Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 252: 【Polisher】Career upgrade task

  Chapter 252【Mr. Scholar】Career Upgrade Task

  Open the panel and log in to the official forum account.

  After some reading, Adrian did not find any valuable version update information.

  Not only that, but it feels a little strange that not many players are aware of the upcoming version update.

  Even if searched through the forum, the related posts are the version reports of a new player who just entered the game, and the posting time is one week ago.

   "This is unreasonable, even if the player does not respond, the official——"

   "I almost forgot, this game does not seem to have any reliable official company!"

   "Even the previous material promos seem to be edited and spliced ​​from the player's self-made video."

   "What kind of ghost company is this!"

   "Is this game still playable?"

   Adrian spit out a lot, and had to give up the idea of ​​seeking help from the forum.

  Facing the upcoming game version update.

  One more thing worth noting is the name of the game version.

  When the public beta was officially opened.

  The panel clearly prompts [Welcome to version 1.0 of "One Piece"-[The Opening of the Great Sailing Era]! ].

   has 1.0, naturally there is 2.0.

   Like 1024, there will be 2048.

  There are 999 numbers of ssni, but after running out, there will still be new ssis, opening up a brand new lane.

   "According to the game's usual urine, or usual habits, version updates will definitely replace the new version name."

   "The opening of the great nautical era is also in line with the status quo of the sea after the execution of One Piece. Endless people choose to go to sea in pursuit of fame, wealth, and status."

   "But what about afterwards?"

  "From the 1500 year of the Haiyuan calendar to the year 1522 of the Haiyuan calendar, there are only a few important time nodes that deserve attention."

   "If you really want to calculate carefully, what can be called [the background of the times] is the appearance of the Qiwuhai, and the four emperors rule the new world. Then, Luffy will go out to sea."

  Adrian searched through the memory, silently recalling the time clues in the original work, and frowned slightly.

  "But the emergence of the Qiwuhai system was completely established by the world government and the navy headquarters to check and balance the four emperors and suppress the endless pirates.

   "So [Seven Wuhai] and [Four Emperors], these two can almost be regarded as appearing on the ocean at the same time."

   "Although Qiwuhai's candidates are uneven, and the water injection is severe later, it is not possible for players to participate at this stage!"

  "As for the four emperors, let alone. Besides, several four emperors have been in the new world almost all year round, and the new world has not heard from players yet!"

   "There are even a lot of silly revelations on the forum, saying that after landing in the new world, they will directly fall into the sea, and the waves will hit, and the ashes will disappear in an instant..."

  "As for the time when Luffy went to sea, it was quite suitable."

   "But even if the player is open, can there be the Son of Destiny to open the hang?"

   "Even players can't keep up with the growth rate of the Destiny Boys gang!"

   "I can't figure out exactly how the panel will be arranged."

   "According to the player's level progress, there should be at least four to five versions, right?"

  Adrian thought hard for a long time, but still couldn't get the slightest clue.

  After asking about the panel and getting no response, I can only give up temporarily.

   "It seems that we can only wait until the official forum has released the news of the version update, and then come to see if there are any important information prompts on it."


  In order to complete [Ancient Scholar]’s professional upgrade task.

  According to the original plan, Adrian first went to Dr. Kloba to apply for borrowing the piece of ancient history that was once collected by O'Hara historians.

  For Adrian's request, Dr. Kloba didn't have the slightest thought to refuse.

  Instead, he pulled Adrian together with extreme enthusiasm to visit the well-preserved stone monument of ancient history.

  This piece of historical text collected by O'Hara does not record any important historical information.

   is just a word, involving a certain "great kingdom" that existed in ancient times, without even mentioning the name.

   During Adrian reading the text of ancient history.

  Dr. Kloba also kept telling him how O’Hara discovered the stone stele, how he embarked on the path of studying history, how to recognize ancient characters and other information...

  The old doctor's chattering words, matched with his old and weak tone, made Adrian's eyes circle around and almost fell asleep on the spot.

After finally getting through Dr. Kloba’s indoctrination, Adrian quickly found a reason and once again left the small island of Visalia, and flew towards the golden city of Mount Dora, which is also located on the White Sea. .

  In the deepest part of the Golden City, there is a golden clock that can be said to be priceless. On the base is placed a historical text full of mysterious ancient texts.

  Adrian stepped up the stairs and stepped forward slowly. The corners of the base stone in front of him were covered with thick moss, revealing the vicissitudes of time.

  "An ancient weapon with the name of a god, the sea king Poseidon...sleeping in a corner of the world, he is the sea king who rules the sea and drives sea monsters..."

  The information recorded in this piece of ancient history text below the golden clock has long been known to Adrian from the original work.

  In the ancient legends of the sea, the three ancient weapons that have been proclaimed to be mysterious, only the information of the sea king is the most clear.

  Poseidon, the sea king, is the mermaid princess who can only appear on the fish island for hundreds of years, and has the ability to communicate with the sea king, that is, the white star princess who has not yet been born.

  Pluto, the Hades, is the worst warship in shipbuilding history. It was once built by the craftsmen of the capital of the seven waters. According to legend, the ship’s main gun can easily destroy an island at a time.

  The current whereabouts are unknown.

  The only thing that didn't leak any information was the king Uranus.

  Adrian knows neither its shape nor its performance.

  There are only some imaginary guesses, so I won’t go into details here.

  Leaving the empty island, the next stop is Murloc Island under the Chambord Islands.

  It is important to complete the job upgrade task, and Adrian has no intention of continuing to stir up the sensitive minds of the world government and the Tianlong people, and go directly to the fisherman island, which is 10,000 meters deep in the sea.

  Welling down the invitation of King Neptune and Princess Otohime to the banquet, Adrian went directly to the Sea Forest on Fishman Island and found the ordinary historical text hidden in the deep sea.

  In the historical text of Fishman Island, what is recorded is a apology written by "joyboy".

  Adrian remembers that when the Roger Pirates sailed to Murloc Island a few years ago, the Sea Forest also placed a road sign [red historical text] recording the final location of Lovedrew.

  It’s just the historical text of the road sign, which is no longer in the Sea Forest, and I don’t know where it was placed.

   Adrian guessed that maybe Whitebeard would know the whereabouts of the red historical text.

  After all, before disbanding the Pirates and leaving the Great Route, the last person Roger met was Whitebeard, and he also confessed a lot of secrets to the other party, including the existence of "D".

  Roger entrusted White Beard to help deal with the red historical text of Murloc Island.

  "Could it be said that the reason why the White Beard Pirates in the original book sheltered Murloc Island is related to the red historical text?"

   Adrian frowned slightly.

  "But it’s not quite right. If this were the case, White Beard would have planted a flag on Murloc Island. Why would it be my turn to protect Murloc Island?"

   "Forget it, why did the old thief Oda (author) let me guess the pit?"

  Walking out of the Sea Forest, Adrian opens the panel, and there are new items in the sub-professional column.

  [Ancient Scholar]!

  He directly invests in experience and raises it to level ten, reaching the upper limit of the vice-professional requirement.

  [[Ancient Scholar] Upgraded to LV10 (MAX), vigor value increased, intelligence +60, 40 free attribute points, and 10 skill points! 】

  【You get the skill -【divination】! 】

  【Detected [Ancient Scholar] Deputy Profession Upgraded to Full Level! 】

  [You have triggered the job upgrade task [Mr. Scholar]! 】

[Task requirements: 1. Study meteorological knowledge and pass the Ph.D. examination of meteorology with Visalia standard difficulty; 2. Study the knowledge of the sea and pass the oceanography doctoral examination with standard difficulty of the future kingdom; 3. Contact a piece of red historical text, And read the information recorded above 0/1]

  [Task Reward: [Ancient Scholar] Profession Upgrade to [Mr. Scholar], Specialty [Rational Analysis]! 】

  [[Rational Analysis]-Specialty: Analyze the demon abilities used by the opponent, and understand its good effects and shortcomings. 】

    Thank you "How could Sasuke be so cute" and "The Night Sky on the Stars" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

     The second more...



  (End of this chapter)

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