Pirate: I can simplify skills

Chapter 40 Sword Intent! System intention!

Immediately, Lu Chen used energy points to simplify the skill "Sword Intent".

Ding, in the simplified skill "Sword Intent"... the simplification was successful... "Sword Intent" → "Sword Grip"!

Sword Intention is a very mysterious skill, it is the understanding of the sword.

After simplifying the skills, just touching the sword can enhance the feeling of the sword!

Feeling the wonderful sensations that kept coming from his body, Lu Chen couldn't help but laugh, "This is the feeling. It turns out that Hawkeye relies on this to turn every basic attack into a more powerful move!"

Even if you don't have domineering power, you can still break through other people's armed domineering power!

Ding, congratulations to the host for +1 experience in "Sword Intent"!

Ding, congratulations to the host for +1 experience in "Sword Intent"!

Ding, congratulations to the host...

So Lu Chen lay on the ground like this, holding the sword and resting.

I couldn't move at all and could only lie on the ground.

Meanwhile, in the castle.

Mihawk held the wine glass, looked at Lu Chen's position, and murmured: "I don't know when he will understand the meaning of the sword. No one can surpass me for a long time!"


Lu Chen could barely stand up and stumbled back to the castle alone.

Climb all the way to the fifth floor and treat your own injuries.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little lonely, and shook his head helplessly: "Oh, I think someone will take care of Sauron when he is learning swordsmanship, so I can only take care of myself!"

"How miserable!"

After applying the medicine, he opened the system interface and checked it.

In addition to learning new skills, a task was also triggered just now:

Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the mission: within two years, take over Hawkeye Mihawk's sword. System reward: +2 energy points, +1 sharp knife, and +1 sword skill!

Three days later.

Lu Chen's injury was almost healed and he started training every day.

Swinging your sword in an open space during the day not only enhances your swordsmanship, but also enhances your swordsmanship experience.

When I have time, I will go fight with baboons or other wild beasts in the forest, which will increase my weapon and domineering experience.

It must be fully developed!

Seeing this, Mihawk in the castle frowned slightly and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he is very talented. He understood the meaning of the sword in a few days. Maybe he can really surpass me in the future!"

"Maybe, I will personally train a swordsman who surpasses me, hahaha..."

Although he couldn't understand what Lu Chen was training, he could clearly feel the slightest hint of sword intent when Lu Chen swung his sword.

A few days later.

Mihawk went out alone, saying that he would be coming back in about half a year, and asked Lu Chen to stay here alone.

As for what he was going to do, Lu Chen didn't ask much.

If I ask, I probably won’t tell.

While Mihawk was away, Lu Chen was still training alone.

But there was no one to prepare meals, and the meals I cooked were particularly unpalatable, so I had to simplify the "Cooking" skill.

Ding, in the simplified skill "Cooking"... the simplification was successful... "Cooking" → "Chopping"!

I'm already tired enough, but I don't want to eat something delicious.

Time passes like this minute by minute...

More than half a year later.

Lu Chen was wielding his sword when a task suddenly popped up in the system.

Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the mission: rescuing Nicole Robin's mother, Nicole Olvia. System reward: +5 energy points, +1 physical skill, +1 two-handed sword skill!

Looking at the task, he frowned slightly and suddenly realized something.

The tasks triggered by the system are always changing the world, and even change the direction of Luffy and the people around Luffy.

Is this what the system needs?

In any case, he felt no ill will toward the system.

Because you can choose not to do each task, and there is no penalty for not doing it.

Therefore, this task should be done even more!


"I want to go out and practice, but I don't know if I can!"

Lu Chen found Mihawk and expressed his thoughts.


Hearing this, Mihawk looked him up and down and nodded slightly: "You really need to fight. There are no baboons suitable to fight you on the island."

"Thank you!"

Chase Lu thanked him, then turned and left.

Looking at his back, a faint smile appeared on Mihawk's face: "In half a year, he has grown to such an extent. In ten years, he may be able to compete with me!"

As a swordsman, it is also an honor to cultivate a swordsman who surpasses oneself.

The other side.

Lu Chen took a small boat, left Kraikana Island, and began to drift on the sea.

Head to O'Hara, a famous archaeological site in the West Sea.

Tens of days later.

"What is this? Isn't O'Hara just around here?"

Lu Chen held the map and looked confused.

Maybe I'm lost and can't find the direction!

After all, it was my first time to sail on my stomach, so it was normal to not be able to find the direction.

Suddenly, a navy ship appeared in front.

Lu Chen took out the telescope and looked at it, and at a glance he saw a huge giant with orange hair and beard, wearing the clothes of a vice admiral.

Character: Harguwal D. Saron

Position: Vice Admiral

Grade: B+

Skills: Giant's strange power (B+), witnessing domineering (C), armed domineering (C)...

"It's him! Hagwal D. Saron, the man who saved Robin's mother."

Lu Chen recognized the other party through the system.

Now, he is still on the navy ship and it seems that he did not leave with Robin's mother, Olivia.

Originally, I wanted to board the ship as a navy, but now it seems I can only change my identity!

So Lu Chen put on the black clothes he had used in the Chambord Islands and sailed towards Salon's ship.

Navy ship.

The navy in charge of the lookout quickly discovered Lu Chen's ship and immediately reported to Salon: "Lieutenant General Salon, a ship was found behind the ship and it is approaching us!!"

"What kind of ship? How many people?" Salon asked.

"It's a very ordinary ship. It doesn't seem to be a pirate ship. There is only one person on it!"

the navy soldier replied.


After hearing this, Salon walked to the back of the ship and stared at Lu Chen, who was wearing black clothes on the ship. He frowned: "Who? What are you doing wearing black clothes?"


Lu Chen came to the side of the navy ship, jumped up, jumped to the stern of the navy ship, and said in a low voice: "Let Olivia go!"


Hearing this, Salon's eyes moved slightly and asked: "Who are you? The man in black from the Chambord Islands?"

He was also at the Navy Headquarters at the time, so he naturally knew about the incident of beating up the Celestial Dragon.

The opponent's strength is unfathomable, and even Lieutenant General Garp failed to catch him.

"Just say yes and let Olvia go, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, not expecting that Salon would think of this.

He had almost forgotten it!

However, what Salon said next made Lu Chen freeze in place.

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