Pirate: I can simplify skills

Chapter 65 Looking for trouble? Red-footed Zhepu

"I'm here to eat, why don't you go in and eat?" Lu Chen asked.

"We won't go in. Our captain has smashed other people's ships. How can we have the nerve to go in?" Nami explained helplessly.

"Let's go in and eat together, I'll treat you!"

"Ah! Thank you, brother Lu Chen!"

Suddenly, Nami's eyes lit up.

She was embarrassed to go in to eat, because she was afraid that others would deduct her money!

If someone invites you to dinner, you must go.

So, Nami called Zoro, Usopp and two of Zoro's followers and walked into Barati.

Meanwhile, the restaurant lobby.

A man in a luxurious suit and tie is having dinner with a woman in a red dress.

The man's name is Hopperdy, and he is a warrant officer at the Navy Headquarters.

Because of his identity, he quickly became the focus of the restaurant.

"Look! It's Chief Warrant Officer Hobbody of the Navy Headquarters!"

"It's really Warrant Officer Hobbody!"

"I didn't expect to meet him here. He's so handsome!"


The blonde woman pursed her lips and praised: "You are so awesome, everyone is looking at you!"

"Everyone is attracted by your beauty!"

Hobodi raised his wine glass and clinked it with the blonde woman, with a smile that was not easy to detect at the corner of his mouth.

However, the next second, the sound in the restaurant suddenly stopped.

Some people even stood up and stared blankly at the door of the restaurant.


Hobodi looked displeased and turned to look, only to find a man coming in with some pirates he had just met.

Until I saw clearly the navy clothes the man was wearing.

He froze on the spot, stood up suddenly, saluted respectfully, and shouted: "Brigadier General Lu Chen!"

"Ah you are?"

Chase Lu nodded and asked.

Hobodie: "I'm from the Navy Headquarters, Hobodie!"

"Sit down, I'm just here to have a meal."

Lu Chen patted his shoulder and said.

"Yes, Brigadier!"

After hearing this, Hobodi dared to sit down, and he sat very upright.

The brigadier general is here, how can he dare to be so arrogant?

At the same time, others were already talking about it.

"It's really Brigadier General Lu Chen, the newly appointed Brigadier General who came to the East China Sea!"

"Yeah, even Hobday called him, can it be true?"

"Brigadier General Lu Chen is so handsome, young and handsome!"


Lu Chen didn't change his expression and took Nami and the others to find a place: "Sit down wherever you want and order whatever you want to eat. I'll treat you!"

"Okay, thank you!"

"Thank you!"


Hearing this, Zoro and Usopp sat down first.

When Lu Chen sat down, the left and right sides were quickly occupied by people, it was Nami and Ain.


Lu Chen could only smile awkwardly, waved and shouted: "Waiter, order!"


A waiter was about to come over, but was interrupted by a blond man wearing a black jacket and curly eyebrows.

"Two beautiful ladies, whatever you want, I can do it!"

However, the blond man only paid attention to Ain and Nami, and no one else in his eyes.

When the waiter saw this, he immediately stepped forward, took his hand, and whispered persuasion: "Hey! Sanji, look clearly. Those two people are sitting next to the Commodore. Are you looking for death?"

"What's there?"

But Sanji didn't care at all and asked again: "Two beautiful ladies, what do you need, I can give you a 50% discount!"

"It's not necessary at 50% off. I can still afford this amount of money. Give me a portion of all the dishes in your store!"

After saying this, Lu Chen took out a large black box from behind.

The box is full of Baileys, a million Baileys.

It was Lu Chen who took it out from the system backpack as a spare.


In an instant, Nami's eyes lit up, and her eyes were filled with money.

Although Aaron was killed by Chase Lu, Nami later developed a unique hobby for money.

Sanji frowned and asked, "Have you finished eating? We don't allow waste in our hotel!"

"You don't have to worry about it."

"By the way, I'd like to remind you that these two ladies don't want to talk to you, so you can leave."

"If you dare to come here and pester me again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chen's eyes turned cold, exuding a faint domineering aura.

A wave of coercion swept towards Sanji.

I felt a chill sweeping through my body, and cold sweat dripped down my back, as if I would die in the next second.


At this time, Sanji looked at Lu Chen with a hint of fear in his eyes and quickly left the restaurant.

After returning to the kitchen, everyone was breathing heavily, "Huh, uh..."

The feeling of being on the verge of death just now is still vivid in my mind.

The waiter next to him persuaded: "Sanji, I have persuaded you a long time ago, but you just don't believe it!"


Sanji nodded, seeming to understand what he meant.

That man's strength is really terrifying!

I really don't want to experience that feeling again.

Meanwhile, the lobby.

"Brother Lu Chen, thank you!"

"Lu Chen, thank you!"

Nami and Ain thanked each other.

"It's nothing, it's a small matter, just don't disturb our mood of eating." Lu Chen said.

He doesn't care whether Sanji will be Luffy's crew in the future, that's not his concern.

If you offend, then offend, it doesn’t matter!

Can't you see that Ain and Nami are not interested in him?


The meals began to arrive one after another.

Everyone ate quite quickly at first, but after they were all full, the table began to be full.

The waiter came over and asked: "Guest, do you still want your food to be served?"

"Come on, put them all on the table, there will be something for someone to eat."

Lu Chen said with a smile.


After hearing this, the waiter had no choice but to go back to the kitchen and continue serving the dishes.

At this time, a man wearing a red vest and a straw hat came down from the second floor impatiently, still mumbling something.


Nami was about to speak, but Chase Chase spoke first, "Luffy!"

"Brother Lu Chen?"

Luffy's eyes widened, and he walked over quickly and asked in surprise: "Why are you here? Are you here to catch me?"

He still remembers Lu Chen's joke before.

"No, I'm just here to eat. Are you hungry? Eat some food!"

"Okay, thank you Brother Lu Chen!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luffy started to wolf down the food on the table.

After a while, all the food on the table went into Luffy's stomach, and he burped while touching his bulging belly.


"It's so comfortable, I'm so hungry!"

At this time, an old man with golden nose hair tied into two pigtails came out aggressively and yelled: "Boy! I asked you to work, not to be lazy!"

With that said, he was about to hit Luffy with the spatula in his hand.

Suddenly, a hand stopped his spatula.

"Boss, no matter what my brother has done, I apologize to you first. If you have anything, just tell me!" Lu Chen said calmly with a flick of his finger.

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