Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 343: The choice of the second "God"! (Second more)

  The second "God" choice in Chapter 343! (Second more)

  Taking a devil fruit is the fastest way to increase strength on this sea, almost none of them.

  And synthesize the performance of Ainilu in the original work.

  Except for the unique "heart net" (seeing and hearing color), the vast majority of his strengths are all supported by the "sounding thunder fruits" that dominate the sea.

  Even the high popularity of Ainilu has nothing to do with the powerful and unparalleled natural series·Thunder Fruit!

  After all, the power and versatility of the Thunder are almost well-known.

  But unfortunately.

  Sound Thunder Fruit meets Rubber Fruit.

  And it’s even more exaggerated.

  Meet the rubber fruit with the level of "insulation concept"...

  The aura of the Son of Destiny, coupled with the fruit restraint of the ability of natural enemies.

  Anilu, the **** of the sky island and the **** of thunder, just led the exit box lunch.

   Now I need to lower Aini Road to the sea, and grab the man with the legendary overlord-like luck-Bucky, and still grab Shanks.

  Naturally, Adrian will not be mean to use the many devil fruits he possesses to cultivate the cheap apprentice Anilu.

  Even if Anilu awakens on its own, the two-color domineering, talent is not low.

   However, it is still inferior to Shanks’ golden leek, which has the "advanced lucky halo".

  If you want to reinforce it, you can only open it.

  Taking Devil Fruit, although there will be an additional weakness of "fear of the sea", in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

  Otherwise, those with Devil Fruit ability will not be envied by so many people.

  Unfortunately, Adrian has not found the fruit of the thunder.

  Although I have been using [Golden Bizarre Adventure], plus [divination], multiple methods combined to find the location information of the thunder fruit, but ultimately nothing.

  Otherwise, the "sounding thunder fruit" that belonged to Anilu's destiny would definitely be able to maximize the strength of this little long-eared thief.

  In contrast, in the original work, Ainilu’s development of fruit abilities is quite strong!

  Now, I have to provide one of the many devil fruits in stock to Ainilu for use.

  Of course, this is still based on the premise that Anilu is willing to take Devil Fruit.

  If Anilu, like Shanks, voluntarily refuses the Devil Fruit, then Adrian will not force him to give him one.

   "Devil fruit?"

  Anilu looked at Adrian with some doubts.

   "It's the kind of wonderful ability that Master and Robin have, like manipulating ghosts or growing arms?"

  As a native of Sky Island, Anilu doesn’t know much about Devil Fruit.

  Adrian introduced the basics of the Devil Fruit to Ainilu, while taking out all the Devil Fruit inventory he possessed from Rumi’s Fortified Fortress and placing it on the clean grass in front of the two of them.

  Anilu looked at the six devil fruits of various shapes neatly placed in front of him, and for a while, his face turned awkward.

  In all fairness.

  Anilu does not have any idea of ​​refusing to take Devil Fruit.

  Not to mention that his "master" is an extremely powerful person with devil fruit ability.

  What's more, the devil fruits with distinctive capabilities provided by Adrian are basically non-junk goods.

  As long as you take it, you can almost get an immediate improvement in strength!

  This is a fatal temptation that is impossible to refuse for Ainilu, who is already extremely striving for strength!

  But the problem is that Ainilu doesn’t know which devil fruit to choose.

  "Master, which one do you think I should choose?"

  When the apprentice encountered trouble, he naturally had to ask the teacher for help. Ainilu asked the question quite naturally.

  Adrian stretched out his hand, picked them up, and rearranged the six devil fruits in front of them.

  Swordfish fruit and squeezed fruit are placed in the last column.

  The paste fruit is placed in the third column.

  Hot-hot fruit and Piaopiao fruit are tied together in the second column.

  The one standing at the top is the natural marsh fruit!

   "The fourth column basically doesn't need to be looked at, it doesn't match your current strength direction at all."

   Adrian is concise.

   "The paste fruit is not bad, but the upper limit is very obvious, not very recommended."

  "Piaopiao Fruit is highly mobile, and Hot Fruit has high attack power."

"These two Superman Devil Fruits are very obvious for the increase in immediate combat power, but the upper limit of the latter's ability will be higher. I think that after the Piaopiao Fruit reaches a certain strength limit, it will gradually become an auxiliary ability. ."

   "The last fruit of the swamp, for other people on the sea, is quite tasteless, but for the island, this fruit may have extraordinary significance."

   Adrian's tone pauses slightly, and he organizes the words well.

   "I originally planned to place the marsh fruit in the last column, but considering your origin, Anilu finally put it in the first column."

  Ainil was puzzled and listened to Adrian silently.

  "As far as basic abilities are concerned, the natural elements are all natural objects that can transform themselves into a state that is immune to ordinary physical attacks."

   Adrian said.

   "At this point, the marsh fruit is not an advantage among many natural systems, and even the visual effect is very, well, not satisfactory."

  "But the marsh fruit is stronger." Adrian asked suddenly, "Do you know what Anilu is?"

   "Swamp? I can't imagine how powerful it is." Ainilu scratched his explosive head and said in confusion.

   "It lies in the land."

   Adrian gives the answer.

  "Swamp fruit can turn the body of the capable person into liquid mud, and it can also change the surrounding environment to make it swamp.

  "If you have just listened carefully to my introduction about natural devil fruits, you will know that when natural fruits are developed to a certain extent, they can transform the environment forever!"

  The voice fell.

An incomparably bright light burst out of Ainilu's eyes.

   "That is to say..."

  Anilu spoke with excitement, shocked in her heart, and stammered a bit when she spoke.

   "For example, if I eat the marsh fruit, can I bring a steady stream of soil resources to the empty island?!"

   "Yes! That's it!"

   Adrian said with a smile.

"If one day, Aini Road, you develop the marsh fruit to an extremely high level, you will be able to continuously create permanent marsh wetlands by consuming your own energy. Even the entire empty island can be completely transformed into mud. The island is not impossible!"

  The scene about the future described by Adrian completely moved Ainilu's heart.

  As a junior who is committed to becoming a "god", Ainilu's attitude towards the people of Sky Island is very complicated.

  On the one hand, he hates those stupid sky island residents who brought him a tragic past.

  On the other hand, he wants to gain the approval of the people of Sky Island.

   And right now, this precious opportunity seems to be right in front of him?

  Swamp fruit = permanent mud wetland = supreme empty island status!

  This equation comes to mind.

  Anilu could not help but fall into a wonderful fantasy about the future.

  "Master! I have decided!"

  Ainilu is full of spirits and his expression is excited.

   "I want this marsh fruit!"

  (End of this chapter)

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