Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 201: A Treasure to Peach·Sage Pendant

  Chapter 201: A Treasure Aid to Peach·Sage Pendant

  Adrian wants to see Mitsuki Mita, of course there is a reason for him.

  The most direct and fundamental reason is that Adrian wants to try to see if he can trigger an S-level challenge mission or an A-level challenge mission from Guangyue Mitian.

  Experience value is second, and the most important thing is the ability reward attached to the challenge task.

  Although it is not very good for Guangyue Mitian's personal senses, this does not affect Adrian's ability to obtain Miyoshi Mitian!

  Just like Adrian really dislikes BIGMOM very, very much, but that doesn’t prevent the speciality of [Big Hit Special] from being so fragrant!

   And counting the abilities of Mitsuki Mita, there are still many worthy of Adrian's pursuit.

   Putting aside the most basic physical abilities of Guangyue Mitian, there are also swordsmanship such as the second sword style of Mitian, and the overlord color that has never been brushed out, especially the ability to listen to the sound of all things at the end!

  Although Adrian still doesn't know the use of the ability to listen to the sound of everything.

  Even in the original work, the display effect of this ability seems to be just adding an "antenna" that can receive signals with special frequencies.

  But it’s better than nothing, right?

  What's more, this ability also faintly involves the ultimate mystery of the sea!

  After hearing Adrian's words.

  Whether it is Ashura Boy or Lei Zang, they are instantly nervous.

  This can’t help but make them nervous!

  If before knowing Adrian’s "exact record", these two Red Swords can still regard him as an ordinary master from overseas, faintly with the Frost Moon family;

  But after knowing the specific record, I realized that this so-called "ordinary master" is a "peerless murderer" who can beat Kaido to the sky in a short period of time, but he is unscathed!

  This is very scary!

  Even the Scarlet Sword Nine Heroes must recognize Kaido's strength, which is definitely at the level of their lord Mitsuki Mita!

  This is already a super master standing at the top of the sea's power pyramid!

   Even if you are not a gold medal player, at least a silver medal is more than enough.

  Leizang's throat moved slightly, and he asked seriously: "I don't know you, cough cough! I don't know if you want to see His Royal Highness Mitsui?"

  Adrian pointed to Xuezou and Xiuxue beside him, and explained casually.

   "I am a swordsman in the lower body. I have heard some legends of Mitsuki Mita by chance, so I wanted to come and ask for some advice."

  Is this reason reasonable?

   Very reasonable!

  At the very least, it is quite reasonable in Wano country where the samurai is popular.

  Neither Asura Boy nor Lei Zang could say anything to refuse.

  At this time, Shuangyue Kang's family stood up and made a round of rounds, and he said with a smile.

   "Mr. Momoa, didn't you say that you wanted to go to Guri to find a swordsmith at Tenguyama to replace a famous knife? Or challenge Mita, or move back a little bit."

  Shuangyue Kangjia also did not want this "conscientious scholar" who had just informed the information of the overseas people, and he had always valued Mitsuki Mida in a fight in the territory of Wano Country.

However, Adrian just waved his hand and said, "It's okay. If I change swords on the spot at this time, it may affect my ability. And I usually use [Snow Go] to fight the enemy. The number of times I use Xiu Xue is compared. few."

   "What's more, isn't Guangyue Mitian the name of Jiuli? Tengushan Feiche Swordsmith also lives in Jiuli area, and it just happened to be on the way."

  Now even Shuangyue Kang's family has nothing to say.

  Asura boy and Lei Zang looked at each other, and shook their heads helplessly.

  At the strong request of Adrian, Shuangyue Kang's family and the others had to leave Bai Wu's daimyo palace and walked formidable in the direction of Jiuli.

  Whether it is the men and horses of the black charcoal snake, or the eyeliner of the beasts and pirates, it is basically commonplace to deal with such situations.

  In the past two or three years, after Guangyue Mitian promised the black charcoal Orochi and Kaido the beast to dance in a loincloth under the roof of Orochi City once a week, this situation has always happened.

  Even ordinary civilians in Wano are already quite familiar with this situation.

  When they saw Shuangyue Kang's family, Asura boy, Leizang and others passing by, people sighed with emotion.

   "These vassals of the Guangyue family are really persistent. They have invited His Highness Shuangyue Kang's family out again..."

   "Everyone knows that the fool is completely hopeless..."

   "Why does His Highness Shuangyue Kang's family still refuse to give up..."

  The scattered words spread to the ears of Shuangyue Kang's family, Asura boy and Lei Zang. They couldn't help but become embarrassed and looked at Adrian, only to see the latter's expression of calmness.

  Adrian didn't bother to care about the evaluation of the light and moon clan by the civilians of Wano country!

how to say?

  Own lord, even if he gritted his teeth, he must bear it!

  The group of people rushed very fast, and it didn’t take long before they arrived at the Daming Palace in Jiuli.

  And Adrian, finally saw Guangyue Mitian.

  This is a tall, sturdy adult man. He is nearly four meters tall. He has a pair of red phoenix eyes and thick eyebrows. The black hair on the top of his head is gathered into a large round plane, which looks like he is wearing a black flat hat. He was wearing an orange kimono with a crescent moon pattern imprinted on his chest, a huge purple-white string tied on his shoulders and waist, and two sabers [Tianyu Yuzhan] and [Yan Mo] tied to the waist.

  In his youth, Guangyue Mitian was a maverick, bohemian, free and willful person.

  It stands to reason that such a guy, after experiencing the White Beard Pirates and Roger Pirates successively, the original free and indulgent character should be magnified again.

  But what appeared in front of Adrian at this time was just an ordinary middle-aged man with a calm face and calm eyes, and there was even a faint sense of decadence around him.

   "Against a big person who has lost his heart?"

  Adrian raised his brows and was puzzled.

   "But what reason is there for Mitsuki Mida to be like this? I can't figure it out at all!"

"It's also very strange to say that after being defeated by Kaido and stuck in prison, Guangyue Mitian would also take the initiative to tell Guangyue that when the Japanese Parliament is welcoming the winter, he defeated Kaido and made the country of Japan. The people who founded the country will appear in twenty years?"

   "It sounds like he understands the future destiny of Wano Country better than his wife (a person with time fruit ability)!"

  At this time, Asura Boy and Raizou also explained Adrian's intention to Mitsuki Mita.

   "Did you defeat Kaido's "Swordsman"?"

  Guangyue Mitian's eyes flashed a little interest, but then he turned into imperceptible loneliness, he smiled and waved his hand.

   "Forget it, Mr. Momoa, I haven't played against anyone in a long time."

   "His Royal Highness Mitian!" X2

  Asura boy and Raizou looked at Guangyue Mitian in astonishment at the same time.

  As a samurai in the country of Wano, would he take the initiative to reject other people’s challenges? !

  This is definitely the indelible shame of a samurai! !


  Even Shuangyue Kang's family knew the seriousness of what Guangyue Mitian said at this time, and looked at him with a serious expression.

  "Just forgive me, a few." Mitsuki Mida waved his hand carelessly, and said boredly, "Rather than thinking about how to meet other people's challenges, it's better to think about what kind of oden to eat for lunch today."

  At this moment, a loud noise came from the entrance of the palace.

   Soon, a little boy in a pink kimono ran in after the hair on the top of his head was shaved and only the back of his head was combed.


   Mitsutsu Mita happily greeted his son.

   Adrian narrowed his eyes and a kind smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  He pretended to look at the Shuangyue Kang's family in doubt, and the knowing Shuangyue Kang's family immediately explained the identity of Momanosuke in a low voice.

   "It turned out to be the son of Mitsuki Mida..."

   Adrian sighed in a modest manner, fumbled out a sapphire pendant gleaming with faint blue light from his arms, and threw it to Guangyue Mitian.

   "Although it is a pity that your father refused my invitation to challenge, let me give you a small gift."

  Guangyue Mitian quickly took the sapphire pendant in his hand.

   Suddenly, a feeling of emptiness and calm rushed to Guangyue Mitian's heart, and all the tedious thoughts of the past were all forgotten.

  A few seconds later, Mitsuki Mita broke away from this feeling, and looked at Adrian calmly.

   "What necklace is this?"

  "This is a special necklace spawned by my own abilities. It can make people fall into a state of calm and fantasy, and at the same time clear away those disturbing thoughts that shouldn't be there."

   Adrian tells the truth.

  "Sage’s Necklace, its name is this."

The full name of    is-Melancholy Ghost·Sage Moment·Sapphire Continuation Version!

  As early as when he was on the fisherman island, Adrian had thought about how to continue to restrain the fisherman island pirates from abducting the merman tribe after he left the fisherman island.

  After some thinking, Adrian tried to see if he could make a ghost treasure that automatically recognizes the enemy.

  This kind of thing has naturally failed!

  Adrian’s craftsmanship is not so great!

  After searching for the materials provided by King Neptune, Adrian unexpectedly discovered a material that is very compatible with phantom energy-sapphire.

  What is the specific name Adrian forgot, anyway, it looks like a blue gemstone, so let's call it sapphire for the time being.

  [Sage’s Necklace] is the product Adrian obtained by pouring phantom energy and ghost abilities into the sapphire, and even got the approval of the panel.

  【【Sage Necklace】-Prop: This is a special necklace with horrific maliciousness, which can make men fall into a peaceful state of desirelessness. Intelligence +5, with a slight possibility of tobacco addiction. The life span is 4 years. 】

  【Note: Mental castration is the most deadly. 】

Mitsutsu Mida didn’t know what Adrian was thinking. Although relying on his ability to “listen to the sound of all things”, he could indeed feel a hint of maliciousness from the opponent, but he believed that it was only because the opponent wanted to challenge himself. For the sake of.

   Holding the sage necklace in his hand, Guangyue Mitian gently rubbed the surface of the sapphire, and the long-lost sense of ease came to mind.

   "What is this? Look good!"

   Momanosuke happily grabbed the necklace in his father's hand, and his expression instantly became calm and calm.

   "I personally think that children must start at an early age."

   Adrian narrowed his eyes and smiled.

  "If you want to cultivate children into a master, I think this necklace should be able to help a lot."

  Guangyue Mitian took the sage necklace from Tao’s assistant and passed it to Shuangyue Kang's family, Asura boy, and Raizang.

  After a little taste of the power of the sage necklace, Shuangyue Kangjia nodded slightly.

  "Mita, I think that Mr. Momoa is not wrong. Momosuke is different from you. He was born with no physical talents, but as the crown prince of a country, the study of etiquette and knowledge is essential."

   "Kindly thinking about Tao nosuke... more lively," Shuangyue Kangjia was embarrassed to say the color words in front of everyone, and then vaguely said, "This necklace can indeed help Momanosuke increase his knowledge."

  Guangyue Mitian nodded silently.

  Holding the sage necklace, Guangyue Mitian was silent for a moment.

  He said goodbye, and soon returned with a diary-like thing and gave it to Adrian.

   "Mr. Momoa, failed to agree to your challenge. This is indeed against the samurai spirit, but you still generously gift Momanosuke."

   "This is my swordsmanship training manual. If you don't dislike it, please accept it."

  At this moment, the panel uploads to prompt.

  [Have acquired skill scroll [Mita Nitoru·Taogen Shirataki], do you want to learn? 】

   [Note: Direct learning requires payment of 2 skill points. Through independent learning, the consumption of corresponding skill points can be reduced according to the learning progress]

  Looking at the prompt message on the panel, Adrian was slightly surprised.

   Except for the two-color domineering scroll that Doflamingo gave him when he was in Beihai, he finally encountered a skill scroll that he could learn directly.

  Although the second knife is not Adrian’s hobby, he still politely expresses his gratitude.

  "Then I would like to thank Mr. Mitsuki Mita for his kindness."

   After chatting with Mitsuki Mita and discussing some swordsman experience against the enemy, Adrian asked to leave.

   couldn't trigger the challenge mission of Guangyue Mitian, and Adrian was not prepared to force it.

  The unexpectedly obtained [Taoyuan Shirataki] scroll is completely unexpected.

  If you don’t consider the cost of skill points for direct learning, it can basically be regarded as a task reward.

   And also gave out the sage necklace, Adrian can basically do everything, there is no need to communicate with Guangyue Mitian.

  I learned the current situation of Wano Country Frost Moon Family from Frost Moon Yasushi's family, obtained skill scroll from Guangzuki Mida, and gave the Sage Necklace to Momanosuke. Adrian's purpose in coming to Wano Country has been mostly completed.

  Only the last one is left, and that is the 21st Job of Big Knife!

   Because the subscription data will be released after 12 o'clock, the performance report section will also be updated at that time. You can check it again tomorrow morning.

     Thank you for your support all the way, and the four thousand words chapter is here.



  (End of this chapter)

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