Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 241: [The Bizarre Adventure of Gold]

  Chapter 241 [The Bizarre Adventure of Gold]

  Because Bika is far away from the empty island where she is currently located.

  Adrian had to abandon this pet snake that had just been acquired and had no time for half a day, and rushed there by flying alone.

  The sky gradually dimmed and the stars were dazzling.

  Because of its location at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the night of the sky island is deeper and more brilliant than what can be seen in the sea below.

  The whole sky and the Milky Way, as if able to pick the stars with one hand.

  On the road, Adrian just had time to check the [Unknown Mystery Reward] just obtained, click to use it.

  A prompt comes from the panel.

  【You have received the 【Unknown Mystery Reward】! 】

  【The task is being judged...】

  【Judgment completed! 】

  [You gain skills-[Golden Bizarre Adventure]! 】

[[Golden Bizarre Adventure]: Special skills, when exploring unknown locations, identifying unknown props, etc., you can use this skill to forcefully obtain part of the historical information of the location/item, which can be reused for a target. Cooling time 30 days. 】

  【Note 1: This skill is especially useless in searching for golden treasures! 】

   [Note 2: Every time you use this skill, you will also gain a negative state [Dahuawang]. When talking with someone, the chance that the other person thinks what you are saying is a lie increases by 80% for 7 days. 】

   [Note 3: This smell... is the smell of lying. 】


  Looking at the new skills that were prompted on the panel, Adrian has always been talking constantly, and now he is a little speechless.

  There is no doubt that [Golden Bizarre Adventure] is a very special ability.

  Although it does not help the combat ability or the improvement of its own entity, it is a magical skill in doing tasks and digging into the plot.

  In other words, this skill is almost like opening the editing code of an item or location and viewing its history directly.

  In this gamified world, it’s almost time to catch up with GM means!

  But the problem is...

  [Golden's Bizarre Adventure] on the three notes given.

   "What the **** is the first remark?!"

   "The skill name is called Gold's Bizarre Adventure, but it just can't be used to explore the golden treasure. It's better to change the skill name!"

   "The second one is even more nonsense!"

   "Although I can understand that this skill is probably derived from the historical summary of the legend of'Rolando, the big talker', but I don't have to be regarded as a liar with my ability, right?"

   "Even if you change [Big Talker] to [Pinocchio]!"

   "A long nose that can bend, stretch, and grow or be short is also very useful! Snow White is very satisfied!"

   "Although I have a life to return, there is a little repetition of abilities."

   "Forget it, it seems that Pinocchio is not very good either. That long nose is the same as that of Usopp."

   "The third remark should be a supplement to the second, but..."


  Adrian's behavior of playing with the panel from time to time is rather unsightly.


  [Golden Bizarre Adventure] is also the first skill Adrian possesses with a clear cooling time, and the cooling cycle is as long as one month.

   Originally, Adrian thought that there is no cooling skill in this semi-real, semi-game world!

  At least there is no ‘NPC’ like him.

  It seems that this kind of thinking is still somewhat arbitrary.

  But professional special abilities such as [Golden's Bizarre Adventure] have a clear cooling time, which is not unacceptable.

  A short moment.

  Adrian found the real way to use this skill.

  That's right!

  That is "Looking for Devil Fruit"!

  Although the skill description clearly states that only part of the information of unknown items can be obtained, it is still past information, but as long as the accumulation is small, it can always be pieced together into complete information.

   Thinking of this, Adrian's figure suddenly stopped in midair.

   Call for Rumi in the Fortress of Fortress, and ask it to send out the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book" originally stored in the O'Hara Tree of All-Knowing Library.

  The precious books in the Tree of All-Knowing Library were sorted and collected by scholars into the Fortress of Jiancheng long before O'Hara encountered the crisis of the Demon Killing Order, so as to avoid being damaged by artillery fire.

  Now it just works!

  The reason to go to Bikar is not for the legendary devil fruit!

  After a while.

  A thick, large, hard-shelled book appeared in Adrian's hands. The spine of the book was engraved with the words "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book", and on the cover of the book were some pictures of fruits with image information left behind.

  Searching for a while according to the catalog, Adrian turned to find the page that recorded [Sounding Thunder Fruit].

  As the most famous "sounding thunder fruit" in the natural devil fruit, the devil fruit illustration book naturally records many of its ability information, including its picture album!

  This is a wonderful fruit with a azure blue body. The shape is similar to a mutated apple. The dense clusters of twisted lightning flowers protrude on the surface of the fruit, and the lightning flower clusters are full of peculiar tanggrass spiral patterns.

  Adrian stretched out his palm and pressed it on the image of the fruit of the thunder, and at the same time activated the newly acquired ability.

  [You use the skill [Golden Bizarre Adventure] on [Sounding Thunder Fruit·Image]! 】

  【You have the following information...】

  All the scene in front of me suddenly shattered and turned into bizarre and colorful fragments.

  The next moment, as if he was falling in weightlessness, Adrian's perspective suddenly zoomed in, and the brilliance fragments instantly recombined before his eyes, forming a picture.

  This is a scene of the past. In the dark night, a bright white moon hangs above the sky.

   Adrian guessed at ease.

  This image should be a scene of a battle between a certain person with the thunder fruit ability and other people in the past, and the screen of the ability should soon appear.

  Let the thunder break the darkness!

  Adrian reads his lines, looking forward to it...

   Then I saw the screen motionless until the end.

  ? ? ?


Is there something wrong with   ?

   Adrian tilted his head, and three big yellow question marks appeared on his head.

   Is this the end?

  I thought you were AVI, at least it had to be a GIF, but with you, this is a JPG that can’t move?

  Adrian looked to the panel to prompt, [Golden's Bizarre Adventure] has fallen into a cooling state, and the next use will need to wait until 30 days later.

  At the same time, behind his personal attribute panel, there is also a negative BUFF of [Dahuawang].

   "What's so special..."

   Adrian was almost about to explode, racking his brains to recall the scene just now.

  Dark night, bright moon.


  There is not even a star in the sky!

   "That's it? This has something to do with Xianglei Fruit?!"

   "You can't even release an electric spark, and you dare to say that you are the fruit of thunder?"

  Adrian is a little crazy.

  Bika is close at hand, he hopes this skill can mark a place.

  Even if it is a certain frame of picture, you can find the corresponding position under the back and forth scan of the scene, so as to find the thunder fruit smoothly.

After   the usable abilities, not only did they get nothing, but also suffered a negative buff for seven days. Who can stand it?

  After a while, Adrian somehow understood.

  "Could it be said that the fruit of thunder is actually related to [Moon]?"

  "After being defeated by Luffy in the original Anilu, he created a [Golden Ark] and rushed to [Infinite Earth]. The [Infinite Earth] in his mouth refers to the moon!"

   "No, right? Is it really going to enter the interstellar age?"

  (End of this chapter)

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