Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 347: The last chance to surrender (second more)

  Chapter 347 The Last Chance of Surrender (second more)

  The bright moon hanging in the sky also hides countless secrets.

  About the origin of civilization, about ethnic changes, about the history of the sea...

   is scattered and varied.

  Anyway, Adrian knows many different speculations about the moon, but they have not been confirmed.

  Moreover, the old thief Oda hides the setting about the moon very strictly, and even gives people a degree of "Did he forget this setting".

  At present, Adrian knows several pieces of information about the moon, except that the moon is the "infinite land", the hometown of the inhabitants of the sky island.

   also includes the fur clan of Zowu who will transform into shape when bathing in full moon moonlight;

  The small robot made by Dr. Yuejian, the **** technology leader, once landed on the moon;

  There is also a piece of suspected intelligence, it is several "X Moon Clan" of Wano Country.

   means: light moon, frost moon, wind moon, rainy moon.

  Except for "Black Charcoal" which is really strange, the surnames of the other big families in Wazuki are all related to [月] without exception.

  Adrian thought he would be able to obtain more secret information about the moon from the manuscript that Ainilu picked up.

  But unfortunately, the mention of "infinite land" in these manuscripts is more based on guesswork.

  In short, even the author of the manuscript can only confirm that there is such a place in the world as "infinite land", and can also travel by driving a boat.

  The rest of the content is some beautiful fantasy about the infinite land.

  For example, what endless soil resources, endless fruit and food, etc.

  Originally, the title of the sky island residents for the moon has already well reflected their expectations for the moon.

  Infinite land!

  The boundless and boundless muddy land!

   After a few rough glances at the manuscripts next to him, Adrian gradually lost his interest and turned his attention to the semi-finished weird wooden ship on the table.

  ‘This should be the [Ark Proverbs] that Ainilu will create through the fruit of thunder in the future, right? ’

  Adrian took a close look at the semi-finished ship, which still appears to be inferiorly manufactured.

  ‘The motto of the Ark powered by electricity can set foot on the moon...’

  ‘The little robot can land on the moon by holding a balloon...’

  ‘This way, is it reasonable for me to use ghosting to fly to the moon? ’

  Anilu put down the manuscript with excitement, looked at Adrian excitedly, and shook the manuscript paper.

  "Master! Infinite Earth! This is the message of Infinite Earth!"

   Adrian said plainly: "I know."

  "Master, how can you... By the way, master, you are not from Sky Island."

  At this time, Ainilu’s expression looked like a bitter paparazzi who had just discovered the super invincible big news, but could not be shared, and his face was full of sad expressions.

   "The Moon..."

   Adrian just uttered two words and suddenly realized one thing.

  The Moon of One Piece and the Moon of the original world may not be the same kind of existence. At least from the information revealed in the original work, Anilu does not need to breathe oxygen to log on to the moon.

  Of course, this may also be related to the fact that he is already a “thunder man”.

  Anyway, most of the scientific principles of the original world can’t be applied to this sea where magical conditions frequently appear.

  Thinking of this, Adrian turned his head.

  "When you develop the marsh fruit to a certain level, maybe you can create a small "infinite land" on the sky island?"

  The expression on Ainilu's face stagnated for a moment.

   Immediately his face flushed with excitement at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the light rising in his two eyes was like two small flaming fireballs!


   "You are definitely not lying to me this time!!"

  Adrian couldn't help biting his posterior molar.

  The little long-eared thief seems to have a very peculiar immune effect to [Dahuawang] BUFF.

  If you do not believe it, you will be directly judged as a lie; if you half believe it or not, you will be directly judged as a lie.

  On the contrary, what is beneficial to him will be immediately recognized as the truth.

  There is nothing to say.

  Without giving Anilu a chance to perform, Adrian directly called Rumi to use his ability to collect all the items in this room into the fortress of Jiancheng.

  For Adrian, the most valuable thing in this room is naturally the "fruit of thunder."

  But the rest of the items in the room also have extraordinary significance and value.

  At least that is the "Ark Proverbs".

  Pure electric powered aircraft——

  No, this can't be called a "aircraft", it should be called a "spacecraft"!

  In the spirit of "what if it's useful".

   Adrian simply packs up all the items in this room.

  After half an hour.

  Adrian and Ainilu returned to the small island of Visalia.

   Randomly found a reason, sent Anilu away, let him explore the ability of the marsh fruit on his own.

  Adrian has an illusory figure and directly enters Rumi’s strong city fortress, and comes to a room dedicated to storing devil fruits.

  The thing he needs to consider at this time is whether to use the priceless [Devil Fruit Fusion Card] on the Thunder Fruit!

  In fact, a long time ago, Adrian had a general idea about the direction of the [Devil Fruit Fusion Card].

  Natural Devil Fruit is actually beyond Adrian's consideration!

The power of   Natural Devil Fruit is its elemental body that is immune to ordinary attacks, the second is its wide range of attacks, and the third is the additional abilities possessed by specific elements.

  The only thing that really deserves Adrian's attention is the third item.

  The elementalization and lightning attack of Thunder Fruit is basically useless for Adrian.

  The former is directly crushed by the [phantom body], as for the latter, ghost energy and spiritual pressure can be completely replaced.

  The accompanying abilities of the lightning element include, but are not limited to, "perception enhancement", "electric shock therapy", "electromagnetic conversion" and so on.

   is indeed a versatile and extremely powerful natural fruit!

  But unfortunately, Adrian does not need it.


  Take a sigh of relief. After making a decision, Adrian will inevitably feel relieved.

be honest.

  The fruit of thunder is in front of you, and at the same time, he is facing the temptation of those with double fruit ability.

  This kind of attraction is really not easy to resist.

  But a decision has been made, and Adrian will not regret it.

  The next moment, he called Rumi and asked it to help bring another guest from the Fortress of Jiancheng.

  Is the golden lion history in the state of soul!

  This time to come.

  Adrian has always imprisoned the soul of the golden lion Shiji in the fortress of Jiancheng, hoping to use this method to wipe out the arrogance of this unruly golden lion.

  Have not seen for a while, the state of Golden Lion Shiji does seem to be a lot weaker.

  The soul body, which has not been replenished for a long time, even has a somewhat transparent color.

  The golden lion raised his eyelids and let out a low laugh, "Jie ha ha ha ha... Bai Youling, what can you do with the old man?"

  Adrian raised his palm, revealing the thunderous fruit whose skin is covered with lightning patterns.

  "This is your last chance to surrender."

    Thank you very much "Book Friends 20200214190450897" for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

     is down...

     is really sluggish...



  (End of this chapter)

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