Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 257: Small goal

  Chapter 257 Small Goal

   Fishman Island.

  Miss Mermaid, beautiful scenery.

  Among the many charming mermaid ladies, Adrian personally expressed that he did not like the octopus mermaid who has not yet evolved her legs.

  Although it is soft and greasy skin that does not need to be lubricated, it is indeed very well received.

  But the tentacles wrapped around the body look heavy and heavy, inexplicably giving people a sense of tying up, and it seems a bit passive...

  In addition, the sucking force of the octopus sucker is not properly mastered, and the severity varies slowly.

   is the freshness...

  If you have to score, these octopus girls at the bottom of the ocean can only get 6 points in the eyes of Adrian.

  But if it’s an octopus lady over thirty, it’s a different matter.

  How can there be an eighth!


  Don’t write any evaluation guides! !

  Close the update prompt of the panel, carefully check the battle situation, and found that there is only one box left——

  Adrian carefully checked the personal properties panel, then opened the taskbar, secretly calculating.

  The player is completely offline, and the login time is unknown.

  Although after the open beta started, except for the initial period, Adrian did not harvest experience points from players at all.

  But anyway, the player is also one of the harvestable experience leeks.

  If you don’t harvest, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

  Now the player disappears. If you want to gain experience, apart from daily swordsmanship practice, you can only get it through missions and battles.

  Enjoy a wonderful day at Fishman Island.

   Adrian also felt that it was time to start working seriously.

  "The first and most important thing is naturally the advanced task. Although the fruit ability at this stage is strong enough, it will be safer and better if the strength is stronger."

  "Moreover, there are a large number of unknown existences in the world government. The [Army], which is not mentioned in the original work, the [CP0] who is known as the strongest shield of the dragon people, and the [Yim] who stands at the true apex!"

   "There is still a task to overthrow the Dragonites and Yim on the panel! At present, this strength is not enough!"

  After the O'Hara Demon Slaying Order event before, coupled with the fragmentary gains from this period of time, the current [Extreme Trial] task progress is 520/1000, and there is still a long way to go before the advancement.

   "The main reason is that the ability of the ghost fruit is too strong, which has caused my own strength to be too high, which invisibly weakened most of the opponent's trial points."

  "If you want to gain a huge amount of trial points at one time, you can only constantly look for the real top masters to fight!"

  "Would you like to use [Divination] to try, whose trouble is more appropriate?"

   Adrian frowned and thought, constantly searching for suitable candidates in his mind. The names of the top masters in the sea flashed in his mind, but they were constantly excluded.

  Most of them are still in the reward reduction period of the challenge task. A handful of suitable ones have not yet appeared or have not fully grown.

  In Adrian's mind, the best target is of course the white beard who has ever brushed the real top expertise!

  The horrific and destructive power that shocks the fruit is enough to shake the entire world. For the ghost body of the full level, it does not cause a trace of harm. Adrian is considered to be restraining the opponent's ability.

  But the problem is that White Beard is still in the reward reduction period.

  Also, Adrian couldn't lock the position of the Mobile, which had been wandering freely on the sea.


  Golden Lion Shiji, who just ran out of Propulsion City, is also a very good strong opponent.

  Among the three great pirates of the old age.

  Roger and White Beard have always been regarded as the same, and they are regarded as the only "gold medal players" on the pirate side.

  The Golden Lion Shiji, who was pulled into the theater version by Luffy, son of Destiny, seemed inferior inexplicably.

  You must know that a few decades ago, the flying pirate group of Golden Lion and Shiji, but the real top pirate group in the sea, even overwhelming Roger Pirate group more than one!

  If it wasn't for the sudden storm in the Battle of Ait Wall, the victory and defeat between the Flying Pirates and Roger Pirates is still unknown!

  However, Golden Lion Shiji, who played again more than 20 years later, gave people a feeling of loss of heart and lateness of the lion.

  The oppressive feeling of the strength of the golden lion Skeet is far less impressive than the later Douglas Barrett.

  Although Barrett was singled out by the theater version of Luffy...

  But it did not fall to the point of being kicked to death like a golden lion!

  Adrian is not unaware of the ambitious and arrogant remarks when Golden Lion Shiji met White Beard after escaping from Pushing City.

  But the problem is...

  The guy with a rudder stuck in his head, after two years in jail, he felt that IQ was completely offline for no reason.

  Let the sea once again feel the horror of a real pirate...

   Are those crazy monsters that have been researched over more than 20 years?

  It's better to use fluttering fruit to shake the island and smash it hard!

  However, the Golden Lion Shiji at this stage has just escaped from the advancing city, and his spirit and domineering are both in a high-spirited period. Even if it has declined compared to the peak period, it will not be too much.

   Even though he had broken two legs, the strength that Jianhao himself could exert was greatly weakened.

   But for the golden lion's unique floating fruit, there is no reduction in it!

  In other words, the golden lion is now considered a sword hero with weakened strength, plus the top devil fruit ability.

   and Adrian’s situation is exactly the same!

  Also, Adrian had never played against the Golden Lion before, so he was just able to tackle his challenge mission.

  But the problem is...

  Fluttering Fruit is more maneuverable than Moby Dick.

  At least Adrian can confirm that the Moby Dick is wandering in the new world, but the fruits are fluttering...

  The ghost knows where the Golden Lion Shiji will float to, it's too erratic!

  "Looking for the golden lion without bounds, why not find someone else."

   "Are you going to the Chambordian Islands and catch the fish with the life of the dragon?"

   "Or, break into Malin Vandor and have a head-on man battle with the Admiral?"

   "Or else go back to Totland and trouble the Charlotte family?"

  Adrian scratched his hair with some annoyance.

   "It would be great if there was an automatic sign-in system to remove the trial points..."

   "Couldn't I really have to accumulate trial points from the paradise? That would be too much trouble."

  The main job advancement task has been temporarily put aside.

   Right now, Adrian has two other tasks to complete.

  The first one is naturally the secondary career advancement task of [Mr. Scholar].

  This will be ignored for the time being.

  I read for so long on Visalia on the small sky island some time ago, and did not continue to read during this time.

  I want to get two doctorate degrees in succession, and they are in climatology and oceanography, and they are located on two islands in different locations. I am afraid that they will not be taken directly after one or two years!

   Even with the help of more than two thousand intelligence attributes and [theoretical research] expertise, it will not be able to bear it!

  The advanced missions of the archaeologist series of secondary professions have been temporarily put aside.

  The second one that can be completed quickly is the [Winner of the Wind] sub-professional advancement task that has been delayed for a long time!

  At first, after brushing Charlotte Lingling three times in a row, Adrian sailed back and forth in the paradise stage. While gaining experience and gaining trial points, he also completed two routes by the way.

  From the completion of the [Wind Blessed] mission, only the last one is left!

  "Why don't you start from Fishman Island and sail directly towards the Twin Gorge of the Upside Down Mountain?"

  "The last leg of the route will be reserved for the food and entertainment route..."

    Thank you "Book Friends 20200923164436916" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

     third more.

     I overestimate myself, and it is estimated that there are only four changes today. . .

     But as long as the number of characters is up to the standard, it’s okay, right?

     In addition, after the 1.0 version update, the complete panel of the protagonist will also be posted after the last chapter update today.



  (End of this chapter)

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