Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 293: Healthy cultivation of golden leeks (first update)

  Chapter 293 The Healthy Cultivation of Golden Leek (first more)

   Once again with Miss Elizabeth to spend the night that was censored.

  Adrian feels that his idiom level and practical level have been greatly improved.

  The next morning.

  The long-awaited panel prompt finally appeared.

  【You get a new job-【Musician】, your vigor value will be improved, your charm will be +2, you will get 2 free attribute points, and you will get 1 skill point! 】

  "Are musicians just a secondary profession that simply increases the value of the charm attribute?"

  Looking at the detailed introduction of the new deputy occupation that was displayed on the panel, Adrian was unavoidably disappointed.

   "I originally expected that musicians could increase their intellectual attributes like doctors or navigators..."

   After sighing for a moment, no longer tangled.

  At the very least, you can get new sub-professions, and you can also get extra free attribute points!

   glanced at the large amount of experience points accumulated on the panel.

  Adrian instantly invested in the upgrade of [Musician] profession, and immediately raised it to the upper limit of the secondary profession.


  [Your new profession [Musician] is upgraded to LV10 (MAX), the vigor value is increased to a certain extent, the charm is +18, 18 free attribute points are obtained, and 9 skill points are obtained! 】

  Under the 5-point bonus of [Brave's Short Knife], Adrian’s charm attribute reaches 90 points.

  All the 20 free attribute points obtained by acquiring and upgrading [Musician] are all invested in intelligence attributes, raising it to 2044 points!

  In addition, the skill points have also been increased to 80 points.

   "Although the skill points are enough to raise a skill to the full level..."

  Adrian slid off his personal skill list and shook his head slowly.

   "But I still can't find the right skills to upgrade! There is no such thing as the armed color or the color characteristics that I want too much. Let's continue to accumulate!"

  [Musician] did not acquire any new skills or expertise.

  This may be due to the fact that musicians are not of much value in the judgment of the panel.

  There is nothing wrong with Adrian.


  Miss singer screamed, waking up from her sleep.

   "Adrian... forgive me!"

   "Wake up."

  Adrian stretched out his right hand and gently squeezed Elizabeth’s nose, not daring to stimulate the nerves of this high-shielding lady.

   "It's daytime, not night, and it's not in your dreams."

   Elizabeth's hazy sleepy eyes blinked a few times, and slowly regained consciousness.

  Recalling the words of pleading for mercy that she had just awake, the singer couldn't help but flushed her cheeks, and glanced at Adrian angrily.

   "I just... blame you for this, Adrian!"

   Adrian raised his eyebrows and joked: "Last night-no, from last afternoon until late at night, I can't wait to swallow my belt bones in. It seems that you are the one?"

  Under such a reminder, Elizabeth's mind suddenly recalled the madness and the peak of last night, and the blush suddenly spread all over her body.

  The thin-skinned lady singer, after all, did not say any provocative words.

after all…

  Can't stand it anymore.

  Hit a few times, Elizabeth changed the subject very bluntly while protecting the vital point.

   "Adrian, those two songs yesterday..."

   ""The Wedding in a Dream", and..."

  Adrian deliberately lengthened his voice, and after ten seconds, he said the next song in Elizabeth's sad eyes.

   ""To Elizabeth"?"


  Even after a night of bliss, Elizabeth still feels excited and unbearable.

   "That song, is it really called this name?"

  "If you want, you can call it "To Eliza" or "To Elsa"."

   Adrian said without any psychological burden.

  He is just an irresponsible music porter.

  Playing the repertoire to please the beauties is enough.

  Associate profession of musicians, but in this process, it is not worth mentioning the subsidiary gains.

   "Adrian! I..."

   Adrian's uninhibited attitude obviously caused the singer's lady to become emotional again.

   Elizabeth's eyes that seemed to be talking, with a wet breath, staring at the man's face in a daze.

  "Stop talking, keep teasing, the river crabs lurking in the deep sea will come to me."

  Adrian pulled out the same wet fingers and pressed them against Elizabeth’s lips.

   "Just do things quietly, don't talk."


  In the afternoon.

  The ruthless man with pants, after leaving two piano scores, waved goodbye to the reluctant singer lady.

  Balywood Kingdom Port Wharf, on the deck of the Hades.

  Shanks leaned lazily on the side railing, carrying an empty wine bottle in his hand, looking boredly at the crowd on the pier in a daze.

   "Doctor Moy, did Adrian leave a message for you, saying when to come back?"

  The bandaged Doctor Moy shook his head and replied, "No, no."

   "Obviously I have said that I will leave today! This is already the afternoon!"

  Shanks scratched his hair and said silently.

   "I knew this, I wouldn't have spent all my change last night!"

  Doctor Moi was originally going to comfort Shanks, but after hearing the second half of the words, he silently put the comforting words back into his stomach.

  "Get ready to go now."

  A familiar voice rang in their ears.

  At the same time, the sails on the mast fluttered automatically without anyone.

  Seeing this scene, Shanks and Dr. Moy understood instantly that the "Captain" had returned.

  Mingyuan slowly left the port.

  Shanks looked around and quietly threw the wine bottle in his hand into the sea.

   Adrian’s voice came again, "Shanks, come here!"

  Shanks gave a bitter expression, "I haven't done anything today!"

   "What are you doing with such a guilty conscience?" Adrian appeared on the deck, "I found a swordsmanship teacher for you."

  Shanks walked towards each other and asked: "The teacher you are talking about, is it yourself?"

  "It's a golden lion!"

   Hearing this, Shankston was refreshed, and couldn't help but speed up a bit.

   "So, I was not dreaming that time?"

   "What do you dream?"

  Adrian glanced at Shanks in a surprise, and recalled what happened half a month ago.

   "It was when you found Piaopiao Fruit before."

   Shanks explained.

   "Isn't I seriously injured that time? But I still saw the battle between you and the Golden Lion, and I saw you...killed the Golden Lion Shiji."

  Speaking of this, Shanks couldn't help but glanced at Adrian in surprise.

  As a member of the Roger Pirates who had participated in the Battle of Ait Wall, Shanks was very impressed by the strength of the Golden Lion.

  However, he did not expect that such an enemy who was very difficult in the eyes of Captain Roger would be so easily solved by Adrian.

   "Finally, when Piao Piao Guo was reborn, before I fell into a coma, I vaguely remembered seeing a white ghost that looked like a golden lion... I always thought I was dreaming that time."

   "The Golden Lion is indeed dead."

   Adrian explained casually.

   "What you saw that time was not a ghost, but the soul of a golden lion."

   "Soul body?!"

  Shanks was shocked.

   "Do people actually have a soul?"

   "What kind of nonsense are you! Have you forgotten my fruit?"

  White ghost!

  Shanks smiled.

  Along with a wave of ripples, the two of them were taken into a certain room of Jiancheng Fortress by using their abilities by Rumi.

When    fell to the ground, Shanks couldn't help asking: "The golden lion has a soul body, does Captain Roger..."

  "Stop dreaming about this imaginary daydream!"

   Adrian pointed to a corner of the room where two famous knives were placed.

   "Go pick a knife, Sakura Ten and Dead Wood, I think you should have heard the names of these two knives."

  "It is the saber of the golden lion!"

Shanks said with a little excitement, as a swordsman, how could he not be interested in those legendary swords and swords?

  Before, Shanks had always been holding a sailor's scimitar made by the uncle blacksmith in Brive Village.

  Although the quality of the sailor's scimitar is much better than the ordinary swords of 50,000 Baileys, how can it be compared with the golden lion's saber?

  What's more, Shanks’ Sailor's Scimitar was already in the first battle with Adrian, and was chopped into scraps of iron by the light sword!

  Three steps and two steps, Shanks quickly ran to the corner of the room, after watching the selection, returning with a knife.

   "Dead wood?"

   Adrian glanced casually and saw which knife Shanks had chosen.

  The golden leek, Shanks, is currently being planted on his own ground.

  Lack of the experience of individual adventures, Adrian also needs to consider how to cultivate the good seedling of Shanks.

  After being cultivated, it is worthy of a better harvest!

  As for how to cultivate Shanks...

  I will improve my swordsmanship first!

  It happens that the Golden Lion has been worn for a while, and Shanks has completely recovered from the previous injury. At this time, a new leek cultivation plan can be launched.

   Adrian raised his head and looked into the air, "Rumi, bring the golden lion into this room."

   "Oh! Okay!"

  Rumi's crisp voice came from the void.

  After a while.

  The translucent body of the golden lion glowing with light white fluorescence appeared in the corner of the room.

  "It's really a golden lion!"

  Shanks’ pupils shrank slightly, and his palm couldn’t help holding the hilt of [Dead Wood].

   "Jie ha ha ha ha!"

  Even though he was imprisoned by Rumi for a period of time, the golden lion still remained mad.

"To shut up!"

   Adrian gave an order, and under the dominance of the ghost, the golden lion’s laughter came to an abrupt end.

  Shanks looked a little weird in his eyes.

  This old age legend...

  It looks like I’m dead and I can’t rest...

  Adrian pressed his palm on Shanks’ shoulders, pushing him out, and at the same time retracting the power that was suppressing the golden lion.

   "Golden Lion, I don't need to mention this, right?"

   "Straw hat! Roger's heir!"

  The soul body of the golden lion dashed forward abruptly, almost facing Shanks.

  With a stiff smile on Shanks’ face, he took two steps back without a trace.

  A small group of nether energy condensed from Adrian's finger, which instantly connected to the golden lion's body.

   Accompanied by the transmission of nether energy.

  The broken legs of the golden lion were reborn again, and there were also two more nether energy lightsabers in his hands that were the same as Yingshi and withered trees, and his body looked a lot more solid.

  Shanks turned to look at Adrian.

   "Adrian, what do you want to do?"

   "I just found a good sparring partner for you."

   Adrian stood silently aside.

  "Golden Lion, come on!"

   The last chapter...Some fragments were deleted by the system.



  (End of this chapter)

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