Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 352: The great changes in the country (this

  Chapter 352 The Great Change of the Kingdom of Japan (this chapter involves the latest content of Chapter 1024)

  Without hesitation, he glanced at the red historical text hidden here, and Adrian quietly withdrew from the whale forest.

   concealed his figure, went straight through the Zuowu border, and came to the edge area of ​​the main elephant’s back, pretending to have just arrived.

  At this time, Adrian stretched out his hand and gently tapped the case of the lead gray pocket watch, calling Rumi to let it release Love from the stronghold fortress.

   "Adrian Sama!"

  With a faint ripple, Love jumped out of the void with joy.

   Then she saw the extremely familiar scene around her, and her two crystal-clear eyes could not help but sparkle.

   Love raised his head and looked at Adrian excitedly, "Are we already in the furry principality?"


   Adrian smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to rub Love’s head.

  Whale Forest is a holy place for fur tribes, and foreigners are always forbidden to enter it.

  This is why Adrian just didn’t choose to release Love directly in the Whale Forest.

  In his opinion, it is better not to let the little fox entangle this trivial matter.


  Love cheered, and ran in the direction of Zuo hurriedly.

   Just two steps away, she seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and quickly turned back, took Adrian's hand, and ran to the familiar home together.

   "Adrian Sama! I will take you to see the furry principality!"

  There is a widely circulated saying in the sea. According to rumors, the fur tribe living behind the elephant hates humans and even refuses to communicate with humans.

  In fact, this is just a misinformation.

  Along the way, Adrian found that the attitude of most fur tribes towards humans is not much different from that of other fur tribes.


  In the eyes of the fur tribe, ordinary humans are actually the same as the monkey fur tribe.

  A skinny and hairless monkey fur family.

  Probably so.

  Treatment of such a "visitor from a foreign country" like Adrian, the fur tribe of Zowu is not welcome, nor disgusted or disgusted, at most they are just a little curious.

   Coupled with Love's vowed guarantee, Adrian settled down in Zuow as a matter of course.

  Unconsciously, another short period of time passed.

  On this day, Adrian received a call from the phone worm.


   "Excuse me... His Royal Highness Shuangyue Kang's family?"


  "I would like to turn into a joke, for people to drink, nothing else. Nothing else to boil oil and hot soup, boiled and boiled, it tastes more!"



   "I am Mitsuki Mita!!"

  A young and unwilling shout wafted over the ghost island where the people of the country of Reiwa were shabby.

   Along with this constant shouting, bursting and spreading, there is also a terrifying and powerful sense of oppression.

   was only a fleeting moment, but it stunned all the low-level crews of the beasts and pirate group around them into a coma.

  Although this momentum is immature, and although it lasts for a short time, it is absolutely domineering and domineering!


  Kaido's low voice floated in the hall of the ghost island. He looked at his "son" and frowned slightly.

   "The overlord looks domineering, indeed has potential, worthy of my son..."

  Kaido has a voice.

  The next moment, he made an angry rush, and the raging roar shook the whole hall slightly.

   "But! If you continue to claim to be Mitsuki Mita, then go to death with that idiot together!!"

At this time, Yamato was just an eight-year-old Douding Lolita, her face with blue nose and swollen face, even the baby fat had not completely faded away, there were two small red horns on both sides of his forehead, and the end of a gorgeous white hair rendered into a shallow lake. Green, wearing the traditional costume of Wano country.

  The tired and hungry little Lolita was shocked by her father's brutality and tears, she couldn't say anything at all.

  The old father Kaido, who was wrapped in a lot of bandages, frowned tightly, and he couldn't do anything with his brain-dead "son".

be honest.

  Kaido can't figure out why Yamato is so fascinated by Mitsuki Mida's stupid guy!

  The king of the subjugated nation that will be lost even if the country has been guarded by the family for thousands of years.

  What is attractive about it?

  But Nianzai Yamato is still his "son" after all, plus the inherent kingship qualifications.

  Kaido still did not have the heart to kill his relatives righteously after all, but chose to imprison Yamato in the "Tian" cave on the ghost island to reflect and regret.

  "Yamato, I will give you the last month. If you still want to become Mitsuki Mita, let’s see if you can surrender the few ‘retainers’ here!"

  Kiduo carried his mace and no longer looked at his brain-dead "son". He looked at the remaining warriors in the ‘Tian’ cave with a cold and merciless voice.

   "The great swordsmen of the country of Wano, if you are willing to be my combat power, I will let you out!"

  Kaido has a turn.

   "But, I only need a qualified subordinate!"

  Kaido ordered his men to drop five swords and food for another person, and finally left the cave without mercy, and ordered the people to block the entrance of the ‘Tian’ cave with huge rocks.

  In the deep and lonely cave.

  The fear and panic in Yamato's heart grew uncontrollably and crazily.

  As a princess on the island of ghosts, she witnessed the torture of the kaaba a week ago and naturally understood who these three warriors were imprisoned in the cave at this time.

  They are all regional names in the country of Wano, and they have served the Guangyue clan together for thousands of years.

Headed by   , it is the name of the Linghou area, and the leading second-sword swordsman in the country of Wazumi-Shuangyue Niuwan!

  ‘If I let them know that I’m Kaido’s "son", I will definitely be killed...uh~"

   Yamato, like a small beast, made a low whimper.

  Shuangyue Niu Wan with a bandage on his head held a knife, propped up his body from the ground, and walked to the embarrassed little girl.

  He bent down, and handed the only serving plate to the little girl.


   Yamato raised his head dimly with tears, and looked at the samurai.

  The grace of a meal.

  Life, don’t forget!


  When Adrian rushed from Zou to the country of Wano, it was already a few days later.

  Through the information obtained from the phone worm, Adrian took a lot of effort to finally find the Shuangyue Kang's family hiding here in the Jiuli area.

  Not seen for a while, Shuangyue Kang's family looked like they were dozens of years old, and even his back was crippled a lot.

  After some exchanges, Adrian also understood the current situation of Wano Country.

  At this time, it has been a little half a month since Guangyue Mitian was tortured for kettle cooking.

in conclusion.

  The country of harmony has undergone tremendous changes.

  Kaido and Black Charcoal Orochi formally reached the rule of the whole territory of the country of Wano.

  The digits of the Nine Knights of the Scarlet Sheath have taken Guangyue Momanosuke to go twenty years later.

  Guangyue Mitian and Guangyue Shi all died, and only some of the retainers of the Guangyue forces are still lingering.

  The reason why Shuangyue Kang's family asked Adrian to come here was not because he wanted this Mr. Momoa to help the Guangyue forces regain their country.

   "These children are from the blood of the Shuangyue, Fengyue, and Yuyue families..."

  Shuangyue Kang's family fell on all fours and directly gave the earth a big gift, and said sincerely.

  "In the face of Xia Wuyan and facing the ancestors, I only hope that Mr. Momoa can take all these children overseas, and don't let them suffer the harm of black charcoal and beasts!"

    To be honest, I did not understand Kaido's operation in Chapter 1024.

     On the one hand, he said that he did not want to kill Yamato, on the other hand, he shut Yamato and the three great swordsmen of the country together, and only put a meal.

     I personally feel a sense of "Liu Bei throws A Dou".

     is to use the life of Yamato to buy the loyalty of the great swordsman of the country of Wano.

     Later, we also knew that Yamato was not dead, and he continued to hold high against his father. On the other hand, the great swordsman of the country of Japan was completely destroyed. It was almost...

     In this wave of operations, Kaido is completely like a nasty critic, and a goal has not been achieved.

     But since it is the autograph of the old thief Oda...

     is not easy to change.



  (End of this chapter)

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