Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 317: Empty island unloading

  Chapter 317 Empty Island Unloading

  Don't look at Adrian being able to easily suppress two CP0 top agents.

  In the data information on the panel, Stuty and Hugh Kitt are all 80th-level figures.

  Even though there is a certain strength gap between the two, they are in the same strength range.

  The respective abilities of the two parties have not reached the level that one party can forcefully suppress the other party.

  After a hard fight.

After all, Stutsy was still unable to repair Kitt’s iron defense that was almost at full level. He could only watch the opponent like a swollen chestnut ball, taking advantage of the dark night, successfully drifting. Fly, ascend to high altitude, and escape the range of San Pobla.

  After watching a scene of beautiful women fighting.

   Adrian also left contentedly.

  In his plan, Xiu Kitt was originally used to hold the ropes to Stucci.

  With this fellow traitor hiding in the dark.

  Presumably, the Queen of Happy Street will be more honest.

  Even if Xiu Kitt really fell in the hands of Stucci this time.

  Adrian will also use means secretly to help this Mr. Fluffy escape.

   Fortunately, Xiu Kitt's own strength and quality are barely excellent.

  Return to the Haunted Abyss on the coast of San Pobla.

  Adrian released the little Moen Isaac, who was already drunk, from the stronghold of Rumi, and placed him and Shanks in a room at will.

  Adrian also returned to his captain's room, and was speechless all night.

  Early the next morning.

The   Netherworld slowly drove away from the range of San Pobla Island.

   Sudden changes happened last night. Little Moen Isaac, who thought he would fall into the hands of the world government when he woke up, was very surprised to find that he had returned to the Underworld.

  After thinking for a moment, little Moen Isaac can only think of one reason.

  He was saved by Bai Youling!

   "Oh! Little Shanks, it seems that I am really not able to help this time, I can only hope you ask for more blessings."

  Little Moen Isaac sighed.

   "Uncle Moen, what are you talking about?"

  Shanks looked over curiously.


  Little Moen shook his head, not going to say these boring words to Shanks.

   "Where are you going now?"

  Shanks said: "According to Rumi, Adrian meant that the Underworld temporarily changed its course and will send you back to the future kingdom, Uncle Moen first."

  Little Moen's expression was a bit clear.

  He has no combat effectiveness, and he naturally understands what Adrian means.

   is nothing more than worrying about what accidents he will encounter on the road, leading to deep depression, or other more terrifying results.

   "It seems that I have to toast Adrian a few more drinks today!"

  "Stop it." Shanks said grimly, "I am the only one who can drink on this boat except you, Uncle Moen!"

  The two talked for a while.

   Suddenly remembering something, Shanks' expression suddenly changed, and he quickly grabbed his precious and precious sword "Dead Wood", ready to look for Rumi, and then reported to Master Golden Lion to begin his swordsmanship practice today.

   "Huh? How do I feel that Little Shanks' sword seems to be familiar?"

  Little Moen Isaac rubbed his big nose with some doubts, and looked at Shanks's disappearing back in puzzlement.

   "I always feel as if I have seen it somewhere. Where is it..."

  A few days later.

The   Netherworld successfully arrived at the island where the future kingdom is located. This is a winter island named "Balkimoa".

  In addition to some native residents, there are still a large number of half-organized half-flesh modified animals on the island of Baltimore.

  These modified animals are basically the random works of super scientist Begapunk before leaving the future kingdom.

  Since Vegapunk left, these mechanically modified creatures have not received any maintenance, but they are still alive and well, even surviving more than two decades later.

When Frankie was slapped by a bear and flew to the future kingdom, he encountered a non-hibernating semi-mechanical snake that violated the laws of biology.

   Adrian can only sigh.

  The black tech giants are awesome!

  Slightly visited the scene of the future kingdom.

Before bidding farewell to Little Moen Isaac, Adrian first borrowed a lot of books about oceanography from the "grand scientist", and then learned a lot about the future kingdom, especially about the doctoral exam. Aspect content.

Although Shanks was reluctant to say goodbye to Uncle Moen who hadn't seen him in years.

  But at this time they are not people on the same boat at all, each has its own life.

  After a farewell banquet.

  Netherworld once again sailed away from the sea surrounding the future kingdom.

   "What are we going to do next?"

  On the deck of the Dark Abyss, Shanks looked at the Winter Island Baltimore, which was about to disappear in the distance, with a trace of perseverance flashing in his eyes, and then asked Adrian.

   "No, Shanks, you may have misunderstood something."

   Adrian shook his head.

   "Next, I am going to act alone!"

  The purpose of bringing Shanks out of Xihai was to send this golden leek to Visalia on the small sky island, hoping that he could become a qualified security guard.

  If it is not to complete the task of [Wind Blessed], so that you have to sail for a while in the paradise stage.

  Adrian grabbed Shanks by the collar and took him to the small sky island Visalia!

  At this moment, the task of [Winner of the Wind] has been completed, and Adrian has no reason to continue with the oil bottle of Shanks.

  Golden leeks, go to Wanmikong Island to grow freely and brutally!

  I just happened to be able to accompany the little long-eared thief who was almost stocked!

   "Adrien, are you leaving?"

  Shanks asked seriously.

  At the same time, his right hand reached into the pocket of his trousers, and tightly pinched the thigh, for fear that he would laugh out loud.

   "Well, let me send you away first."

   Adrian nodded indifferently.

   "Send me, send me away?"

  Some dumbfounded Shanks didn't notice for a while, using too much force, he stammered and asked, as he resisted the pain.

  You said to send away, shouldn’t it be sent away like a golden lion...

   "Huh? Didn't I tell you before?"

   Adrian stroked his chin.

   "I still have a base on Xiaokongdao."

  Although I am very happy to be able to escape from Adrian's clutches, this does not mean that Shanks wants to live on a small sky island at an altitude of 10,000 meters!

  Even if Adrian puts him down here, it is better than throwing him directly to the sky island!

  Shanks is also looking forward to one day, returning to the world, summoning the crew!

  No opportunity for Shanks to refuse.

   Adrian called Rumi, let the small boat spirit directly load the Mingyuan and everyone inside into the fortress of the strong city.

  Then he took out the life card pointing to the small sky island Visalia, and after recognizing the direction for a while, his figure turned into a speeding shadow, swiftly walking through the air.

  Under the terrifying speed of the ghost body.

  After half a day.

   Adrian returned to the small sky island.

The two "passengers" Shanks and Dr. Moi were also released from the Fortress of Jiancheng by Rumi using the fruit power.

   "Doctor Moy, this will be your future residence."

  Adrian nodded slightly towards Dr. Moi.

   "Many, thank you Ge, Your Excellency!"

  Doctor Moy looked around, and was very satisfied with this quiet and peaceful island, and expressed his gratitude in a hurry.

   "As for you, Shanks."

   Adrian looked at Shanks.

  "Please grow up as soon as possible!"

   "Even if you don't need to say this kind of thing, I will know it!"

   Shanks said angrily.

   Adrian patted the second-generation straw hat boy on the shoulder, and then walked away.

  You can learn meteorology knowledge on Visalia Island to advance the task progress of [Mermaids].

  But Adrian can’t wait to advance as soon as possible!

  Extreme trial, the current progress is 950/1000!

  (End of this chapter)

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