Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 247: This month's lie adventure

  Chapter 247 This month’s lie adventure

  The deep dark night passed silently, and the slight sunlight came quietly.

  The island of Visalia, full of dreams, ushered in a fresh and peaceful morning.

Love, dressed as a maid, opened the heavy pleated curtains to let the fresh morning air flow into the bedroom.


  The little fox turned around, looked around the room, squinted his eyes, and raised the corners of his mouth.

  The next moment, her legs were slightly bent, and her toes touched the ground, like a good hunter, she pounced on the still warm velvet quilt, buried her head deeply between the pillows, rubbing her little face.


  Adrian poked his head out of the bathroom and looked at the little fox that was fluttering on the bed.

"What are you doing?"

   "Ah! Adrian Sama!"

   Love suddenly raised her head, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed.

   "Why are you still in the room?"

   "I'm in my own room. Is there anything weird about it?"

   Adrian walked over silently, and he reached out his hand to grab the little fox by the back of the neck, like a pet cat who made a mistake, and carried her out of the room.

   "It's you, you don't want to prepare breakfast if you have nothing to do. What are you doing in my room?"

  Lover who was placed in the aisle outside the room stuck out his tongue, "Actually, I had already prepared breakfast before I came to call you."

  So I jumped onto the bed and asked someone to eat?

  You little fox with an impure mind, the tail has long been exposed!

  Adrian stretched out his finger and poked Love’s forehead vigorously, "A real decent lady, the method that will be taken, does not include this, little fox!"

  The breakfast is still very rich.

  Love's craftsmanship is still improving.

  Accurately speaking, under the powerful effect of [Dessert Tongue], I have to improve!

  Love is going to be a good little cook for a lifetime!

  Well, it would be better if we could go further!

after breakfast.

  The edge of a small island with gentle wind and clouds.

   Adrian stood silently here, consulting the panel information, and the breeze gently twitched the tips of his black hair.

  Just now, the archaeologist’s job upgrade task has been completed by him.

  While obtaining a new profession [Appraisal], I also gained a new skill [Appraisal].

  Put the long-stored experience value into the upgrade cost of [Appraiser].

  [Your new profession [Appraiser] is upgraded to LV10 (MAX), vigor value is slightly increased, intelligence +40, 30 free attribute points, and 10 skill points! 】

  [Detected [Appraiser] Deputy Profession Upgraded to Full Level! 】

  [You have triggered the job upgrade task [Ancient Scholar]! 】

   [Task requirements: contact three pieces of ancient history text, and read the information recorded above]

  [Task Reward: [Appraiser] career upgrade to [Ancient Scholar], skill [Divination]! 】

  【【Divination】-Skills: Through interpretation of revelation, know that a certain action can bring good or bad results in the near future. As for very vague questions, there may be no possibility of successful divination at all. 】

   [Note: The results of divination are not completely reliable. 】

  Looking at the panel prompt, Adrian couldn't help feeling his chin, his brows frowned slightly, and he fell into a state of contemplation.

   "The career upgrade route for archaeologists is a bit interesting... It's only the third level, and you need to try to get in touch with the text of ancient history that is strictly forbidden."

  "For ordinary scholars, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to find the whereabouts of ancient historical texts on this endless sea."

"But it’s okay for me...Three pieces of historical text. One piece was brought from O’Hara. One piece was recorded under the base of the golden clock on the sky island. There is one piece left, whether it’s to Alabastan or The Sea Forest on Murloc Island can be obtained smoothly, and this task is not difficult to complete."

  "But at the third level [ancient scholars], you need to touch the text of the history. Wouldn't it be necessary to touch the text of the ‘red road sign’ after waiting, or simply to find traces of ancient weapons? It’s very troublesome to think about it.”

  "As for the skill [divination]..."

   "Why is the mood a little bit subtle?"

   "Is this [ancient scholar] or [fortune-teller]?"

"By the way, if you have mastered the skills of divination, will you still be able to call it'half fairy' in the future? It seems quite interesting. After all, the fruit of Huo Banxian's tarot card (crossed out, scarecrow) is really too convincing. People are impressed..."

   "Today, my chance of successfully defeating Kaido is [998 per thousand]."

  "The probability is not very high, and there is still a high risk of overturning. I still need to continue to increase my strength, increase my cards, increase helpers, and fight for Bangbang two punches to beat the cute and cry more!"

   "Just highlight one word, be steady!"

   Seeing that the waiting person has not yet come, Adrian thought slightly, took out the portrait of the thunder fruit from his arms, and silently started this month's lie adventure.

  [You use the skill [Golden Bizarre Adventure] on [Sounding Thunder Fruit·Image]! 】

  【You have the following information...】

  The light and shadow in front of him were constantly changing, and Adrian quickly got an information picture about the fruit of the thunder.

"Total darkness……"

   "Just don't even hang up a moon this time!"

  Looking at the [Big Talker] BUFF hanging on his body again, Adrian realized that he was going to practice his "closed mantra" for another week.

  In the past few months of studying ancient knowledge in Visalia Island.

  Adrian has used the [Golden Bizarre Adventure] skill more than once, but he still found nothing.

  The anticipated thunder fruit battle scenes have come out twice, but they are all still JPGs.

   Adrian faintly guessed that this might be related to the [Sounding Thunder Fruit·Image] he was holding.

  If it were 【Sounding Thunder Fruit·In-kind】, it should be much better——


  If there are real objects of thunder fruit, who would use this completely unreliable tattered skill!

  However, as the number of uses gradually increases, more and more pieces of intelligence are collected.

  Adrian Trust Panel.

   Aiwu and Wuxia, naturally also believe that the [Golden Bizarre Adventure] skill does have its uniqueness, at least it is impossible to give any false information.

  Just like this time, use the ability and force to obtain the "black" environment picture.

   A more reliable guess is that the current Thunder Thunder Fruit should be in some kind of blocked state, such as being kept in a treasure chest.

   "Anyway, if you want to get the thunder fruit, you can only splice the fragments little by little..."

   "It's kind of like playing a jigsaw puzzle."

   "I just don't know when I can gather all the information clues and find the fruit of the thunder."

  At this moment, Ainilu finally ran over.

  A few months later, the originally thin and tall Bika boy has become a lot more vigorous and tough, and his strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes.


   "Jump down."


  Anilu braked suddenly, looked at Adrian, and then at the edge of the small island that is not far away, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

   "You are cheating again—ah!"

  The little long-eared thief who had not finished speaking was kicked cleanly by Adrian.

  "I have been resting on Visalia Island for a long enough time, and I am ready to go down and move my muscles and bones!"

  (End of this chapter)

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