Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 203: 【Demon Blade·Second Generation Ghost Toru】

  Chapter 203【Demon Blade·Second Generation Ghost Toru】

  Followed behind Tengu Mountain, Fei Che, and entered the house together.

   quietly observed the layout of the house, and found that there was no such thing as a “wall of an otaku” as expected.

  Adrian couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and slandered.

  Tiangushan Fei Che, this guy is too stingy, he hides his wife so tightly!

  I will not rob your wife.

  At most, I just want Kangkang, what structure does your wife have...

  After the two sides sat down, Tiangushan made a pot of tea and pushed the steaming teacup towards Adrian.

   "His Royal Highness Kang said in the letter that you want to change a famous knife?"

   "It is true."

  After Adrian took the tea, he raised his arm and grabbed it towards the void. With a faint ripple, he held the pure white sleeves of snow in his hand.


  Tiangou Mountain flew wide-eyed, and cried out in exclamation.

  Adrian's mouth twitched slightly, so that the unique and compelling picture was actually regarded as a juggling.

  The country of Kowa has been closed for many years, and the way of calling many things is different from overseas, such as Liuying.

  And the power of the devil fruit is also called [witchcraft] by the people of the country.

  Adrian was able to understand the lack of knowledge of Tengu Mountain Fei Che about the fruit of Jiancheng, but he still tried to explain one sentence.

  "This is the power of the devil fruit! It is not magic!"

While    was speaking, Adrian also handed Xiuxue to Tiangushan Feiche.

  Because of the professional qualities of a knife forger, Tiangushan Feiche instantly put aside the insignificant "witchcraft".

  He stretched out his hands, caught Xiuxue’s pure white scabbard, and drew out the knife solemnly, a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes.

   "What a beautiful knife!"

  Even if he was a forge of the level of Tengu Shan Fei Che, he was also attracted by Xiuxue's pure and gorgeous appearance.

  "The name of this knife is—"

   "Xiu Xue! I know!"

  Tiangushan Feiche was carefully examining the appearance of Xiuxue, and secretly trying to figure out its craftsmanship, and suddenly interrupted Adrian with a little impatiently.

   "Although Xiuxue was not made by craftsmen from the country of Japan, since he is the legendary [Twenty-one Work of Dayewu], the old man naturally understands it!"

  "Property" is also one of the unique titles of Wano Country.

  After a long time, Tiangushan Feiche finally woke up from the addiction to Xiuxue.

"It's a rare and good knife, and it's well maintained. It's different from the special forging skills of Wano Country. It's also very interesting... Mr. Momoa, I don't know where you got this great work. ?"

   "A coincidence, a coincidence."

  Adrian had no choice but to prevaricate a few words, he can't say, ‘I’m blackmailing from the world government with the life of the dragon people’!

   "Mr. Momoa just wants to use this handle [Sleeve Snow] to exchange with me for another great deal?"

  Tiangushan flew through and pondered for a few seconds, and said slowly.

   "But although the old man once cast a famous sword of the 21st grade of the big sharp sword, the [Tianyu Yuzhan] has been delivered to His Highness Guangyue Mitian."

   "Well, I know this too."

   Adrian nodded.

  "Guangyue Mitian’s two swords, [Tianyu Yuzhan], were forged by Lord Feiche; and the other [Yan Mo] was forged by Master Shuangyue Kosaburo."

   "At the same time, Master Shuangyue Kosaburo once forged [Hedao Yiwen], but he took it to the East China Sea... It is indeed a very good big sharp knife."

  Tengu Shan Feitou said in surprise: "Mr. Momoa once came to the country of Wano, has met'Shuanggetsu Kosaburo'?"

  "Didn't His Highness Shuangyue Kang's family mention it in the letter?"

   Adrian was surprised.

   "It was at the request of Mr. Shogetsu Kosaburo's only son that I came to Wano Country to explore the current situation of the Shogetsu family."

   "I didn't expect Mr. Kosaburo to finally escape overseas and leave his blood..."

  Tiangushan Fei-chi is a little bit emotional.

  As the most famous swordsmith in Wano Country in the past two generations, Tenguyama Hitoru naturally has an understanding of Sagetsu Kosaburo, who once created the 21st swordsman.

  Although I haven't met each other, I have had a relationship for a long time.

  Tiangushan Feito asked: "Since Mr. Momoa has met the descendants of Shuangyue before, why didn't he ask them to replace the [Hedo one text] request?"

   Adrian explained: "Because I hadn't obtained Xiuxue at the beginning, I usually use another good fast knife Fifty Works·Xuezou."

  He once again drew out the gorgeous snowy scabbard and handed it to Tengu Mountain Fei Che.

   "It seems that the relationship between Mr. Momoa and the famous sword is not shallow..."

   Adrian said: "Of course, as a qualified swordsman, it is best to have two—no, three swords."

  "One is for collecting, one is for viewing, and the other is for practical use."

  For example, some lovers of beautiful girl puppets, when purchasing a limited edition beautiful girl puppet, will do similar operations.

  In most cases, everyone will only buy one.

  But there are a few people who will buy three.

  One for storage, one for viewing, and one for practical use.

  Although sexual interests and hobbies are different, these views are still recognized by the master forge.

  Adrian and Tengushan Fei-Ting glanced at each other, showing a tacit smile.

  The friendship between men sometimes gets closer because of a little bit of common hobbies.

  Tiangushan Feiche said in a relaxed tone: "Momoya, in fact, the old man still has two good knives that are comparable to the twenty-one work of the big business, but one is inherited from the ancestors..."

  I heard a very familiar sentence inexplicably.

  I think that when I bought Snow Walk in Roggetown, the boss of [One Right Way] once said something similar.

   Adrian almost didn’t ask "You have to add money too".

  I saw Tiangushan Feichi continuing.

   "So, the old man now only has a knife to exchange with you."

   "Speaking of which, the old man used to create a long knife after imitating that great cause, but he did not expect to create another [Demon Sword]."

  Tiangushan Feichi interrupted the words, got up from the table, and left.

   Adrian sat at the table alone, silently said in his heart.

   "Three generations of Onitoru, also the work of Tenguyama Hitsuru..."

  "The profession of a knifesmith is so good, if the level is high enough, you can continuously create good knives by yourself..."

  After a while, Tengu Mountain flew back, holding a long knife with a scabbard and a purple hilt in his arms.

  "This sword is also a demon sword, named [Second-generation Ghost Toru], and it is listed in the'Twenty-one Work of Dayewu' at the same time as Momoa's [Sleeve Snow]."

  At this time, Adrian has noticed the second-generation Ghost Toru.

   is not due to the interaction between the powerful swordsman and the legendary sword.

  It’s because, Adrian felt the faint "indeterminate meaning" emanating from the [Second Generation Ghost Toru]!

   Thank you "Flash· Mie" for the reward of 500 starting coins.



  (End of this chapter)

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