Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 284: Decimation

  Chapter 284 Ten Selections

  Several minutes later.

  The expanse of the West Sea, the waves are calm and the sun is gentle.

  The Underworld, with the golden dragon ghost banner, is slowly driving towards the upside-down mountain.

  In the luxurious captain's room on the top floor of the Mingyuan.

  Adrian, with his right arm wrapped in a white bandage, silently opened the personal panel and checked the task section.

  On the desk in front of him, there are [Sakura Ten], [Dead Wood], and the newly obtained [Fluttering Fruit], which are the most intuitive reward items after defeating the Golden Lion.

  Like the golden lion, a peerless powerhouse who once stood at the top of the sea pyramid, suppressed most of the top big sea pirates in the new world.

  If it is in the heyday of the opponent.

  Although Adrian said he was confident that he would not lose, he certainly couldn't beat that golden retriever.

  Like the top powers he has faced.

  Whether it is Iron Fist Karp, or the high-ranking navy of the Warring States Period of Buddha, or the top pirates such as Whitebeard and Charlotte Lingling.

   Adrian's own hard power, there is still some distance from these real top powerhouses.

  Even if he is himself, he cannot deny this.

  Although Adrian was able to fight the opponent head-on without losing the wind, it was all a time-delayed draw.

  If you want to truly defeat the opponent, it's not enough.

  And the defeat of the Golden Lion.

   Except for Adrian's own strength is not weak, and the opponent's strength state is declining.

  The more important reason is that after pulling off the rudder overhead, the vitality of the golden lion is fading!

  If the vitality of the golden lion does not disappear quickly after the rudder is unplugged.

   Then according to the terrifying power that the Golden Lion later broke out.

   Adrian can only barely draw a draw like before, and can't kill the opponent at all.

No matter how.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

  The broken-legged lion has completely turned into the past tense, and now there is only a high-level ghost controlled by life and death in his hands!

   Adrian shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

  After that, he took a deep breath and officially settled the Golden Lion’s S-level challenge mission.

  This is the first legend of the sea that fell into his hands!

  Shanks is on!

  Lucky light and environmental protection!

  Panel prompts, which are brushed out like flowing water.

  [S-level challenge task [Golden Lion] has been completed! 】

【hint! 】

【hint! 】

  【You kill the Golden Lion Shiji (LV103), you get 8 billion experience points! 】

  【Kill enemies across 23 levels, get an extra 460% experience bonus! 】

  【You have accumulated 44.8 billion experience points! 】

  【You kill the Golden Lion Shiji and get 300 trial points! 】

  [[Extreme Trial] The current task progress is 930/1000! 】

  【You killed the Golden Lion Shiji and completed the hidden requirements of the S-level challenge mission! 】

  [S-level challenge mission [Golden Lion] changed! 】

  【You have triggered the S-level challenge mission【Flying Pirate】! 】

  [S-level challenge mission [Flying Pirate] has been completed! 】

  【You get 2.32 billion experience points! 】

  【You get rewards: randomly select four enemy skills or specialties! 】

  [Hint: Due to the large difference between the size and ability of the host and the golden lion history base, some of the extractable abilities have been automatically adjusted for the effect]



  Looking at the experience value prompt on the panel, mainly the exaggerated experience value reward after the leapfrog killed the Golden Lion Shiji, Adrian couldn't help taking a breath.

  "44.8 billion experience points!!!"

   "What an exaggerated level of rewards is this!!"

   "This may be enough for me to fill up all the experience slots of the [Great Swordsman] level!"

   "Although I am still stuck in the advanced task of the ultimate trial, although the task progress of the ultimate trial is almost completed... but this is outrageous!"


   "I want to upgrade now!"

  Killing the Golden Lion, coupled with the rewards of the S-level challenge mission [Flying Pirates], the experience value gained at one time is close to 47 billion!

  This is the biggest experience reward that Adrian has ever received!

  Originally, he thought that the tens of billions of experience rewards after the completion of the S-level mission [Mermaid’s Wailing] on Murloc Island would be exaggerated enough.

  Unexpectedly, just by killing the Golden Lion Shiji, he would be rewarded several times more than tens of billions of experience points!


  Able to get such exaggerated experience rewards at one time.

  The biggest reason.

  Because Adrian's current main class level is relatively low, he is still stuck in the level 80 advanced missions, and he has not been able to upgrade for a long time.

  But this also leads to a very obvious level gap, which leads to a terrifying experience bonus.

  As for the Golden Lion, only the 103 level.

  Not too much beyond Adrian's expectations.

  As early as after the Battle of Ait Wall with the Roger Pirates.

  Golden Lion Shiji has already begun to slip from its peak state. After all, anyone with a life-threatening rudder on his head will not remain at the peak level as always.

  And after bravely rushing to the navy headquarters, and then fled the advance city.

  His legs have been truncated, and his state has dropped a lot again.

   Although the level 103 at this moment seems to be still very strong, in fact, it is about to fall below the level of 100.

  Kapu and Whitebeard, who have played against Adrian, are both strong men above LV115.

  Of course, if you change it to the Golden Lion who has continued to be silent for more than 20 years, when Luffy comes on stage, his level will probably only be above 90.

  The Flying Pirate, one of the three legends of the old age.

  Be defeated by the third rubber man...

  To be honest, it's pretty outrageous.

   Put away irrelevant distractions.

  Adrian concentrates on the random ability rewards on the panel.

  Kill the golden lion.

  Five draws and four draws, you will definitely be able to produce good products!


  The development of the situation slightly exceeded Adrian's expectations.

   [Randomizing... Random is over! 】

  【Please choose four of the following ten abilities as rewards:】

[1: [Overlord look and domineering]-Skill: This is an innate qualification of the king. It can intimidate, deter and stun the enemy without taking action, relying on its own courage, and it can also make opponents much weaker than itself. Fall into a state of fainting. Note: This skill is extracted, so it cannot be upgraded, nor can it be strengthened by exercise, and it cannot be continuously strengthened by the user’s own growth]

  [2: [Flying Pirate]-Specialty: Agility attribute +150%, swordsmanship power +150%. Your overall strength is improved. The bonus effect depends on the character's total level, LV1~LV80, +5% attack power for every 10 levels; LV80~LV100, +8% attack power for every 10 levels; LV100~LV120, +10 every 10 levels % Attack power.

  Note: I am the Golden Lion, I am the Admiral of the Flying Pirate Group, and I am the Flying Pirate! 】

   [3: [Chop Wave]-Skill: Holding a long sword, cut a flying slash forward, enough to tear the cloud, divide the sea, the power is terrifying! Note: 800 points of personal basic attribute strength are required, and no less than level 80 for swordsman occupations]

   [4: [Lion Heart]-Specialty: When entering the combat state, for every minute of combat time spent, the strength and agility attributes are +1%, and the maximum is 10% capped]

   [5: [Extraordinary Physique]-Specialty: health value +10%, health value recovery rate +200%, negative resistance +10%]

  [6: [Lion Cut]-Specialty: When using swordsmanship skills, energy consumption is reduced by 20%, swordsmanship power +20%]

  [7: [Hydraulic Step]-Skills: greatly increase the speed of movement, obtain the exposure effect of "blurred figure", and increase the chance of dodge, the dodge effect depends on the level of agility]

[8: [Master Sculpture]-Skills: You can use various plastic materials (such as plaster, resin, clay, etc.) or hard materials that can be carved and carved (such as wood, stone, etc.) to create a space with a certain amount of space Visible and tangible exquisite artistic image, will get extra promotion in lion image sculpture]

   [9: [Walk Swordsman]-Specialty: Swordsmanship attack power, attack speed increased by 30%, all melee swordsmanship skills level +2. Note: Do not break through the level limit! 】

   [10: [Sword Qi Penetration]-Specialty: Even if the enemy target blocks your melee sword attack, it will still take 1%-20% damage. The effect depends on the swordsman level, attribute gap, and strength status of both sides. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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