After hearing Charlotte Lingling’s words,

Weilin also nodded and said solemnly.

“let’s start!”

Seeing that Weilin was ready,

Charlotte Lingling directly used her fruit ability to extract a ray of soul from Weilin’s soul, and then processed it with a special ability. Injecting it into a gust of wind.

Seeing a wisp of his soul being extracted,

Weilin felt his spirit become slightly exhausted.

As Lingling merged Weilin’s soul into a wind, the wind soon came to life, and

Weilin also I felt that I had established a wonderful connection with the other party.

Watching this Homiz open his misty eyes,

Weilin also showed an expectant look on his face.

After meeting Weilin and Charlotte Lingling, this As if seeing its parents, Homitz rushed towards the two of them.

When Weilin saw this, he immediately hugged it into his arms.

Seeing such a magical scene,

Weilin also felt the soul fruit. Powerful and mysterious.

He looked at the weak wind in his arms and asked Lingling curiously.

“Lingling, how can I make it stronger?”

Seeing the curious look on Weilin’s face,

Charlotte Lingling said evilly

“Of course we use our souls to cultivate them!”

Hearing Charlotte Lingling’s words,

Verin’s eyes lit up instantly.

He quickly disappeared here, grabbed a few vicious pirates from Beehive Island, and rushed back quickly.

See you. When the three pirates were knocked unconscious and carried back by Weilin,

Charlotte Lingling’s beautiful eyes instantly turned purple.

Soon Weilin saw the souls of the three people being pulled out directly by Lingling.

As Xia Xia With Lot Lingling’s processing, these three souls soon turned into the purest source energy.

Seeing that these energies became extremely pure,

Lingling’s face showed a look of satisfaction.

Injecting these energies into Wei Among Lin’s Homicide.

The breeze looked at the food fed by Lingling, and it ate it directly.

After three balls of soul energy entered its body, the white whirlwind lying on Weilin’s shoulder also had its breath. Started to become stronger

“father, mother~”

“I feel a little stronger!”

Seeing the other party’s appearance,

Weilin gently stroked its head and said happily.

“From now on you will be called Euros!”

Seeing that he had a name,

Eurolos immediately started running around Weilin excitedly.

Weilin looked at Eurolos’ happy face.

After thinking for a while, he took out the Piaopiao Fruit and fed it to him. Gave it to Oros.

As early as when he helped Lingling develop the Devil Fruit,

Weilin and Lingling had already experimented with feeding the Devil Fruit to Homiz.

The experiment was finally successful under the excited gaze of the two.

However, the two Unfortunately, although this will give Homiz special abilities, it cannot create top-level combat power.

Moreover, the rare and powerful Devil Fruit Verin is reluctant to give Homiz to eat.

However, the Piaopiao Fruit is powerful as a functional The Devil Fruit,

Verin must feed it to Oros, so that as Oros grows, it will be more powerful in using the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit.

Watching Oros eat the Piao Piao Fruit,

Verin He also looked at it with some expectancy on his face.

After Euros felt the power of the Piao Piao Fruit, as its body came into contact with the ground, pieces of soil soon flew away from the ground.

Seeing this At this scene,

Weilin couldn’t help but rub Euros’ head.

“Well done!”

After hearing Weilin’s compliment,

Eurolos unconsciously showed a shy look on his face.

“Go find and play with Zeus and Prometheus!”;

“Your mother and I have important things to do!”

After watching Euros leave with Zeus and Prometheus,

Verin hugged Charlotte Lingling and walked into her room with a smirk on his face.


“Let me repay you well!”

Hearing Weilin’s words,

Charlotte Lingling also became a little shy.

Half a month later

“Jie hahahaha!”

“Guys, let’s go!”

“Let my name resound throughout the new world!”

Golden Lion Shi Ji holds two supreme large swords of Sakura Ten Dead Wood.

His long golden hair is fluttering in the wind, and he has a leadership aura.

All Shi Ji’s crew members saw the heroic aura exuding from Shi Ji again. , they were also deeply dormant by it

“Follow Captain Shiki to the death!”

“Long live Captain Shikey!”

As passionate roars came out from the pirate ship at the port of Beehive Island,

Golden Lion’s pirate fleet immediately set sail and swept towards the middle of the new world.

After seeing his crew worshiping him so much,

Only then did Shiji’s eyes show a look of satisfaction.

The reason why he was able to completely convince his men in such a short period of time was because he discovered that the Phantom Beast Lion King Fruit has a special ability.

That is, it can Let the host release a convincing leadership aura, thereby increasing the intimacy and loyalty of those around him.

After seeing Shiji’s completely different temperament from before,

Weilin and others showed surprised looks on their faces , but no one paid too much attention.

Seeing that Shiji had already set off first,

Edward Newgate no longer stayed.

After letting out a heroic laugh, he left the port with his crew.

“Gu la la la la!”

“Guys, let those guys in the new world see our strength!”

Listening to Newgate’s heroic laughter,

Newgate’s crew looked at the tall figure standing on the bow with admiration.

“yes! Captain!”

The crew of Newgate admired the captain Newgate very much.

This was also because Newgate himself was very generous and took good care of his men.

As Newgate’s order was issued, ten A fleet of several large pirate ships also disappeared at the end of the sea amidst Newgate’s heroic laughter.

Watching the two people leave one after another,

Verin also called out all the supplies that his crew had prepared. and weapons were carried into the cabin.

After watching Xia Qi talk to Gululiosa for a while, she made a face at Gululiosa and ran towards him,

Weilin couldn’t help but have a look on his face. He showed a surprised look.

Looking at Xia Qi who looked happy,

Weilin asked curiously

“Xia Qi, aren’t you going to leave with the Nine Snakes Pirates?”

Hearing Weilin’s words,

Xia Qi immediately put on a pitiful look.

“What’s wrong, you want me to leave so much?”

“Then I’d better leave, to save someone from being bored!”

“Haha, how could it be?”

After seeing so many scenes with Xia Qi,

Weilin couldn’t stand it any longer and threw Xia Qi onto the deck of the Asuka.

After seeing this, the crew of the Atrias Pirates all A cheerful laugh broke out.

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