !

   Shanks, who withdrew a few steps, waved his famous sword one after another.

   Accompanied by several clanging clangs, the famous knife ‘Withered Wood’ resisted the air kick of Lower Aini Road one by one.

Ainilu darted forward again, and took out the long brown stick inserted into the plank. The figure flew out a long distance in the air, holding the end of the long brown stick with both hands, and slashed towards the Shanks below. There was a heavy stick blow.

   "Hell falls!"

  Shanks hit with a high spirit, and raised the famous knife "Withered Wood", trying to block the attack of Anilu.


  A short impact sounded, and several blue veins burst out on Shanks’ forehead.

  His feet were slammed by Ainilu into the wooden board below, and two deep footprints were made abruptly, and the sound of the wooden board breaking constantly came.

   "Straw hat! Do you think it's just that? It's too early!"

  Anilu was unrelenting. With the help of the impact of the knife and stick, the earth-brown long stick raised a certain distance in the air, and the end of the stick traversed an arc trajectory, and once again blasted towards the Shanks below.

  Boom, boom! !

  Continuous collision sounds sounded.

  Looking like a madman, Aini Road continuously blasted fierce stick blows at the Shanks below, and the earth-brown long sticks almost waved out a series of light yellow light curtains in the air.

   Shanks was holding a famous knife, and although he successfully held Ainilu’s stick, his feet kept getting stuck on the giant wooden board below.

  The Shanks at this time, like a nail, was hammered into the plank by Ainilu one by one.

  This is no good!

  If you continue, you will pierce through the plank and fall into the sea.

  Shanks was hit by the majestic force of Anilu, his face flushed, his face flushed, his alcohol was already exhausted, and his mind returned to a state of clarity.

next moment.

Shanks’ pupils condensed, and the surging domineering look vented from him, and with a real impact, it hit Ainilu’s body, interrupting his combo for quite a while. attitude.

  At this time when there is no room for hair, Shanks seized the opportunity, holding the right arm of the famous knife "Wither Wood", burst out with all his strength, and forced Ainilu back briefly.

   Immediately after him, he walked out of the sunken plank and stepped on the flat surface again.

   "Huh! Overlord look and domineering..."

  Aini waved the long stick in his hand without worry on the road, and put it on the wooden board under his feet, making a bang.

  I have a talk, but I am actually quite envious.

  "Anilu, you are not a navy, not even a pirate, why do you have to chase me?"

  Shanks was not in a hurry to fight back, standing still, asking in a puzzled manner.

  Since I left Visalia on the small sky island a few years ago.

  Shanks spent a lot of time before returning to the West Sea from the great sea route, and began a normal life trajectory: adventuring all over the world, looking for crews, and forming a pirate group!

  As a pirate, he naturally has the consciousness of a pirate.

   was hunted down by the navy, that is justified.

  But why does Anilu have to come and hunt down their red-haired pirates!

   And after chasing, it is to chase the great route from the East China Sea!

  Looking at this posture right now, it is estimated that Ainilu is going to continue chasing Chambordian Islands, or even the New World.

  When did this guy come down from the sky island?


  Ainilu snorted again.

   "Straw hat kid! What did you do yourself, don’t you know?"


  A few question marks appeared above Shanks.

  What did I do to sorry you that caused you to want to take me back to Xiaokongdao so much?

  "Anilu, you..."

   "The master has not contacted me for more than half a year. He must be disappointed with my performance."

   Ainilu said unwillingly.

   "Whether it is you or Ms. Orbija today, I will take at least one back!"

  The voice fell.

  Ainilu’s legs suddenly turned into a pool of swamp mud.

  A dying red nose "grew" from his feet, and he stepped on his middle back.

   "Ah... I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

  The red nose raised his head and groaned, revealing the classic clown costume.


  (End of this chapter)

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