Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 290: Movie kingdom

  Chapter 290 Movie Kingdom

   "Do you want to find me to make a movie?"

   "That's right! Sir! With your look and temperament, it would be a shame not to be a movie star!"

Wearing a dark green peaked cap, a pair of round-framed sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, a middle-aged man in the iconic green vest, with a tube of white manuscript paper rolled in his hand, his extremely exaggerated praise language, he did not hesitate to face him in front of him. People spilled over.

  Such a conversation happened in [Ballywood Kingdom], which is nothing more than normal.

  Here is the world’s largest film industry, where dazzling stars can be produced every year.

  Here is the world-famous movie kingdom!

At this moment, the target of the middle-aged man dressed as the director is a young man wearing a light brown loose suit. His shirt is open and the white hemp shirt inside is revealed. The top two buttons of the shirt are unbuttoned. , Showing a somewhat unruly temperament.

   "This kind of prodigal temperament, coupled with your sir, your handsome, suave, and dashing... omitting 1024 words... If you serve as the male protagonist of this new work of mine, you will definitely be an instant hit!"

  The middle-aged director is tireless and talkative.

   "What is this man talking about? I don't understand..."

   Little Fox Love, holding a cup of iced coffee in his hand, moved to Shanks’s side and asked in a low voice.

   "And how do I feel that Adrian Sama is a little bit deliberately procrastinating?"

Shanks was carrying a bottle of whiskey in his hand and glanced diagonally at Adrian, who was smiling and listening to the praise of the unknown middle-aged director, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

   "That man wants La Adrian to make a movie!"

   "Movies?" Love's eyes lit up suddenly, "Is that the thing we just saw in that **** room?"

   "Probably..." Shanks scratched his head in anguish, and said uncertainly.

   Adrian touched his chin, and looked at the middle-aged director in front of him with interest.

  Although the **** that this person said just now, he really listened very well.

  But what you say from the mouth of a middle-aged greasy man can never give people a sincere feeling.

   Adrian asked slowly: "What type of movie is yours?"

  The middle-aged director replied decisively: "A romance!"

   "Are there any action elements?"

  The middle-aged director struggled for a moment, hesitated and said: "It shouldn't be necessary..."

   "***** is the real mainstream!"

   Adrian criticized bluntly.

   "A pure romance film will not have a market!"

   Immediately afterwards, Adrian did not give the middle-aged director time to react, and continued to ask: "What is the general plot?"

  The middle-aged director was puzzled for a while, and he was not sure what he thought of, but he still told the whole story.

   "Opening... process...respectively... happy ending."


   Adrian let out two slightly disdainful interjections and shook his head slightly.

   "So I wanted to make a serious film!"

  The middle-aged director took a closer look at Adrian's appearance and gesture, and confirmed in his heart that this guy indeed has the qualifications to be a top superstar with just one face.

   gritted his teeth, the middle-aged director admitted that he had made a very big step backward, and then spoke.

  "If you are unsatisfied, I can modify the plot for you personally!"

  "*****Where do I need any plot! It's not a special plot series!"

   Adrian spit out a sentence that the middle-aged director did not understand.

   "Directly clear the scene! Just leave the hero and heroine! Even the camera is redundant!"

  The middle-aged director looked at Adrian incomprehensibly, "How can there be a movie that doesn't need a camera? How else to shoot?!"

   "You are right."

   Adrian thought for a moment.

   "Then only leave the hero and heroine and the video phone worm."


  The middle-aged director listened more and more wrongly, "What the **** are you talking about!"

   "Most of the debut works of newcomers are shot like this."

   Adrian shrugged and spoke bluntly.

  The islands on this sea are all sorts of strange and colorful scenery.

  But there are always some islands, and it is possible to find their corresponding prototypes.

  For example, the country of flowers in the West Sea.

  For example, Wano Country, which lives deep in the new world.

  Another example is this movie kingdom named after [Ballywood] on the fourth route of the park!

  That's right!

  The Balewood Kingdom is an island full of modern flavor based on the beautiful country of the past!

  But Adriana’s "free and open" answer is full of beautiful country style.

  Obviously attracted the dislike of the middle-aged director.

  The middle-aged director couldn't bear to miss the seedlings of a super movie star. He wanted to persuade him with all his heart.

  However, Adrian's words that became more and more skillful, and the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, and he was directly forced to retreat.

   Shaking his head and sighing, the middle-aged director left cleanly and began to look for the next big young fat sheep to be slaughtered.

  At this time Love and Shanks walked up together.

   "Adrian Sama, were you talking about making a movie just now?"

  Love looked at Adrian with bright eyes, and asked expectantly.

   Adrian replied casually: "Yes, that man wants me to be the actor."

   "Wow! Lead actor!"

  The light in Love's eyes became brighter, and she couldn't wait to ask.

   "Me! Me! Can I be the heroine?"


   Adrian's expression instantly became weird. He lowered his head, looked at the little fox's bodyless figure, and shook his head in disgust.

  Furry theme will never choose you as the heroine!

  Only Freehold will love.

  Although Adrian didn’t say anything, he seemed to say everything again.

   Love grinded her teeth subconsciously, and a long-lost impulse of bloodthirsty surged into her heart.

  At this time, Shanks finally stood up.

   "Adrian, we have been in the kingdom of Balewood for two days, how long will we stay here?"

   Shanks asked.

   "You can't let Dr. Moy continue to stay alone on the Moon Abyss, right?"

  As early as two days ago.

  The Hades, which departed from Twin Gorges, successfully reached the first island of the fourth route of the paradise, the kingdom of Balewood, famous for its film industry and entertainment industry.

  Adrian thought he would be able to wait for the rest of the Roger Pirates here, and he was still the kind of waiting.

  After all, before leaving the Twin Gorges, he deliberately reminded Kurokas of the next destination.

  But what I did not expect is that after waiting here for two days, I still haven't encountered any suspicious persons.

  Be aware that in order to increase the prominence of his pedestrian, Adrian also deliberately made the Hades docked on the port pier of the Kingdom of Balewood, instead of letting Rumi take the ship back into the fortress of the strong city as usual.

   is so.

   Still no member of Roger Pirates appeared.

  This can be seen through daily observation of Shanks!

  Although this kid was moved by the special entertainment industry of the Balewood Kingdom, he did not see the slightest performance of his acquaintances.

  Could it be said that Roger Pirates really won’t care about Shanks anymore?

   Such a conjecture slowly emerged in Adrian's heart.

   "Let's wait one more day at the end."

    Thank you very much "LONELY15" for the 8000 starting currency reward! !

     is updated so late today, it is almost impossible to ask for leave directly, the boss still does not hesitate to give rewards, I am really ashamed of my love!

     This is today's first update.

    , keep on updating!



  (End of this chapter)

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