Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 278: Special effects war

  Chapter 278 Special Effects War

  Island hitting people? !

   Adrian raised his head, his eyes twitched slightly.

  At this moment, he has a new understanding of the cool ability of Devil Fruit.

  The ghost body can make Adrian completely ignore such natural disaster attacks. Whether it is a meteorite from the sky, a volcanic eruption, or a raging wind, it is impossible for him to lose a single hair.


  The damage is zero.

  Full of special effects!

  In a short moment of emotion, Adrian's body was buried in the island.

   "Jie ha ha ha ha!"

  Seeing this situation, Golden Lion Shiji couldn't help laughing wildly.

   "Who said Piao Piao fruit can't beat people?"

   "My advantage is with me!"

  Golden Lion once again displayed the power of fluttering fruit, an inexplicable energy spread across the location of the island, instantly fixing it in the air, and the downward trend stopped abruptly!

  Just as the golden lion is preparing to perceive the position of the white ghost, and then educate the younger pirate.

  Adrian traveled through the island without hindrance, and the soil and green plants could not exert the blocking effect at all.

  After a short moment, his figure reappeared on the shell of the island.

   "Golden Lion, haven't you played enough of this boring trick?"

"This is impossible!!"

  Looking at the unharmed White Ghost, the golden lion’s pupils shrank slightly, shocked!

In the past, even those who had acquired the natural demon fruit ability, which claimed to be immune to all physical attacks, still needed to evade the attack in embarrassment under the lion mighty ground roll shaped by the fluttering fruit, otherwise they would not suffer more or more. Less damage!

  White Ghost is a superhuman fruit capable person, how can he completely ignore his attack? !

   "Lion Power· Imperial Palace Volume!"

  The golden lion screamed, and once again used the power of the floating fruit, a strange and mysterious wave suddenly rippled, covering the surface of the island.

  In a short moment, the surface of the island cracked and disintegrated at an extremely fast speed, turning into huge dust clouds, like a mountain bursting and the ground cracking, and the scene was magnificent!


  Under the action of the fluttering fruit, countless small rubbles collapsed and recombined, and the whole ground suddenly rose up and turned into an angry roaring lion head, each of which was tens of meters high!

  After a silent roar, these stone lions continued to rush towards Adrian, squeezing it violently, as if to completely crush this place into a cavernous hollow!

  This is the monstrous wave created by the golden lion when it fully utilizes the ability of the fluttering fruit. It is far more serious than when playing with straw hats twenty years later!

  At the moment when these huge stone lions converged from island structures swept from all directions, they were about to fold in the middle, crushing the enemy into minced meat.

   Adrian's cold voice came from it.

   "It's ugly!"

   "These heavy things can't even touch me!"

A stone lion crushed viciously, but it seemed to have penetrated a layer of invisible phantom. It penetrated directly through Adrian's body and slammed into the other who was coming from the opposite side. On a lion head.

  Between the next breath.

   Adrian's figure suddenly swelled.

  I saw his height suddenly stretched nearly a hundred times in height, and instantly transformed from a "little man" close to two meters high into a towering giant that can reach two hundred meters!

  Adrian is surrounded by a group of huge stone lions tens of meters high.

  It was originally a crisis-filled situation.

  At this moment.

  It looks like a **** is chasing his dog!

  This is the first time that Adrian has displayed the ability of a ghost body to freely change its size in battle.

  Now it seems that the effect is good!

  From the golden lion’s protruding eyes, it can be seen how amazing Adrian's size is at this time!

   Adrian's eyes were slightly condensed, and a huge cloud of blue energy appeared in his palm, and then transformed into a giant light sword with a length of 100 meters.

  He held the hilt with both hands, bent his legs slightly, set his left foot as the axis, exerted force on his waist and abdomen, and made an unfancy simple sweep. The Nether Energy lightsaber stretched out a nearly perfect arc in the air!

  Nether-energy lightsaber slashed straight and horizontally at the huge stone lions surrounding them, splitting them into two easily.

   Densely dense horror cracks broke out from the surface of the broken stone lion, and deep blue light burst out from the cracks, like rows of dark blue lights that lit up in sequence.

  In the blazing flames, the surrounding stone lions are also shining as if they were lit by a flashover phenomenon, exploding and becoming a sea of ​​phantom energy!

  Special effects fighter?

Me too!

  Boom boom——! !

After the Hundred-meter Nether Energy Great Sword exploded with countless mud and stone lions, it suddenly collapsed and dispersed.

  Adrian regained his original body shape, rushed out of the ocean-like nether energy, and quickly came to the golden lion's body, holding the second-generation ghost sword in his hand, and slashed out with a single sword!

  The layer of pale and dark mixed aura attached to the body of the monster knife has not yet fallen. The slaughter aura that seems to want to kill everything and destroy everything has already made people feel frightened and trembling!

   Murder Knife·Suraye!

   Adrian swung his sword down, and the black and white horrible sword aura engulfed the power of the sky and the earth, and burst out!

  Golden Lion’s swordsmanship cultivation is as strong as seeing and hearing, but as soon as his sight comes into contact with that flying slash, a deceptive and terrifying influence rushes into his mind, continuously causing negative interference.

"not good!"

The Golden Lion, who had barely maintained a state of mental clarity, was suddenly shocked. He already knew that Bai Youling’s swordsmanship was only capable of reaching the limit of a swordsman, and only a thin line from the great swordsman, but this inexplicable influence on the spirit His abilities made him extremely shocked!

  Golden Lion knew that in the current state, this kind of move could never be hard-wired, so he once again used the ability of floating fruits, the whole person suddenly turned sideways in the air, trying to avoid the blow!

  The golden lion, who has been immersed in fluttering fruit for many years, moved extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it did avoid the frontal slash of the Murder Knife and Shuraye.

  But Adrian seemed to have expected it, scarlet light flashed in his eyes, his left palm was lifted, and a phantom energy cannon was quickly blasted toward some uninhabited land!

  Golden Lion was just a little lucky that he quickly avoided that terrifying flying slash, but his face was illuminated by the light of the Phantom Cannon in the next moment.


  Critical strike against the face!

  The golden lion's figure resembled a meteorite and quickly retreated. His body was in a mess, and there were multiple wounds flashing with blue fluorescence!

next moment.

  The golden lion fell from the sky like a meteorite, directly hitting the deserted island where Adrian had stood before, smashing the ground of the island into a pit with a diameter of several meters wide!


  (End of this chapter)

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