Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 245: 【archaeologist】

  Chapter 245【Archaeologists】

  Looking at the assistant occupation unlocking task prompt that appeared on the panel, Adrian's eyes quickly flashed a light.

  A few years ago.

  After Adrian arrives at the O’Hara Tree of All-Knowing Library and obtains the secondary occupations of [Doctor] and [Shipman], the panel automatically cancels the convenient way to obtain secondary occupations by reading books.

  At that time, the panel prompts that "follow-up assistant occupation method, please explore by yourself".

  But at the same time, it also showed that "As the number of subsequent secondary occupations increases, the difficulty of unlocking secondary occupations will also increase cumulatively."

   Adrian’s sixth secondary occupation is [Bounty Hunter].

  This is a sub-professional that was obtained only after catching five pirates with a reward of more than one million Baileys in the West China Sea voyage stage. The difficulty of unlocking is not too difficult.

  The seventh sub-professional is [Pirate]. This is the sub-professional that was awarded a reward after continuously disrupting the joint operations of the world government and the navy headquarters in the South China Sea.

  Since [Pirate] is one of the most mainstream occupations in this world, it can be obtained as long as it is offered as a reward by the navy or the world government, so it is not difficult to unlock it.

  But since then, no matter how Adrian tries to unlock the sub-class, there has been no way to do it.

  You must know that the number of all the occupations currently owned by Adrian is superimposed, and for the total number of occupations, it is still only a drop in the ocean.

  But I still haven’t got any sub-professions!

  It stands to reason.

  Adrian through indirect manipulation of the Razor Party, began mutual trade with the Don Quixote family in Beihai.

  At the very least, there should be a [merchant] or [gangster] deputy occupation.

  But there is still no prompt on the panel.

  Until this moment, Adrian once again triggered the unlocking task of the eighth sub-professional.

  And it is the [archaeologist] he has always been thinking of!

  Undoubtedly, attribute growth is different between different sub-professions.

   Just like [Navigator] and [Doctor] specializing in intelligence and charm, [Cook] and [boatman] specializing in strength and endurance.

  Originally, after acquiring the [Doctor] and [Shipman] assistant professions at the Tree of All-Knowing Library, Adrian was quite satisfied. After all, these two professions are essential basic abilities for the life of the sea lone ranger.


  After taking the ghost fruit and obtaining the intelligence multiplying specialty of [Ghost Fruit].

  Adrian regretted it more than once, why he failed to successfully obtain a [scholar] occupation before the panel canceled the secondary occupation access convenient way!

  Because of the academic profession, it is very likely to be a secondary profession of "intelligence specialization".

  At this time, the panel also confirmed Adrian's guess.

  Associate professional archaeologist, just remove all the bells and whistles, just simply increase the intelligence attribute!

  Without hesitation, Adrian immediately accepted the task.

  Dr. Kloba did not know the existence of the panel, but just said it to himself.

   "I just don't know Adrian if you will like the civilization history buried in the past..."


   Adrian smiled and nodded happily.

  "I am quite interested in the ‘blank hundred years’ that was deliberately hidden by the world government, and the longer ancient history!

  "If you have time in the future, Dr. Kloba might as well tell me about the [Yueshi Kingdom] you mentioned when communicating with the five old stars. I am also quite curious about that.

"after all……"

  Speaking of this, Adrian glanced slightly at Ainilu who was peering over here.

  "As far as I know, traces of civilization have indeed existed on the moon.

   "And there is already an extremely intelligent scientist who has landed on the moon."

   "Ahem!" Dr. Kloba coughed heavily and asked in shock, "Adrien, what you said is true?"

   "If I remember correctly, the doctor's name is [Moon Jian]."

   Adrian shrugged.

  "Unfortunately, I don’t know much about scientific knowledge, nor have I heard of any great inventions made by this doctor. I just learned that this doctor should live on the moon through some peculiar ways."

  Dr. Kloba twisted his beard, his eyes flashed with memories, but after all he didn't say anything.


  Under the leadership of Dr. Kloba, a group of O'Hara historians collectively went to the settlement on Visalia Island.

  After meeting with the meteorologists who are working **** the island, the two groups of high-IQ scholars immediately launched an almost crazy knowledge discussion, but also mixed with many unique knowledge or theories discovered by individuals.

  Adrian's current level of navigation is not low, and he also has a deep understanding of meteorological knowledge.

   Coupled with higher intelligence attributes than Tiantian, although he can't fully understand the discussion between these scholars, he can probably still listen to it.

   But Mrs. Penelope is listening to the heavenly scriptures, and the little Pepe in her arms has begun to yawn boringly.

  As for Ainilu...

  Although this guy will create a special type of talent alone in the future [Ark Proverbs].

  But today is not the future.

  At this time, Anilu didn't understand what the scholars were talking about. He only felt that there were hundreds of insects and flies buzzing in his ears, which made him dizzy and tinnitus.

  After all, the careful little Robin found Adrian these four "students" who were independent of scholars, and raised his hand embarrassedly to interrupt the discussion.

  This unique “meeting” ends here.

  The meteorologists on Visalia did not feel uneasy about the "departure" of O'Hara historians, but were extremely excited.

  In the days to come.

  Visalia Island can always see scenes where scholars are frantically discussing knowledge, regardless of wind and rain, day or night.

  This small sky island with the most complete climate knowledge in the world.

  Under the silent intervention of O’Hara historians, the island has been transformed from a purely meteorological research island to a comprehensive knowledge island.

  And during this time.

  It is also rare that Adrian did not put his mind on other things, but concentrated on learning ancient history knowledge on Visalia Island, hoping to unlock new secondary professions as soon as possible.

  A few months later.

  Visalia Island, central hall.

  It was carefully arranged as a low-key and luxurious banquet celebration place. A scholar in formal wear applauded and looked at the new "companion" who joined them in the center of the crowd.

  When Dr. Kloba wore the golden badge symbolizing the identity of O’Hara historian on Adrian’s chest, the long-awaited panel prompt finally appeared.

  [You get a new job-[Archaeologist], your vigor is increased, your intelligence is +2, you get 2 free attribute points, and you get 1 skill point! 】

    Thank you "Book Friends 160730184220497" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

     Although it’s already the second day, you should treat it as the sixth...



  (End of this chapter)

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