Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 220: Ice and fire! Double day

  Chapter 220 Ice and Fire! Double day

   "Meteor Volcano!"

  A long time ago, Sarkarski had learned Bai Youling’s trash talking ability.

  At this moment, facing Adrian's ironic words, he coldly said nothing, and directly waved his hands!

  Sakowski instantly activated the fruit ability, turning himself into a continuous flow of humanoid magma.

  At the same time, the entire frozen ground of O'Hara was instantly replaced by hot lava, bursting out terrifyingly high-temperature waves, and then soaring into the sky, just like the scene where the world is shaking when a submarine volcano erupts.

  Sakaski raised his arms high, and his two fists produced a large number of huge lava giant punches in the form of lava, and launched them into the air, and flew into the air together with the lava that had originally erupted from the surface.

  Under the action of the law of universal gravitation, magma fists and magma meteorites like meteor waterfall rain continue to fall from the sky, instantly turning O'Hara into a sea of ​​lava.

  The red light in Adrian's eyes is full of red, and the domineering domineering that can predict the future is urged to the extreme by him, and he keeps dodging the magma meteors in the air.

  Long time no see, Sakarski has been able to integrate his armed and domineering into such a range of magma natural disaster attacks!

  Even though the armed color content is not much, it can still be seen that Sakarski has worked hard since these days.

   "However, mad dog, this time, no innocent people are watching the battle!"

  Adrian, who avoided all the magma meteors, stood in the sky, his eyes were cold as winter, his palms folded together, and he pulled out a phantom energy lightsaber shining with mysterious blue light.

  It's too late to say, it's fast then.

  Sakaski, who was already ready to attack, flashed a cold killing intent in his eyes. Taking advantage of the brief moment when the white ghost stood on the sky, he did not hesitate to be a big fire.

  The huge lava fist wrapped in the terrifying heat burned the surrounding air and flew towards Adrian.

  The lava has not yet arrived, but the hot and bright dark red light has already set off in Adrian's pupils, and at the same time, his face is extremely red.

   Adrian raised his right arm, his mind moved slightly, and the original Nether Energy Lightsaber instantly shrank and deformed.

  Nether Energy Cannon once again appeared in his palm, shooting out at the oncoming lava giant fist.


   accompanied by a loud noise.

The place where the Nether Energy Cannon and the magma giant fist meet, instantly exploded a red and blue light, and the billowing air wave spread to the surroundings, as if a super typhoon was set off out of thin air, blowing all the surrounding things upside down. Away.

  Among the many natural fruits, although capable persons can perform a wide range of elemental attacks, there is still a difference between abilities and abilities!

  Rock berry fruit, among the many natural fruits, its attack power is second to none!

  Before the "Sounding Thunder Fruit" appeared, the rock berry was actually praised by the world as the natural devil fruit with the "highest attack power and strongest destructive power"!

  This is a true [natural disaster fruit]!

  However, seeing that the almost invincible fire breathing in the past was easily resisted by the new ability displayed by the white ghost, Sarkarski still couldn't help his pupils shrink slightly.

  Yao thinks that when he fought with the white ghost for the first time, the opponent’s fruit ability was completely unable to attack the magma!

  Even the seemingly powerful "giant ghost" created by the opponent can't eliminate Meteor Volcano's attack, but can only disperse it in advance!

  In other words, the strength of the original white ghost was not as strong as imagined!

  Well, if you don’t take into account that disgusting emotional manipulation ghost...

  Reminiscent of Bai Youling's emotional ability that has not yet been displayed, Sakaski suddenly clenched his fists, and the unbearable past of the society once again surfaced in his heart.


  Sakaski suddenly yelled.

  "Be careful of the attacks of the white ghost! Don't be touched by the ghosts made by the white ghost! According to intelligence, armed domineering can resist his ghost attacks!"

  Kuzan, who was watching the battle silently, just remembered that the first person in the navy to officially fight the White Ghost seemed to be Sarkarski next to him.

  But under Sakaski’s overwhelming magma attack, it is difficult for Kuzan to use his fruit ability.

  Frozen fruit and rock berry are actually two diametrically opposite and conflicting natural fruits.

  The Frozen Age created by Kuzan using frozen fruits has also been completely destroyed by Sakarski’s Meteor Volcano.

  At this moment, if Kuzan continues to use his Frozen Fruit ability, not only will it not be able to help Sarkarski’s battle, but it will continue to weaken Sarkarski’s magma power.

  Even if I can’t understand Sakarski’s bombardment of an innocent refuge ship just now.

  But at the moment the enemy is currently, Kuzan still forcibly suppresses the discomfort in his heart, and joins forces with Sarkarski to confront the enemy.

   "Frozen Sabre!"

  Kuzan’s ability to manipulate, once again formed a sharp and cold white ice skate in his hand.

  At the same time, Kuzan also used his armed and domineering ability to cover the surface of the ice blade to prevent it from being melted by the terrifying high temperature brought by the surrounding magma environment.

  Kuzan, holding an ice knife, stood beside Sakarski, whose right arm also turned into a giant magma hand exuding terrifying high-temperature fluctuations.

  In recent years, the most famous monster lieutenant admiral in the navy, faintly showing horns, surrounds Adrian.

   "One enemy two? It's a good sparring partner!"

The scarlet light flickered in Adrian’s eyes, and a phantom energy lightsaber was slowly drilled out of the palm of his right palm. At the same time, with a light wave of his left hand, countless white ghosts jumped out of the void and scattered across O’Hara’s In each position, the ability was completed almost instantaneously.

This time, Adrian did not shape these white ghosts into specific architectural shapes. He treated these masters with armed and domineering, huge and conspicuous evil mazes or fog theaters, but they were targets that could not be avoided. Will consume energy in vain.

Faced with such white ghosts all over the mountains, neither Sakarski nor Kuzan dared to take the slightest care. Both of them had red light in their eyes. At the same time, they spurred the domineering vision and color, observing everything on the court. White ghost.

  Transparent ghost and silent phantom.

  Adrian hides his figure silently, integrates himself into a crowd of white ghosts, and manipulates his abilities at the same time.

  Negative ghost·Can't get back!

  Under the command of the Supreme Creator, a halo suddenly appeared on the surface of the white ghost body all over the mountains, with a malicious smile on his face, and he pounced towards Kuzan and Sakaski below.

   "Heaven Dog!"

Faced with such a intensive ghost attack, Sarkarski gave up the hugely powerful fire-breathing and turned to use the speed-type ghost dog, the dark armed color domineering covering the lava arm, continuously penetrated one after another. Only emotional ghost.


  Kuzan also used the easy-to-manufacture freezing abilities, and saw that slender ice crystal cylinders were continuously condensed in his palm, covered with armed domineering, dispelling one after another emotional ghost.

   But just like this, there is absolutely no way to attack!

  Thinking like this instantly appeared in the hearts of the two monster lieutenants.

  But before they could take any further action, a sense of threat of almost lethal level suddenly spread from the domineering look.

   Both use their abilities at the same time to repel the emotional ghost in front of you and look into the air.

  Under the gloomy sky, I saw a white Thousand-Handed Buddha statue standing on top of the sky, like a giant, with low eyebrows and a kind smile looking towards the island below.

  In the distraught expressions of Sarkarski and Kuzanjai.

  Thousands of arms and thousands of palms of the white Buddha, in the palm of each palm, a bright and dazzling blue light suddenly lit up!

    Thank you very much for the 5000 starting coin reward of "Dancing Ice Cream"! And become the deacon of this book!



  (End of this chapter)

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