“Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!”

“Captain Verin is really becoming more and more domineering!”

Looking at Weilin’s overlord-colored domineering energy that was much stronger than before,

Rocks’s eyes flashed with surprise.

A black overlord-colored domineering energy rushed out of his body and collided with Weilin’s overlord-colored domineering energy. Together.

Under the impact of the two domineering energy, the pirates present suddenly felt dizzy.

Verin’s knowledge quickly discovered that Rocks was unusual.

In his perception,

Rocks’ body He was constantly exuding a black aura.

His body was like a black hole that could swallow everything.

After learning part of the other party’s situation,

Weilin’s eyes instantly became serious.

“Dark fruit!”

After discovering that Rocks had eaten the Dark Fruit,

Verin’s fear of Rocks increased even more.

“Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!”

“Welcome to the captain of my seventh division!”

As Rocks burst into laughter,

Weilin also put away his domineering aura.

“Hahahahaha! Too polite!”

As the two of them put away their momentum, the port soon became lively.

The Bird also docked directly in the port.

Weilin took Lingling and his crew and walked towards Locks.

Those sea After the thief suffered, he no longer dared to provoke Weilin’s crew.

Weilin brought Lingling to Rocks, sat down directly, took the drink from Rocks and drank it with Rocks.

Then two bursts of laughter rang out from the port

“Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!”

While the two were talking and laughing, dozens of large pirate ships flying the pirate flag of the Rocks Pirates rushed towards Duolun Island in the wind and waves.

This made all the crew members of the Rocks Pirates endure. They couldn’t help showing a vigilant look.

After both Weilin and Locks felt the powerful aura emanating from Shiji’s body, a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

“It seems that this guy Shi Ji has also made great progress!”

Hearing Weilin’s sigh,

Rocks also became a little solemn.

Rocks looked at the huge scale of the Golden Lion Pirates, and there was no wave in his eyes. Now he has absolute confidence in his own strength. Confidence.

Not to mention Shiji is a Devil Fruit user.

“Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!”

“Shiji, long time no see.”

Seeing Shiji coming,

Locks stood up from his seat with a happy face, and burst into deafening laughter.

Shiji, who was standing on the bow of the ship, also spotted Locks and Verin. , also let out his signature laugh

“Jie hahahaha!”

“Captain Rocks, Verin, we meet again!”

As Shi Ji’s laughter rang out, a scornful aura burst out from his body instantly.

Some of Rocks’ crew members felt the aura of the golden lion Shi Ji, and their eyes gradually grew when they looked at Shi Ji. Became fanatical.

Rocks also noticed Shiji’s little moves.

“Hahahahaha! Shiji, I really miss you!”

As Rocks’ voice with a domineering tone came out.

Rocks’ crew members woke up instantly, looking at Shiji with horror in their eyes.

“Is this a fruit ability?”

“I didn’t expect this fruit’s ability to be so weird.”

Seeing that his ability failed, Golden Lion’s eyes were filled with pity.

He quickly recovered his emotions.

“Jie hahahaha!”

Just when he laughed, a big white ship rushed towards Duolun Island directly from behind him.

A figure more than 6 meters tall stood on the bow of the ship, and the white captain wore a strong wind. Grinning under the breeze

“Gu la la la la! It’s so lively!”

As Edward Newgate’s ship overtook Shiji’s fleet,

Shiji’s eyes immediately darkened.

“Newgate, you bastard!”

Lion Zhanbo!

Seeing that Newgate didn’t take him seriously, Shiji was furious.

He pulled out the dead wood from his waist and swung the knife towards Newgate.

As the long knife came out , Sheath, a huge golden slash quickly struck Newgate.

“Gu la la la la!”

“Well done!”

Seeing Shiji’s huge slash,

Newgate burst into laughter.

His body sank slightly, raised his thick arms, and assumed a strange posture.

Shocking fist!

As the white beard posed He made this strange posture.

Soon everyone saw that the space in front of Whitebeard began to shatter layer by layer.

Soon the golden slash was shattered into pieces.

Seeing this scene, sitting on the Barkin on Newgate’s shoulder immediately kissed Newgate on the cheek

“It was so powerful that it shattered space!”

After seeing Newgate’s strength, all the pirates in the Locks Pirates showed shocked looks on their faces.

Seeing Newgate’s attack,

Verin couldn’t help but sit up straight.

This is still For the first time, he intuitively saw the power of the Zhenzhen Fruit.

This was completely different from the experience of watching anime.

“What a bargain in Newgate!”

Rocks was also shocked by Newgate’s power.

He didn’t expect that the mediocre Shock Fruit would be so powerful in Newgate’s hands.

But after thinking that his own fruit could restrain all fruits,

Only then did he regain his confidence.

But from the way he kept looking at Newgate, it could be seen that he still wanted to get this power.

The golden lion saw that his attack was so easily resisted by the other party. He was stunned.

He was completely overwhelmed by anger.


The golden lion immediately pulled out Ying Shi, and as the two large knives continued to wave in Shi Ji’s hands, the sword lights dozens of meters long continued to cut through the air and flew towards Newgate. Go over.

Looking at Shiji’s attack, a strong fighting spirit burst out in Newgate’s eyes.

His fists were directly wrapped by two white transparent light balls.

As Whitebeard punched out, the golden lion The slash was immediately shattered by the shock.

“Look at the power Newgate possesses.”

Shi Ji felt that his heart was bleeding.

This power should obviously belong to him.

A wave of regret lingered in the heart of Golden Lion Shi Ji.

This made him gradually become crazy.

“Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!”

“Stop it all! Today is the day for our Rocks Pirates to gather together!”

As the overlord-colored domineering energy outside Rocks’ body exploded, the whole sky began to darken.

Seeing Rocks speaking, the two of them snorted coldly and headed towards the port.

Everything came to an end. In the eyes of the spies from all forces who arrived, the eyes of these spies were full of fear.

They must report the information on these powerful cadres of the Rocks Pirates.

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