Chapter 259

  Outfit Island.


  Someone is firing at all times, flintlocks are spitting out tongues of fire, and a dense rain of bullets shoots in all directions. The island is full of fire and smoke.

  It is hard to imagine that such a “battle” within the scope of the West China Sea unexpectedly broke out with an intensity comparable to the battlefield!

  However, if you look closely, you will find that after all, the rest of the gangs have an absolute advantage. They are constantly shrinking the circle of fire, trying to wipe out all the members of the Razor Party on Outfit Island!

   Obviously, the'battle' that broke out in the early morning of the previous day is gradually coming to an end.

The strength and resilience demonstrated by the Razor Party far exceeded the expectations of other gangs.

   Originally thought that after losing the powerful boost of the "immortal refugees", the Razor Party would be directly beaten back to its original form.

  However, under Tommy Shelby’s constant circumstance and frequent orders, he was first caught off guard by the other gangsters in the early morning. After waiting for the first wave of attacks, he slowly supported it.

  Wait until early morning.

The gang members of the Razor Party have even begun to organize effective resistance, constantly launching counterattacks against the strength of the remaining gangs that have landed on Outfit Island.

  However, the absence of the player's existence is after all a strong weakening of the overall strength of the Razor Party.

  Elapsed time.

  Only the gang members of the Razor Party stationed on Outfit Island, it is already difficult to resist the joint attacks of the rest of the forces, and they are slowly falling into a disadvantage.

  By the third day, the Razor Party was already at the end of the battle.

  Although they occasionally launch counterattacks, they are on the verge of running out of ammunition and food, most of the time they are passively beaten.

  Tommy Shelby sits in the main building of the Razor Party Center, with a gray-headed face and an embarrassed figure. His eyes and pupils are bloodshot. Obviously, his spirit is about to reach the limit of exhaustion.

  But Tommy still has a strong fighting spirit, not only to survive the next round of attacks from other gang forces, but also to support his thighs.

  Yesterday, Tommy was still able to fight with people from other forces, constantly releasing his own explosive ability, beating the opponent and fleeing in embarrassment.

  But the Superman series · Boom Boom Fruit consumes quite a lot of energy.

  After being a hero for a short period of time, Tommy could only face the dilemma of exhausting his energy, and had no choice but to return to the main building of the center to be a spring commander.

   "Hurry up! Hurry up! Whoever breaks the central main building of the Razor Party first, this island will be his name in the future!"

  A certain gang leader shouted angrily, constantly mobilizing the enthusiasm of the gang members next to him to fight.

  Under such a great reward, the subordinates took out various highly destructive weapons and ammunition and blasted towards the central main building.

  Boom boom boom!

  The terrifying sound of explosions shook the earth, humming people’s eardrums.


  As these people were preparing for the second round of fire gathering, a strong sense of oppression that was almost suffocating suddenly spread in the sky, and all the sights around them seemed to be suppressed and rendered pale.

   Along with this sudden sense of oppression, there was also an illusory figure in the sky.

   Immediately afterwards, a strange voice rang in the ears of everyone on Outfit Island.

   "Have you enough trouble?"

   Adrian slowly descended from the sky, the scene froze for a while, and fell into calm silence.

  The other gang members stared at Adrian in a daze, with a frozen expression, and a look of horror on his face, even the gang leader who was watching the battle in secret was stunned.


  "Another capable person!"

   "His value... is definitely not inferior to Tommy Shelby, the leader of the Razor Party!"

  The leader of the Gambino family, the skinny old man who looks like a marketer had greedy eyes, his breathing became heavy, and he roared and ordered.

   "Fire! Get this guy together!"

  The gang members of the Gambino family heard the boss’s order, they immediately raised their guns at Adrian’s body, and suddenly pulled the trigger.

   Bang Bang——

  Guns trembled, and gunpowder smoke filled.

   Adrian's eyes were indifferent, and he slowly moved his gaze away, able to hit him with bullets penetrating through the body of an ordinary person, without even causing a wave of waves, and directly penetrated.

  As early as a few years ago, in the face of the powerful focus of the Capone gang, Adrian could completely ignore it with a ghost.

   Gunpowder and bullets?

   was ignored by him a long time ago.

The expressions of horror and sorrow appeared on the cheeks of the other gang members.

   "Don't know me?"

  Adrian raised his brows and was too lazy to talk nonsense. He lifted his fingers and his abilities worked.

  In the void, thousands of white ghosts appeared in the blink of an eye, and then rushed out.

  Mini ghost, withered and pierced!

  Everyone present, whether they were members of the Gambino family who had just shot him, or other gangs, were all his targets.

  The scene changed suddenly.

  The white ghost rushed forward and fought, and the wrong gang members hurriedly faced resistance.

  However, various weapons hit the white ghost, but they were not able to cause a trace of damage. Whether it was a long knife or a musket, they did not even have the ability to stop the white ghost.

  This is a one-sided battle. The mini-ghost destroys everyone in an instant.


  A mini ghost penetrated into the chest of the gang boss who entered the Gambino family and exploded instantly, and dazzling **** flowers bloomed from his chest.

Before he could scream, the few mini ghosts around him swayed their tails, penetrated into his limbs, and burst out. The body of the gang boss of the Gambino family was bombarded like dough. It became a few small pieces.

  The strong smell of blood spread quickly.

   "These are all ghosts! Ghosts!"

  The leader of the Koruo family shouted loudly, unable to believe that something flashed in the mind of this tall and thin young man.

  "Are you a white ghost?!"

   "You are right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

   Adrian glanced coldly, moved his finger lightly, and popped out a few mini ghosts, leaping towards each other.

  Originally, he was on the mission of [The Wind Blessed], and he was able to successfully complete the last route just three islands, but he was interrupted by a phone worm from Tommy.

  Although he is reluctant to give up the task that is about to be completed, in contrast, Adrian is more reluctant to see the tool man and tool gang disappear.

  You know, the Razor Party is a rare bond between him and the players!

  Adrian is also looking forward to being able to keep in touch with players through the Razor Party in the next version!

  Under the extreme speed of the ghost body, Adrian quickly rushed from the paradise in the first half of the great channel to the Outfit Island in the West Sea, but saw that the tool gang's station was about to be destroyed.

   Adrian, who was already a little irritable, didn't have the idea of ​​spamming in front of the gang bosses.

  Just do it directly!

   Thank you for the rewards of "Nobita Nobita", "Book Friends 20200923164436916", and "Wind and Rain in Those Years".

     Thank you "あいし" for the reward of 999 book coins.

     Today, let’s see if we can come out more. . .



  (End of this chapter)

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