After waking up Charlotte Lingling and Annie who were still sleeping,

Verin and the two women walked towards the exclusive restaurant of the Atrias Pirates.

Entering a huge restaurant,

Charlotte Lingling immediately ran towards the dessert area and greeted Mia who was making dessert.

“Mom, mom, mom!”

“Mia, I’m going to eat lots of delicious cakes!”

Seeing that the person coming was Lingling,

Mia’s face immediately showed a bright smile.


“Hold on”

“I’m going to make you some cakes from my latest research right away!”

Looking at Mia’s busy figure,

Charlotte Lingling’s face also showed a look of anticipation.

Prometheus and Zeus, who were floating behind Charlotte Lingling, were so happy to see Charlotte Lingling, and they also shouted There was a cheerful laugh.

Seeing Lingling going to the dessert area,

Weilin also took Anne to a huge table.

Seeing Weilin coming, the members of the Atelias family all looked happy. He said hello to Verin.

While Verin was dining with the girls of the Atrias Pirates, the lookout, Aini, turned into a white shadow and ran quickly towards the seat where Verin was sitting. come over

“Captain Verin!”

“Rocks sent someone to find you and asked you to go to the conference room.”

After hearing Aini’s words,

Weilin felt that he had finished eating, so he pressed the other party’s petite body onto his seat, and he fled directly towards the conference room. Past.

Rocks Manor, a spacious conference room.

All the top executives of the Rocks Pirates gathered here.

Rocks, who was sitting at the head of the conference room, immediately saw that everyone was here.

Distributed a stack of information to Weilin and others.

After reading the information,

Weilin showed a look of disdain on his face

“It seems that the remnants of the Lion Pirates still haven’t recognized the reality!”

After hearing Weilin’s emotion,

Shiji held a thick cigar in his mouth and burst out laughing wildly.

“Jie hahahaha!”

“I wouldn’t mind reuniting them with Earl Jones!”

“Gu la la la la!”

“I also want to find someone to try out my new abilities!”

Newgate clenched his fist, and a slight vibration force instantly shook the table in front of everyone.


“My main purpose of gathering everyone this time is to solve the problem of these remnants of the Lion Pirates!”

“I hope to get rid of these rats in the Lion Pirates as soon as possible”

“Or kick it out of the second half of the New World.”

Hearing Rocks’ words,

Weilin and others nodded in agreement.

“Looks like we are going to be busy again!”

Just after Weilin and others were about to get up and leave, suddenly, Rocks’ cronies ran in eagerly and reported to Rocks.

“captain! The Iron Wall Pirates and the Golden Pirates have formed an alliance!”

After hearing the news,

Weilin and others showed solemn expressions on their faces.

Rocks directly took the information from the other party and read it for himself.

At the same time, the people of the New World All the major forces also received this unbelievable news.

Marine Headquarters, Marine Fando.

In a spacious and clean office,

Cyborg Kong frowned as he looked at the information handed over by He. After thinking for a while, his originally solemn face relaxed.

Looking at Crane who was waiting for the order,

Cyborg Kong immediately gave his order seriously.

“Crane, go and inform the Warring States Department of the G34 branch.”

“Just let him hold on there!”

“Send Zefa to support”

“If there are any special circumstances, please notify me in time!”

Hearing Cyborg Kong’s words,

He immediately left Cyborg Kong’s office and went to convey the order.

Navy G34 branch,

Sengoku looked at the message sent by He and ordered to his adjutant with an embarrassed look.

“Recall all the navy to the G34 branch!”

“Stop your plans for the Golden Pirates!”

In the new world, inside a huge golden statue in the center of the Golden City,

Ubel was gritting his teeth and looking at a huge map in front of him.

After seeing that a third of his territory was occupied by the navy, , he felt his heart bleeding.

What made him even more angry was that Bright extorted nearly half of his wealth, which made Ubel very crazy.

After fighting with Bright and Cyborg Kong,

Ubel He finally understood the gap between him and the top experts.

This forced him to stay in the Golden City, because even if he met Bright and Cyborg Kong here, he was not afraid.

Ubel looked at the hand in his hand. Intelligence, his fat cheeks began to twist.

He angrily tore the information in his hand into pieces and roared outside the hall.

“Barrio, speak out!”

“Tell all the crew members of the Golden Pirates!”

“Reward 100 million Berry for every senior naval officer killed”

“I want the Navy to know that I, the Golden King, am not a soft persimmon who can be manipulated by others.” After deliberation on

Beehive Island, Locks and others finally decided to stabilize the second half of the new world as their primary purpose, and then wait for the opportunity to come.

As the meeting ended, Verin and others left Here.

They plan to rest for a while before solving the problem of the remnants of the Lion Pirates.

With the Iron Wall Pirates and the Golden Pirates uniting as allies, the new world that was originally full of gunpowder fell directly into a strange world.


For a time, the New World actually formed a situation where the navy, the alliance headed by the Iron Wall Pirates, and the Rocks Pirates were the dominant forces.

This also caused the New World to fall into a delicate balance.

In order to ensure that the New World In the second half of the world’s stability, Rocks is preparing to send Verin, Newgate, Shiki, John, Silver Ax, Wang Zhi, and Gu Loriosa out to eliminate the disobedient pirates and the Lion King pirates.

The remnants of the regiment.

In the end, Welin, Newgate, and Shiji were all assigned to garrison at the center of the New World.

The other five radiated out to the surrounding seas from the center of the Beehive Island.

Each of them garrisoned an important Guidance was used to stabilize the second half of the new world.

Half a month later, after Weilin had arranged everything, he walked into Carter’s laboratory.

As Weilin walked into the laboratory, Kate Lin immediately swung her hips and came forward.

Seeing Caitlin coming, Weilin immediately hugged her waist and walked into the laboratory.

Caitlin felt Weilin’s big hands constantly touching her.

Wandering around her waist, she lay weakly in Weilin’s arms, her cheeks stained with two touches of red.


“I still have to work!”

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