Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 337: 【Yuyun】

  Chapter 337【Running the Clouds】

  Looking in the direction of the main island of the country of Wano, the group of sailing boats about to go out to sea were tossed by the squally wind and waves, and wailing and exclaiming one after another.

   Adrian's expression eased, and slowly turned into apathy.

  Ghost Island is adjacent to Wano Country.

  The fighting momentum between Adrian and the four pillars of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has been going on for a long time, and it has long been noticed by the two forces in the land of Hezhi.

  Not to mention the fantasy beast Qinglong that resembles myths and legends, almost everyone in the territory of the country knows, no one knows.

But whether it is the Guangyue Mitian and the Chisao Nine Heroes representing the Guangyue side, or the Black Charcoal Orochi, who represents the black charcoal side, none of them have the ability to fly long-range. If you want to investigate the ghost island battle, you can only Wangyang sighed, helpless.

  The aftermath of the terrible aftermath of the fallen dragon falling into the sea, pushed the sailing fleet dispatched by the country of Wazaki back to the coast of the island, and it is estimated that the ghost island will not be able to come again in a short time.

   "The exploratory forces of Guangyue and Heitan have all been beaten back, and they can no longer do anything to the Hundred Beast Pirates."

   "If you count this way, I should be the benefactor of the Pirates of Beasts, right?"

  "Kaido should thank me, right?"

   Adrian touched his chin, and this thought came to mind inexplicably.

  He had no intention of intervening in the affairs between the Beast Pirate Group and the Kingdom of Won.

  Have a lord like Guangyue, and will not hesitate to continue to follow the people of Wano country of the Guangyue clan.

  No matter where this country has fallen, it can be regarded as their own responsibility.

   "Huh? But it seems to be fighting with Kaido, it can be regarded as an indirect sale of Guangyue Mitian and the others?"

  From the perspective of the forces of Guangyue, they have an old self with the Frostmoon family, and actively fight with the governor of the Beast Pirate Group and the three signboards. It is a hard work and can be called a friend of Guangyue!

   "Forget it, let's not think about these trivial things!"

   Adrian shook his head, leaving behind the trivial things.

  Not to mention that he doesn’t care about the goodwill of Mitsuki Mita and the people of Wano country at all.

  What's more, after about a year or two, almost all the members of the forces on the side of Guangyue Mitian rushed to the street, and this degree of favorability was useless.

  After sorting out his mood for a while, Adrian dashed and flew away without any delay, and flew towards the outside of Hezhi.


  The waters around the country of Wano.

  Mingyuan was released from the Fortress of Jiancheng by Rumi's ability to ride the wind and waves on the rough sea.

   While resting in the cabin, Adrian quietly sorted out the harvest of this challenge to Kaido.

  [A-level random mission [Ghost Island Dragon] has been completed, you have gained 1 billion experience points]

  [You get a reward: randomly draw an enemy’s skill or expertise]

  [Hint: Due to the large difference in size and abilities between the host and the beast Kaido, some of the extractable skills have been automatically adjusted for their effects]

  【Randomizing...Drawing completed】

  【Please choose one of the following five abilities as a reward:】

   [1: [Overlord color and domineering]-Skill: Omitted]

  [2: [Ming Di]-Skill: Wrap an armed domineering force on a mace, after a short period of charge, swing a sword-like "stick", attack the opponent with a long-range bludgeon]

  [3: [Running the Cloud]-Skill: Condensate the water vapor molecules in the surrounding air and shape them into clouds]

   [4: [Undead Fighting]-Specialty: Endurance +15%, Intelligence-100, Lucky -18]

   [5: [Steel Skin]-Specialty: Physical and Energy Resistance +30%]

   "I go! I know that whether it is an A-level challenge task or an S-level challenge task, as long as the support time is long enough, or the potential performance score is full, there is a chance to obtain better ability options!"

   "If you just finish the task while wiping for half an hour, then it's all God's will to eat with your face!"

   "Two specialties, three skills, based on my lucky value, it can really be considered a burst!"

  Excited Adrian immediately looked at the panel ability options.

  The first domineering overlord was directly ruled out.

  Since the killing of the Golden Lion Shiji, in these subsequent challenges, the overlord's domineering seems to have become a guarantee option.

   Regardless of whether it is an S-level or A-level challenge task, all will include the overlord color into the reward options.

  But how could Adrian choose!

  It’s just a pity to choose one out of five, but inexplicably it becomes one out of four...

  【Mingdi】Never consider it. This is one of the weapon moves of the Kaido Mace series. Adrian doesn't need it at all, and he can't make it.

  "[Undead Fighting]......"

   "As far as today’s performance is concerned, what kind of undead fight is Kaido!"

   "If I hadn't stopped in time, the king of beasts would just throw away his nest and run away!"

  Looking at the first specialty reward, Adrian instantly fell into a speechless state.

   "And the effect of Lucky-18, is it real..."

   "As far as my lucky value is, is there any room for it to drop?"

   "It's just the skill of a reckless man!"

   Adrian focused his attention on the remaining two ability choices, and immediately became a little confused.

   "Panel, why would I extract the ability of [Yuyun]?"

   Adrian calls the panel to ask questions.

  " Shouldn’t this be the ability that is exclusive to the Eudemon Species·Qinglong Fruit? Soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, calling the wind and calling the rain or something."

The    panel gives answers quite rarely.

  【Detected that the host possesses expertise -【Sensitive skin】! 】

  【Detected existence in the host taskbar-【Polish】! 】

  【The host has the potential to manipulate cloud energy! 】


  Adrian raised his brows and looked at the panel to answer.

  [Sensitive Skin] is an accompanying specialty of [Winners], able to perceive changes in humidity in the air.

  And among the three mission requirements of [Mr. Scholar], including the need to pass the Visalia Standard Difficulty Doctoral Examination in Meteorology.

  The combination of the two makes Adrian instantly think of a person.

  Nami from the Straw Hat Pirates!

   "So [Running the Clouds] is actually manipulating various cloud climates to form corresponding weather attacks? And..."

  Adrian fell into a state of thinking, recalling the bits and pieces of abilities shown by Nami in the original book.

   Soon, he made the final choice.

  【You get the skill【Yunyun】! 】

  The acquisition of skills is not as painful and unbearable as when acquiring specialties.

   Adrian just felt that the connection between him and the surrounding water vapor seemed to become more intimate.

  As if he was born with instinct, Adrian raised his right hand, gathered the surrounding water vapor molecules, and slowly condensed a white and lovely cloud above his palm.

  Along with the continuous concentration of water vapor, the color of the white cloud is also deepening, and finally it becomes a dark cloud rich in water vapor.

  Drips of water fell from the dark clouds.

   Then, a small handful of clean water was formed in Adrian's palm.

  About the amount of water for a cup of tea.

  "...This effect is not what I imagined!!"

    Fifth more.



  (End of this chapter)

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