Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 205: Return plan (monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 205 Return Plan (monthly ticket plus update)

  The waters around the country of Wano.

  The sea is surging and the waves are rolling.

  The Underworld, with the banner of the Golden Dragon Ghost Pirate, is braving the wind and waves and advancing courageously.

  Farewell to the socially dead middle-aged technical otaku.

  Adrian did not bid farewell to the Shuangyue Kang's family, but left the country alone.

  Several goals that need to be completed in Hezhi have all been achieved, and naturally there is no reason to stay in this country.

  On the deck of Mingyuan.

  Adrian is doing daily swordsmanship training, and what he holds in his hand is the second-generation Ghost Toru.

   A series of fierce and unmatched huge flying slashes, constantly flying out from the deck of the Mingyuan, and slashing towards the sea ahead.

  The turbulent sea was slashed and separated again and again, but the original posture was restored in an instant.

  In this way, Adrian uses the sea as the target of his swordsmanship, which has continuously enhanced his familiarity with the second generation of Oni Toru.

   "Adrian, where are we going next?"

  Rumi's loud question came from the direction of the rudder.

   "Do you want to continue to dive into the new world?"

   Adrian made a flying slash, and said without looking back: "It's unnecessary, Rumi, we can prepare to return."

   "Return to sail? Adrian Sama, are we going back to Zow to settle?"

   Little Fox Love’s ears froze in an instant, she ran to Adrian anxiously, looking at him hopefully, the fluffy and crystal-clear pure white foxtail swept back and forth behind her.

   "What is going on in your little head?"

  Adrian took the knife back into its sheath, stretched out his finger angrily, and poke Love's head hard.

   "We only passed through Zuow some time ago! How could it be possible to return now?"

   "But Adrian Sama, you didn't go to Zou," Love defended. "The Furry Principality is really a very, very beautiful place. You will never regret it!"

   "No, I recently got a strange disease of'I will faint when seeing a large number of fur races gathered together'."

   "How can there be such a strange disease!"

  Love looked at Adrian with anger, but after all, he was still the third in command of the team who was very angry, and asked after a while.

   "Then Adrian Sama, where are we going now?"


   Hearing Love's words, Adrian couldn't help but squeezed his chin and pondered for a moment.

  At the same time, he called out the panel information and opened the task system.

  No mission was triggered in the territory of Wano Country, but the progress of a certain mission was advanced.

  Half of the task of [Last Wish] obtained half a year ago has been completed.

  You only need to wait until the return to the East China Sea and inform Master Koushiro of the current situation of the Sagetsu family in the country of Wano. It is enough to submit the conclusion.

  After a glance.

  Adrian's gaze gradually stayed between the [Winner of the Wind] and [Extreme Trial].

  [Winner of the Wind] is a career upgrade task for the navigator.

   Triggered when Adrian just entered the great route. At least four paradise routes need to be completed, which is a very time-consuming and troublesome task.

  [Extreme Trial] is a level 80 advanced task. It requires constant challenge to the enemy to obtain trial points and advance the task progress. It is also a very time-consuming type.

  Currently, the task progress of the [Winner of the Wind] has just reached a quarter, indicating that a paradise route has been completed.

  The task progress of [Extreme Trial] is 125/1000.

  Although it seems that the task of Extreme Trial is progressing very fast, in fact, this is a trial point obtained after successive encounters with the "Weapon Pirates", "White Beard Pirates", and "Kaido".

  Whitebeard provides the most trial points. Kaido is roughly equivalent to one-fifth of the white beard, and the entire group of Weapon Pirates is roughly equivalent to one-fourth of the Kaido.

  It is important to know that the total amount of reward for the whole group of Weapon Pirates exceeds 500 million Baileys.

   is such a group of pirates that are not weak in strength. They only provide a 5 point trial point, and the degree of deduction on the panel is simply too much!

   Adrian always felt that the panel was trying to provoke him to continue to provoke the white beard, the aunt, or the navy headquarters and the world government.

  But this does look very tempting...

   "Rumi, prepare to return to Murloc Island!" Adrian told the ship spirit, "By the way, you should know how Totland is going to go?"

   "I also went to Totland at the beginning, and Roger also snatched a piece of red from Charlotte Lingling——"

   Rumi was about to proudly talk about some past experiences, but immediately exclaimed.

   "Oh! Adrian! Are you going to trouble Charlotte Lingling again?"

   Adrian smiled and waved his hand: "What kind of trouble is this! I just want to help BIGMOM clean up the environment of all nations."

  Don’t forget, there is also a series of [Charlotte family] missions lying on the mission panel!

  Whether it is destroying islands of all nations, or killing members of the BIGMOM pirate group, you can advance the task progress and get task rewards.

  Especially killing/defeating those blood-related members of the Charlotte family, you can get a lot of side mission rewards.

  For cleaning up the sphere of influence of BIGMOM and weakening her **** family, Adrian has no burden or psychological pressure in her heart.

  On the way back from the country to the fisherman island, you can just clean up some of the high reward members of the Charlotte family by the way.

   Even if she encountered Charlotte Lingling, Adrian was not afraid at all, but would be happier.

  Because that means that he can get a huge amount of experience points, high-level expertise, and high-level skills from the natural saboteur of BIGMOM.

  When you arrive at the fisherman island, you can clean up a wave of newly emerged pirate forces on the island and advance the [Mermaid's Wailing] mission.

  Finally, return to the paradise stage, relying on Rumi’s old ship to know the way, and quickly advance the progress of the [Winner of the Wind] mission.

  In short, no matter where you go, as long as you don’t continue to the depths of the new world, you have everything to do!

at this time.

   Little Fox Love asked curiously: "Adrian Sama, who is BIGMOM?"

"Remember the man and woman we met on the island of Mistoria before?" Adrian reminded, "It's the woman with a long neck, and the man with a cookie shield. BIGMOM is their mother. ."

  Love spliced ​​and assembled the images of Armand and Crane in his mind, but couldn't figure out what their mother looked like.

  On the contrary, the more you fight, the stranger it gets.

   Seeing Love’s confused look, Adrian said briefly: "Just a fat pink lady who likes sweets and has a bad temper."

   Love asked again: "Then is this fat lady good?"

   Adrian said: "She is not a problem that is not too powerful, she is really the kind, the kind that is rare...

   "Well, in fact, judging by my experience, she is at least much better than the big monster we encountered before."

   "Then Adrian Sama, can you beat her? Or maybe another day?"

    Lost in power outage, update is late, sorry.

     There should be another one at eleven.



  (End of this chapter)

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