Pirate: I can simplify skills

Chapter 73 The King’s Qibuhai! My grandpa is Garp!

"Ah! It didn't hit me!"

Miss Valentine gritted her teeth in anger.

Next to him, Mr. 5 glanced at the unconscious Mr. 3 and Miss. Golden Week, his face darkened, and he said indifferently: "Navy! We are subordinates of His Majesty Shichibukai Crocodile."

"The navy is not allowed to attack us. Do you want to break the agreement between the navy and the King Shichibukai?"

"It's none of my business. You came to me on your own. I was worried that I couldn't find you two, but I didn't expect that I was sent to my door by myself."

Lu Chen sneered.

The mission is to defeat Mr. 3 and four other people. Maybe Mr. 5 and Miss have just arrived on Valentine's Day.


Mr.5 was speechless for a moment.

If the opponent can defeat Mr. 3 and Miss. Golden Week, their strength must be high.

And he is not afraid of the agreement made by King Shichibukai.

Now we can only expect him to fight with Miss. Golden Week, which consumes a lot of energy and is not strong enough.

When Lu Chen wasn't paying attention, Mr. 5 flicked his finger and shot the black booger in his hand towards Chen Lu at high speed.

"Nasal fantasy cannon!"

"Haha! Want to make a sneak attack?"

Lu Chen smiled contemptuously and just tilted his head slightly.

That booger bomb would never touch his body again.

However, just as the booger bomb passed over his head, it suddenly exploded!


A burst of fire and thick smoke enveloped Lu Chen.


Seeing this, Mr. 5 laughed triumphantly, "Do you think you can avoid my bombs like this? I am a bomber who has eaten the bomb fruit. I can control the bomb's bomb time at will!"

"I forgot! I was also careless!"

Lu Chen's voice came from the smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Lu Chen appeared in front of Mr. 5 and Mr. 5 intact.

"What?! How is this possible?"


Mr.5 and Miss Valentine looked shocked and stared at Lu Chen.

I found that the other person’s hair hadn’t lost even one hair!

It was obvious that he was hit by a bomb.

"Your fruit is indeed very powerful, but it's a pity that your strength is too weak. If you rely too much on your fruit ability, you will never be able to become a great weapon!"

Lu Chen raised the corners of his mouth and sneered.

At the moment when the bomb exploded, Jianwense Haki sensed the danger and had already used his Haki to release it, forming a Haki shield to block all damage.

But when I watched One Piece, I forgot some details.

I almost forgot!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Mr.5 looked in disbelief, and picked out his nose again, and shot two pieces of nose at Lu Chen at high speed: "Nose double shot!"

Two boogers are extremely fast!

But no matter how fast he is, he is still not as fast as Lu Chen!

"Navy Six Style Shave!"

Lu Chen's eyes flashed, he stepped lightly with his right foot, and then disappeared, leaving only an afterimage.

The two booger bombs released by Mr. 5 hit several big trees behind him.


A loud bang!

Big holes were blown into the trunks of several big trees, and they immediately fell to the ground!

"Where are the people?"

Mr.5 looked around, but did not find Lu Chen.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind, "I told you before, you are too weak!"


Mr. 5's face suddenly changed. He heard Lu Chen's voice and was about to turn around and release the bomb.

However, Lu Chen's long sword had already landed on his back.

"One-sword style·draw the sword and slash!"

The sword flashed!

Blood gushes out!

The powerful impact directly knocked Mr. 5 away and rolled several times on the ground before gradually coming to a stop.

The bloody wound on the back is terrifying to look at!

I don’t know if I’m dead or not!

"Mr. 5!"

Miss Valentine shouted anxiously.

Just as he was about to go over to help, he suddenly noticed Lu Chen's cold eyes on the ground and was so frightened that he immediately turned around and ran away.

Use the light and fluffy fruit to reduce your body weight to 1 kilogram, follow the wind, and escape quickly!

"Do you think you can escape?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, raised Zhan Tian, ​​and slashed it with his sword.

The sword shines!

A ray of sword energy was directed towards the direction Miss Valentine escaped from, and he chased after her at top speed.


Soon, Miss Valentine noticed the strong pressure behind her. She turned around and felt that the sword energy was getting closer and closer to her.

When you just want to adjust your weight and your weight drops rapidly.

The sword energy has appeared on her back!


The slash flew out with Miss Valentine, knocking down several big trees before stopping.

As for Miss Valentine's Day, she looks similar to Mr.5.

A bloody wound appeared on his back. He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground unconscious.

At this time, the system prompt sounds.

Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, the system reward: energy points +100!

"Not bad!"

Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, Miss Valentine and Mr. 5 were handcuffed with sea-floor stones and dragged the four of them to the coast.

Ten minutes later.

A navy ship gradually approached the small garden.

Chase Chase looked up and suddenly saw an acquaintance standing on the bow of the boat, Charlotte Caesar.

My roommate at the intermediate training camp at the time.

At this time, Xize also noticed Lu Chen and quickly waved and shouted: "Lu Chen!"


Lu Chen used his hands hard and flicked Miss Valentine's Day four people away.

Immediately, he stepped onto the sea and headed towards the boat.

"Ah!? What?"


There was a commotion among the sailors on the ship, and some even wanted to steal and attack.

Fortunately, Nishizawa gave the order in time and shouted: "Why are you panicking! Just stand back!"


With an order, all the navy retreated.

When the four black figures fell heavily to the deck, Lu Chen also landed smoothly on the deck.

"who are they?"

"They seem to be senior agents of Baroque Works, and there are four of them! Who can catch four of them!"

"It's Brigadier General Lu Chen! It turns out to be him!"

"No wonder..."

Only then did the navy notice who the people on the deck were.

"Xize, long time no see, why are you here?" Lu Chen asked with a smile.

"After I came out of training camp, I was assigned here!"

Caesar explained, then looked at the people on the deck, frowned, pulled Lu Chen aside, and reminded him in a low voice:

"Lu Chen, there's something I need to tell you!"


"These people you arrested are all senior agents of Baroque Works, that is, subordinates of King Shichibukai Crocodile."

"The Navy has an agreement with the Shichibukai. You have captured them now, and the Vice Admiral in charge of this area has some relationship with them."

"You must be careful!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen waved his hands and said, "Don't you know who my grandfather is? Am I afraid of him?"

"That's true! No wonder you told me on the phone to send them to the Navy Headquarters!" Nishizawa suddenly realized.

With Lieutenant General Garp here, Chase Lu really doesn't have to be afraid of that person.

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