Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 345: Too grassy (fourth more)

  Chapter 345 is too grassy (fourth more)

  Although I don’t understand the words that Adrian described about the direction of the follow-up ability development of Marsh Fruit.

  But Ainilu knows that the master is not a person who likes aimlessness, and does his best to imprint every sentence and every key word that Adrian said into his mind.

  "First, second...swamp space..."

  After a long time, Ainilu, who consciously didn't have any omissions, slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

  I thought that the master had already left early, but he did not expect that when he opened his eyes, Adrian was still standing in place, and did not just leave him as usual.

  "Master, is there anything else?"

  Anilu rubbed the slightly hot brain, quite a fever of over-loading the brain.

   "In fact, it is not a very important thing."

   Adrian touched his chin, and looked up and down Ainilu who had already taken the marsh fruit.

   "The first thing is to see your progress in the development of the Swamp Fruit ability."

  Wait for Ainilu to answer, Adrian said directly.

   "Of course, it is only a short time before you eat the marsh fruit. Coupled with my just-packing education, I guess you don't have the ability to be familiar with marsh fruit. Just explore it by yourself in the next few days."

  Hearing this, Ainilu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  If the master really wants to test his ability and progress at this time, it is estimated that he will only have to show the most basic elementalization and try the swamp assimilation and swamp absorption ability.

  Anilu asked, "What about the second one?"

   "I want to find you to experiment with one of my abilities."

   Adrian put the demon sword and ghost aside, and stretched out his hand to explore the void again.

  With a burst of invisible ripples, he took out a thick and large book from the fortress of Jiancheng, which is the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book".

  To be precise, it is the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book" that records the "Picture of Thunder Fruit"!

  In the past two months, Adrian, who returned to Visalia on the small sky island, has also used [The Bizarre Adventure of Gold] more than once to try to confirm the specific location information of the Thunder Fruit, but he still found nothing.

  Not only that, but also less and less effective information screens.

   Adrian has a hunch in his heart that if you repeatedly use [Golden Adventures] on specific items, the effective information that can be obtained will only become less and less.

  But at this time, Ainilu, who is the "original" thunder fruit ability, has taken the swamp fruit and became a "swamp man".

  This also means that Ainilu has already embarked on a completely different route from the original.

  At least in terms of fruit ability!

  Does that mean that the thunderous fruit that originally belonged to Anilu’s "mandate of heaven" is also waiting for a new host to arrive at this time?

  Anyway, the ability of [Golden's Bizarre Adventure] has always been completely luck, and Adrian doesn't care about more metaphysical experiments.

  Furthermore, he has done all things like using Shanks’ aura to perform devil fruit rebirth experiments.

  Not to mention the use of Anilu’s face to try to test the position of the thunder fruit at this time.

   Adrian handed out the book in his hand.

  ""Devil Fruits Illustrated Book"?" Ainilu took the tome with both hands, looked down at the cover, and then wondered, "Does the master want me to read more?"

  "Well! This is undeniable. After all, the development of capabilities is indeed inseparable from knowledge."

  Adrian smacked his lips.

   "But I'm looking for you now, but I don't want you to read. Open the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book", look for the page that records the "Sounding Thunder Fruit" through the catalog, and then press your hand on it."

  Anilu repeated the operation described by Adrian, "Then what?"

   "Just keep quiet."

  Adrian stretched out his index finger and pressed it on the page, silently turning on his abilities.

  [You use the skill [Golden Bizarre Adventure] on [Sounding Thunder Fruit·Image]! 】

  【You have the following information...】

  Adrian only felt that the foreground of the eyes suddenly collapsed and turned into fragments of light and shadow.

  After a while, his gaze continuously changed angles, zoomed in and out, as if he was looking back in a bizarre time and space, and the colorful light and shadow fragments instantly combined in front of his eyes to regenerate a picture.

  This is a simple and quiet city, with gorgeous buildings covered with precious gold. Under the scouring of the long river, it appears broken and decayed. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the whole city is shrouded in a bright golden light.

  "This is...Golden Township?!"

   Adrian's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the city picture reflected in his pupils in disbelief. This scene is clearly the same as the "Golden Country" he encountered when he first landed on the sky island!

  Suddenly, the light and shadow in front of him changed again, and Adrian's perspective returned to the small island of Visalia.

  In front of him, Ainilu closed his eyes slightly, and was reciting in a low voice some teachings about the follow-up development of Swamp Fruit that he had just been taught.

   "Is it out now?"

  Adrian looked at the little long-eared thief for a while, then looked at the sky speechlessly.

  "Or to find the original fruit ability person, and then bring him/her with him, use [Golden Bizarre Adventure], will you get a special accuracy bonus?"

  Slowly tap the knuckles on the pages of the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book", making a few slight beeps.

  The sound made by Adrian called Ainilu back to God, who was immersed in the recitation.


  "Go to a place with me now."

  The voice fell, and a faint light whip flashing with faint light condensed in the palm of Adrian's palm, and Anilu was bound together.

  Ainil had a bitter expression. This familiar binding technique reminded him of an unpleasant memory in an instant.

  About the courage training of "hanging flight"...

  "Master! Where are we going?"

  Adrian flew above the sky island in a leisurely manner, and Ainilu, dragged below, yelled hoarsely.

   "Golden City, Shandora."

  I originally thought that the location of the Thunder Fruit would be in a special location of Bika, or it would be in an unknown area around Bika. After all, this is also in line with the previous activity area of ​​Aini Road.

  But I didn’t expect it would be in the golden city of Sandora!

Under the extremely fast flight of the ghost body, Adrian quickly took Ainilu to the Golden Country, and combined with the scattered intelligence capabilities previously collected through the [Golden Bizarre Adventure], in the Golden Country Somewhere in a remote palace, I found an ordinary dark room full of dust.

  "Master, what is this place?"

   "A treasure room where the secret treasures of the peerless sea are hidden."

  "Master's mouth, deceitful ghost!"

  (End of this chapter)

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