Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 331: One more lesson for the young cutie

  Chapter 331 One more lesson for young cutie

  Ghost Island, the deepest part.

  From the bottom up, this is a daunting hill, with green bushes and thorn bushes covering the lower part of the hillside, and above it is a pile of messy and steep gray-brown huge rocks that point to the sky abruptly.

Between the rugged boulders and sharp ridges, there is a deep and lonely pit hidden. The air is filled with the smell of burning ashes. Most of the rocks in the line of sight are burnt to black, and the ground is covered with smoke. Broken burnt bones.

  Ghost Island, Dragon Nest!

  Step, step...

  The sound of collision between leather shoes and stone bricks sounded very crisp in this secluded nest, and the light poured in along the gradually brightening cave entrance, reflecting the body of the outsider into a blurry spot.


  In the lair, a tall figure with black hair and shawl put down the wine gourd with the word "天" imprinted on the side of his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and looked towards the entrance of the dragon's nest.

This is an extremely tall and burly man, with a pair of long horns like dragon horns on top of his head, a long black beard like dragon's beard on both sides of his upper lip, and only a large black feather cloak on his bare upper body. A lifelike dragon scale tattoo is painted on the left arm, and the lower body is wearing black leather pants.

   "Could it be that the only swordsman in Kōtsuki Mita in the country of Wano would dare to come to Ghost Island Dragon Nest to come to you?"

  At the entrance of the dragon's nest, Adrian looked peacefully into the depths of the cave.

  "It's been a long time, Kaido."

The beast Kaido threw away the wine gourd in his hand, picked up the huge and incomparable pitch-black mace and slowly stood up, staring at Adrian with fierce beast-like eyes, and the powerful pressure from him like a wild beast. His body escaped.

   "I don't know when there was such a powerful swordsman in Wano Country!"

  Beast Kaido's eyes condensed, and the terrifying aura formed a huge shock wave like substance, bursting out.

   "You are not Guangyue Mitian or Shuangyue Niuwan, who are you?"

  Kaido’s voice was slightly low, but it was full of momentum. Just the questioning sound of the censorship had already shaken the top of the dragon's nest to a large amount of dust.

  Adrian raised his finger unhurriedly, and his fingertips burst into a dazzling blue light.

   "Do you remember now, Kaido?"

  The light of nether energy will drive away the dim environment around the visitor, and at the same time illuminate the image of the visitor.

"Oh it's you!"

   Perceiving this extremely familiar faint blue energy, Kaido’s pupils shrank to extremes in an instant, and he danced a huge mace against his shoulders, and the tone of his original scrutiny instantly became unspeakably solemn.

   "White Ghost!"

The   Beast Pirate Group is different from other regions of Wano Country, which are closed and closed, and possesses a large number of intelligence channels to communicate with the outside world.

  As the governor of the Beast Pirate Group, Kaido is naturally well informed.

  Leave aside the other aspects for the time being, but the top powerhouses with superb strength in the sea will not be ignored by Kaido.

  The great pirate "White Ghost" who has risen like a comet in recent years will of course be within Kaido's observation range.

  He had originally imagined that he could pull the white ghost into the group of beasts and pirates!

  Even if it is not an animal type ability person.

  But as long as the strength is strong enough!


"Oh it's you!!"

  Kaido repeated the words just now.

  The faint blue energy on Adrian’s fingertips instantly reminded Cutie of something not so good.

  About a year ago.

  Kai finished drinking a lot of small wine, and drank madly in the surrounding waters of Wano country as usual.

  Inexplicably, he encountered a fierce battle.

   and was hit directly into the sea abruptly!

  Kaido vaguely remembers that the person who fought with him was the white ghost.

  But the problem is...

  After defeating him, the White Ghost did not do anything to the other members of the Beast Pirate Group, nor did he hear any information about his activities in Wano Country.

  Even after that battle, the white ghost evaporates directly from the world.

  Later, I only heard that the other party went to IWC Totland to find the trouble of Charlotte Lingling's wife.

  At this time, Kaido wondered if the person who fought with him in the waters around the country of Wa was really a white ghost.

  Or maybe he had a terrible nightmare because of excessive drinking.

  After all, how can a pirate, after defeating the leader of the enemy pirate group, let the other members of the pirate group sadly let go? !

  But at this time, the nether energy that came out of Adrian's fingertips made Kaido wake up instantly.

  I had no dreams at the time!

  I was beaten up by this guy for no reason at the time!

  The white Thousand-Handed Buddha sitting in the sky at the end, and the faintly blue road swaying at will...

  The painful experience a year ago came to my heart, as if vividly.

  Kaido's eyes were red, and he fell directly into a state of anger.

His legs were slightly bent, and the whole person blasted over like a cannonball, his arms raised high, and the surface of the huge mace was instantly covered with a layer of dark and strong armed color domineering, carrying the awe-inspiring aura of shaking the mountain and shaking the mountain, and went straight to the white. The position of the ghost blasted away, and the opening and closing movements set off a whistling gust of wind inside the dragon's nest.

   "Thunder and gossip!"

A scarlet light flashed in Adrian’s eyes, and he did not rush to drew out the Demon Sword·Second Generation Ghost Toru from the void, the blade is also supplemented by the triple traits of the armed color domineering, and he is not timidly moving towards Kaido's mace greeted him.

  Boom! !

  The demon knife and the mace touched together, and a loud noise erupted in an instant. The surrounding air was instantly distorted, and the terrifying air explosion and shock waves rolled in all directions.

The broken scorched bones on the ground of this huge and deep dragon's nest instantly turned into powdery dust, the surrounding soil was tumbling, the rocks broke, and even the entire hill was shaken slightly by the huge force of the two collisions. stand up.

   Adrian quickly glanced at the panel, in addition to the A-level challenge task prompt, there is also a refreshed battle information.

  At this time, Kaido is one level higher than the white lion Guliang encountered in the sea area of ​​Ait Volo, and has reached the level of 100-level consummation.

  Only a small step away, you can successfully enter the 100th level!


  Adrian's right arm muscles bulge, and the power that was originally attached to Demon Sword Guito's body once again soars, and he forcibly knocks Kaido's huge mace into the top.


   Kaido in a state of anger, the mace with all his strength was hit and flew up, and he immediately fell into a state of shock.

  At this moment, Kaido felt that he seemed to be facing, it was Guangyue Mitian——


  White Ghost has not yet displayed his iconic fruit ability!

  Only relying on his infamous swordsmanship ability, he was faintly suppressed!

  What kind of monster is this? !

  Why come to Wano country again?

  Unbelievable Kaido waved his mace again and fought Bai Youling several times.

  Each collision between the demon knife and the mace will cause the ground and the air to tremble violently, and the shock waves visible to the naked eye frequently appear in the mid-air, blowing the robes of the two people into chaotic dance and hunting.

  锵——! !

  The Demon Sword Ghost Toru once again slashed the mace back a bit.

   Adrian stood calmly on the spot, with a slightly teasing tone.

   "Is there only this level of strength? Kaido, your growth rate is a bit disappointing!"

  If there is only such a level.

  Teacher Adrian, we are going to teach the young Kaido another lesson!

   Thank you very much for the reward of 100 starting coins from "Tian Xian Wu Ji Tian Zun"! !



  (End of this chapter)

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