Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 263: Full screen attack

  Chapter 263 Full Screen Attack

   "If you can't solve the problem with the old methods of emotional swordsmanship!"

   "Then you can only use the saturation plug-in attack!"

  The last action to close the distance did not produce any effect, and it was still successfully avoided by Polusalino with the extremely high speed of Shining Fruit.

   Adrian simply stopped the ghost flight, stood high in the sky, and looked at the other end holding the orchid finger coldly, ready to release the next eight-foot-chong-gou-shaped Polusalino.

   "You like shooting cannons, don't you?"

   "Then let's put enough!"

   "It just so happens that I am also very good at playing waves!"

  The dazzling bright yellow flare of the stars struck again, and a star-like light was reflected in Adrian's extremely calm eyes.

   Don’t panic.

  Adrian condensed his momentum, raised his right hand plainly, and pointed his palm in the direction of the high-energy light.

  His eyes condensed, and the spiritual pressure did not work.

  Instead, use more proficient, and consume less psychic energy!

  A azure blue light particle was born in the palm of Adrian's right palm, and it swelled up quickly, and a bright light burst out from the light particle.

next moment.

  A majestic and faint blue beam of light shot out from Adrian's palm, and crashed into the eight-foot Qionggou that was as dense as raindrops.

  In an instant, there was a deafening explosion in the sky, like firecrackers.

  Faced with the highly condensed Nether Energy Cannons, the numerous but scattered Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu was not an opponent at all, and was quickly scattered in the air by the Nether Energy Cannons and turned into light chips.

  Looking from a distance, it looks like a giant blue light snake is playing a "Pacman" mini game, and there are even ‘boom’ and ‘boom’ sound effects.

  But the Nether Energy Cannon is not like a greedy snake that never wears out, only grows and strengthens.

The power of Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu is still consuming the power of the Phantom Cannon.

  With the passage of time, the blue beam of light in the mid-air is shrinking in diameter and size almost at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

  Until the end, this phantom cannon completely dissipated in the air before it approached Polusalino, turning into a shining blue light spot.

   Polusalino saw that the white ghost finally no longer wanted to fight him close, and finally calmed down slightly.

  To tell the truth, he was quite afraid of Bai Youling’s emotional swordsmanship.

  "Want to give up the advantage of close combat and try to use this energy to solve me?"

   Polusalino watched Bai You Ling raise his hand again, ready to release the next phantom energy bombardment, his eyes narrowed slightly.

   "However, the speed of light is also quite terrifying~"

  Nether Energy Cannon fired again.

But this time Polusalino did not use the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu to consume the power of the Phantom Cannon, but simply relied on the incarnation of the all-natural photon state and the extraordinary movement speed to avoid the Phantom Cannon. Assault.

  Natural fruits may be terrifying, but the physical strength they need to consume in the process of using them is also quite amazing.

  In this operation, Polusalino received the task to delay the action of the White Ghost, not to defeat the White Ghost.

  After waiting for Lieutenant General Cap to arrive, Polusalino also needs to be responsible for the side containment task at the same time.

  It’s not a wise move to consume a lot of energy at this time.

  For the yellow monkey's extremely flexible and shining position.

   Adrian did not panic at all.

  The difference between the ghost fruit and most other devil fruits is that the ability of this fruit is all based on the [Intellectual Property].

  And Adrian’s current intelligence attribute, under the bonus of [Phantom Fruit], has reached a high of two thousand points!

  On the consumption of fruit power, Adrian is not afraid of anyone!

   Adrian once again released a phantom cannon. In order to appease Polusalino's vigilance, he also deliberately adjusted the power of the phantom cannon.

  A faint blue beam of light that was much longer and slender than it was at first, shot out from Adrian's palm like a whip, and was dodged by the flasher again, and the attack was missed.

  The latter stood in the air for a while, seemingly waiting for the next phantom cannon attack.

   Adrian narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued to use the single-shot phantom cannon against the enemy.

  Lieutenant General Huang Gou.

Single shot.

   is not my plan!

as time flows.

  When Polusalino felt that he could postpone the arrival of Lieutenant General Capp so easily.

  The situation on the field suddenly changed dramatically!

  In the palm of Adrian, he fired a phantom energy cannon again, and at the same time, his arms were raised high, and in the void behind him, a bright white shimmer was constantly shining.

  Only a moment later, a white Thousand-Handed Buddha statue standing on top of the sky, as if sitting in the void, appeared in the air.

The white Buddha looked kindly towards Polusalino in the distant sky, and stretched out thousands of arms and thousands of palms, and an eye-like shape suddenly appeared in the palm of each palm. Faint blue light particles.

  ‘When did the white ghost use this ability? Why are there no signs at all? ! ’

   Just as Polusalino's eyes widened, his heart was inexplicably horrified, and such thoughts emerged at the same time.

Thousands of palms of the White Buddha suddenly released thousands of deep and terrifying phantom cannons, like a bridge of fire trees and stars, the overwhelming glorious road, covering all the sights above the sky, slammed into the opponent's Porusa Lino.

"not good!"

  Porussalino exclaimed in his heart, and instantly entered the fully natural photon form, flew towards the edge of the glorious road built by the nether energy, and flew at the highest speed in his life.

  But how could Adrian’s long-prepared ability be avoided so easily?

  In order to successfully avoid Polusalino’s domineering perception of color.

When Adrian created the Thousand-Handed Buddha, he also deliberately created a layer of "transparent ghost" covering its surface. When the Buddha was about to take shape, the transparent ghost was dispersed.

During the period, Adrian also continuously used the Phantom Cannon to interfere with Polusalino’s domineering vision, and this was how he unknowingly created such a thousand-handed Buddha statue under Polusalino’s eyelids. !

  After all, with the speed of the glittering fruit, even if Adrian succeeds in creating the Thousand-Handed Buddha, there is no way to make Polusalino wait in place in the gap of creation.

  But like this instant [full screen attack], it's different!

  Porusalino almost used the strength of the milk, and flew towards the edge of the fire tree star bridge paved by the phantom energy cannon, but was still rubbed by the phantom energy cannon at the edge.

  The old ape was like a yellow bird shot down from the air, and fell crookedly towards the sea below, in an embarrassing body.

   At this moment, an extremely rough voice came from a distance.

  "White Ghost! White Ghost!"

   "Don't hit that yin and yang little guy anymore! Come and fight me!"

    Fifth more.

     The thirteenth day of August.



  (End of this chapter)

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