Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 350: 【Polisher】

  Chapter 350【Mr. Scholar】

  The wind is howling and the rain is pouring.

The   Underworld undulates among the waves and peaks one after another, and the pouring rain crackles and slams against the bubble film of the Alqimangrove on the outside of the pale blue hull, knocking out a dense circle of ripples.

   Adrian stood on the deck with a calm expression, looking at the surrounding sea environment, holding the handle of a black umbrella in his hand, and the tip of the umbrella tapping the deck rhythmically, making a "beep" sound.

  "It's really bad weather, Winter Island, Baltimore..."

  A ray of red light flashed in his pupils, and Adrian stopped his movements and looked up at a gloomy sky.

  I don’t know when it will start. In the heavy rain, there are more hard and fine white ice particles, which fall along with the raindrops, which are all raindrops that have been frozen in the sky by the cold weather of Winter Island.

  About half an hour later, accompanied by the Underworld, it kept approaching Baltimore.

  The original downpour has slowly turned into a blizzard.

  The sail adjusted itself strangely, and the Mingyuan stopped in a heavy snow.

   "Oh! Adrian!"

  Rumi's crisp shout came from the direction of the rudder.

   "The Underworld is not equipped with special ice-breaking facilities, and there is no way to go deep into Baltimore, so it can only stop here for the first time!"

  Winter Island, Baltimore, where the Kingdom of the Future is located, also has another alias—the Kingdom of Ice and Snow.

  Ordinary ships can't even successfully cross the extremely cold ice region around Baltimore. Only a solid icebreaker can break the thick ice floating above the sea.

  In addition to that deep layer of ice, there are even a large number of giant icebergs in the waters around Baltimore, making it more difficult for ships to navigate.

   "I see, Rumi, take the Mingyuan into the Fortress of Jiancheng."

   Adrian waved his hand.

   "Love, do you want to go to the island with me?"


   Love replied happily.

  Balkimoa has a cold climate. For ordinary people, the living environment here is extremely harsh.

  But don’t forget, Love is a girl from the Arctic fox fur tribe, with an inherent cold-resistant physique.

  The cold climate of Winter Island, Baltimore, seemed to her like a fish in water.

  Waiting for Rumi to put the Hades into the castle, Adrian took the little fox's waist, crossed the extremely cold icebergs all over the surrounding sea, and flew directly to the main island of Baltimore.

  As for the Thunder Lion, the wildness is still in place, so it is not easy to bring it out casually.

  Except for daily animal training, most of the time, thunder lion was placed in a separate space in Jiancheng Fortress by Rumi alone.

  Not long after.

  According to the secret address given by Moen Isaac the Jr. a few months ago, Adrian took Love to a building complex that resembled a steel fortress.

   "The houses here look so strange..."

  Lover stepped on the soft snow, moving her eyes to look around.

   "Who made this the kingdom of the'future'?"

  Adrian stretched out his hand and stroked Love’s furry head.

   "We will spend the next month or two here, and we will wait until we get used to it."

   Facing Adrian’s visit, Jr. Moen Isaac looked very surprised.

  The scientist really did not expect that Bai Youling would come to the Future Kingdom to learn knowledge, even if the other party did borrow a lot of books and materials from him some time ago.

   "Mr. Moen, long time no see."

  Adrian smiled and said hello.

   "Okay, long time no see."

  Because of excessive surprise, Jr. Moen Isaac stammered when he spoke.

   Adrian said politely: "In the next period of time, I will need to trouble Mr. Moen."

"haha, it's okay!"

  Little Moen Isaac smiled heartily, concealing his surprise just now.

   "As long as you don't dislike knowledge, no scientist will refuse a true seeker."

  The two sides communicate briefly.

  Little Moen Isaac was surprised again.

  White Ghost's mastery of oceanographic knowledge completely exceeded his expectations.

  It is very obvious from the communication process that the other party has definitely read all the books and materials previously borrowed several times.

  It may not be possible to fully understand it, but at least I have a deep understanding!

  I thought this was the limit that Bai Youling could make.

  But Adrian's performance in the next period of time once again refreshed the little Moen Isaac's knowledge of the pirates.

  Only one month has passed.

   Adrian successfully passed the Oceanographic Doctoral Examination of the Standard Difficulty of the Future Kingdom.

in short.

  In terms of oceanography, Moen Isaac, Jr., apart from his qualifications, has nothing to beat the opponent.

  Different from O'Hara’s gold badge identification certificate for historians, the future kingdom’s certificate for the doctorate degree is a relatively simple blue certificate.

  Little Moen Isaac praised while handing over the blue certificate in his hand to Adrian.

   "Adrian, you are really a genius!"


   Adrian took the certificate, and at the same time glanced at the little Moen Isaac with some speechlessness.

  This compliment is not very interesting...

  Passed the Oceanography Doctoral Examination of the Future Kingdom, this time Adrian's main purpose of coming to Baltimore has been fully achieved.

  Although I know that Dr. Vegapunk who claims to have "500 years of wisdom beyond the world", he has left a lot of knowledge about mechanical transformation in Baltimore.

  But Adrian doesn't have much interest in mechanics, so naturally he doesn't bother to look for Dr. Bergapunk's legacy manuscripts.

  Obtained the status of Doctor of Oceanography, Adrian accepted the invitation of Dr. Mohn Isaac Jr. to participate in a large-scale celebration banquet. At the same time, he met many scientists in the future kingdom.

  After that, Adrian bid farewell to the future kingdom in the paradise stage and set off for the new world on the other side of the red earth continent.

  The sky is far away, this time Adrian did not continue to let Rumi control the Underworld, and gradually sailed to the new world.

   Instead, he took the life card provided by Love, and directly used the method of flying to find the position of the Lord Elephant and the Zou behind it.

   Flew to the feet of the elephant's feet that pierced the sky, Adrian raised his head and looked at the giant elephant's body hidden behind the clouds.

  It’s hard to imagine that what the Lord has committed [major crime] will be punished for a hundred years, walking on the sea uninterruptedly.

  What’s even more incredible is that the Lord himself does not mean to resist!

   shook his head, Adrian converged and flew directly to the furry Principality behind the Lord Elephant. Through the domineering and domineering experience covering the entire island, he successfully found the red historical text hidden in the whale forest.

  After reading through the road sign information recorded in the red historical text, the panel prompt finally appeared.

  【You have completed the job upgrade task【Mr. Scholar】! 】

  【You get a new job-【Polisher】, your vigor is greatly improved, your intelligence is +10, you get 5 free attribute points, and you get 1 skill point! 】

  [You gain expertise-[Rational analysis]! 】

  [[Rational Analysis]-Specialty: Analyze the demon abilities used by the opponent, and understand its good effects and shortcomings. 】

    Thank you very much "CMG Chen Ming" for the reward of 100 starting coins! !



  (End of this chapter)

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