Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 237: Fierce Bear Pirates

  Chapter 237 Fierce Bear Pirate Group

  The coast of Gaya Island.

  Adrian landed from the sky and landed on the beach, looking at the long-lost yellow ground ahead, with a rare sense of relaxation in his eyes.

  The boredom and depression in the process of flying on the way is far above the ocean sailing.

  When sailing on the sea on the Underworld, at least there are Rumi and Love by his side to relieve boredom.

  In the process of flying from Donghai Windmill Village to the Great Airway Gaya Island, he was alone.

   But anyway.

  After all, I came to this special island below the empty island!

  Already here, Adrian was not eager to fly to the sky island in the first place, but prepared to take a short break on Gaya Island to relieve his tired spirit.

  The sea breeze blew his face, Adrian stretched his arms and stretched his waist.

  Just as he was about to step forward, a loud shout suddenly came from behind him.

   turned his head and looked around, and saw a medium-sized three-masted sailing ship with the black pirate flag flying fast in the direction of Gaya Island, riding the wind and waves.

  On the deck of the sailing boat, the dense crowds are clearly visible. Most of them are wrapped in black cloth, each holding a long knife and musket, with a fierce look.

  There is no doubt that this is a group of pirates preparing to land on Gaya Island!

  Adrian calmly looked at the pirate mark painted on the sail of the other party.

  "It's kind of like a bear in armor? I don't have much impression..."

   Just as Adrian recalled the identity of the pirate group opposite.

  Several sturdy pirates with a smirk, pushing two medium artillery pieces, aiming here.

  A moment later, accompanied by two loud bangs, two round black cannonballs roared.

   "It seems that there is no need to recall their identities. Unscrupulously shelled innocent passers-by, and it seems that this has not been done once."

   Adrian narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised his hand to explore the void.

  Along with a few faint ripples in the air, the Demon Blade·Second Generation Guitou was held into the palm of his hand.

  On the pirate ship about to disembark, several pirates who saw the situation were immediately dumbfounded.

  The pirates who hang out in the paradise stage must have no shortage of vision.

  For the power of devil fruit, even if you have never eaten pork, you have seen pigs run!

  What's more, the captain of their fierce bear pirate group is himself an animal type·brown bear fruit capable person with a reward of more than 60 million Baileys!

  How can these pirates not see at this time, the little white face they just shelled, if not unexpected, should be a very rare superhuman fruit ability?


  Adrian swung his wrist lightly, and several extremely sharp flying slashes burst out from the sword of the second generation of ghosts, lightly splitting the two cannonballs in the air into two and two into four.

  The remaining flying slash still flew in the direction of the pirate ship unabated.

  In the blink of an eye, the three large and thin masts on the boat, which were held together by several people, instantly turned into two pieces.

  The broken mast fell from the sky and fell on the pirate ship with a bang.

  Many pirate crew members who had not had time to avoid were beaten to death on the spot, and there were also several minor and serious injuries.

  The loud sound of the quake attracted the attention of the Captain of the Fierce Bear Pirate Group who was resting in the cabin. He was disheveled in three steps and two steps before breaking through the cabin door and onto the deck.

   "What happened?! What happened?"

   Running out of the cabin was a tall and sturdy man with a height of five meters, brown hair and beard, and only a pair of black trousers. His naked upper body was covered with thick brown body hair.

  Looking from a distance, it looks like a brown bear walking upright!

  The big brown bear's eyes rolled, and soon he locked on Adrian, who was standing on the edge of the coast and holding a long knife.

   "Did you destroy my boat? Boy, I want you to pay for my life!"

  The big brown bear shouted angrily, and instantly entered a state of full beastization, his figure suddenly swelled a bit again, and his hands and feet turned into giant palms of the brown bear at the same time.


  The big brown bear slammed its feet heavily on the deck of the ship, and the huge figure leapt into the air and pounced towards the coastline.

   Adrian's eyes condensed, and the dark, arrogant color instantly wrapped around the blade of the second-generation Ghost.

The big brown bear leaping into the air suddenly felt a strong sense of horror in his heart. His eyes were instantly bloodshot and exposed. He wanted to struggle away from the inexplicable emotional influence, but he couldn't do it at all. .

  Even under the lock of that sword force, the big brown bear felt that he did not even have the strength to drive his body.

   A red light flashed in Adrian's eyes, and he swung his arms vigorously.

  One sword flow·Great shock!

  The dark blade of the demon sword drew a sharp arc in the air, and there was even a faint chill on the body of the sword.

  Under the stunned gaze of the crew of the Fierce Bear Pirate Group, their inexhaustible Captain of Captain was actually slashed from the midair by this slash that did not touch his body at all!

  However, Adrian, who was standing on the shore, frowned slightly, and was not very satisfied with this new swordsmanship.

   "Completely abusive skills, the kind that can't even cause real damage, even if it is shocked to the enemy, what can it be?"

   Adrian shook his head slightly, and again slashed several slashes, sinking the pirate ship that had not had time to land in the shallow water.

  Mini ghost, withered and pierced.

  The next moment, Adrian released his ghost power.

  The domineering and domineering look and feel are precisely locked onto each crew member of the Fierce Bear Pirate Ship, and the mini ghosts penetrate into their bodies one by one, even the big brown bear that has just fallen into the water.

Puff puff--

  Slight explosion sound came from the ocean.

  The next moment, the faint blood stained the surrounding waters, and a group of sharks that smelled of blood quickly swam over to clean up the fresh corpses.

  A prompt tone comes from the panel.

  【You get 1 trial point】

   "Beep, it's only 1 o'clock? What a bunch of worthless stuff!"

  Looking at the panel prompt, Adrian couldn't help but curl his lips.

  After sailing in the paradise some time ago, at this time he has roughly figured out how to determine the trial point.

  In addition to the opponent's own strength, the amount of reward is also a very important reference indicator.

  1 trial point, which roughly corresponds to an enemy with a bounty of 100 million Baileys.

Although    is only a reference, the approximate range cannot be wrong.

   Adrian looked at the experience prompt on the panel again. As expected, under the conversion of the pirate bounty exchange experience point system, in addition to the kill reward, he probably also gained about 10 million extra experience points this time.

  Looking at the blood-red sea, Adrian shook his head slightly.

   "The bounty of 100 million Baileys was just thrown into the water. Although I don't care about the money, I am always reluctant..."

   "Is there any way to receive the bounty as a pirate? This is a problem."

    third more



  (End of this chapter)

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