Pirate: I can simplify skills

Chapter 228 Chocolate Town

Meanwhile, inside the cabin.

Lu Chen and his party were hiding, but Luffy couldn't bear the loneliness, so he secretly got off the boat and secretly went to the town on the island.


Chopper noticed Luffy sneaking away and quickly followed him.

As a result, the two disappeared from everyone's sight, but Chase Lu still noticed the disappearance of Luffy and Chopper, but he didn't say much.

He walked up to Nami and whispered, "Luffy and Chopper are gone. They should be heading to the town on the island."

"Luffy..." Nami gritted her teeth in anger, wishing she could catch up now.

However, they have more important things to do now.

Nami and Garrot have already put on maid outfits. In addition, Violet, who is following Lu Chen, all three have put on maid outfits of different colors.

Naturally, they were afraid of being discovered by the island residents about their true identity when they changed their clothes.

Looking at the three beautiful people in front of them, although they are wearing similar maid uniforms, they each have a different flavor, as if they are looking at three people of different age groups.

"What are you looking at..."

Violet's pretty face blushed slightly and she whispered.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." Lu Chen said seriously.


Hearing this, Violet's face became even more blushing, like a ripe red apple.

"A few of us will go to the island to buy some supplies, and the others will wait on the boat!" Nami said.


Others nodded in agreement.

At this time, they discovered that Luffy and Chopper had disappeared.

"Where's Luffy? Disappeared?" Brooke asked anxiously.

"Luffy? You were still here just now!"


Robin said abruptly: "Isn't it possible that he fell into the sea?"

"Ah! I'll go take a look!"

Bullock actually believed it and was going to go to the sea to have a look.

Seeing this, Nami quickly said: "I will bring Luffy and Chopper back. They should be on the island."

"Okay. It's good that you're not dead."

"Yes, as long as it didn't fall into the sea."


Beckmus stepped forward and reminded with a serious look: "Although you have changed your clothes, it is better to bring them back as soon as possible. This is already an area belonging to all nations, and it is not suitable to stay for too long."

He had just been interrogated by several chess soldiers and was easily fooled.


Nami and the other three nodded, got off the boat and headed to the island town.

As for Lu Chen, he naturally followed the three of them, but not far away. With his strength, no one would notice his presence.

Can walk in any corner without being discovered by anyone, unless it is a place with top-notch knowledge and domineering power.

The islands near the seaside seemed to be the same as ordinary small islands. It was not until he saw the town appearing in the distance that Lu Chen saw the difference between this place and other areas.

The entire island is made of chocolate. The houses, pools, and even the clothes everyone wears are all made of chocolate, and they can even be used directly.

There are also an unusually large number of residents living in the city, with residents of many different races.

And this is exactly the purpose of BIG MOM, to create a country where all races live in harmony. It just looks like harmony on the surface, but is it really true under the surface?

In the face of Big Mom's terrifying strength, it seems that she has to show harmony, right?

Humans, Fur Tribe, Murloc Tribe, Long-Handed Tribe, Little Human Tribe, Foot-Elder Tribe...

All races and things in the world seem to be able to coexist peacefully here.

According to Beckmus, this is Cocoa Island governed by the Minister of Chocolate. The name of the town is Chocolate Town, which also reminded Lu Chen of the Laura he met on the island of Moonlight Moria.

Before Lu Chen and his party arrived at the town, they heard shouts:

"Ah! The cafe has been eaten!"

"The cafe is gone!"


Looking at the place where the sound came from, Chase Lu looked helpless, "I guess it's Luffy and Chopper, they are really two real foodies!"

However, Lu Chen and Nami quickly rushed towards the location where the sound came from.

When they arrived, the surrounding residents and the sheriff had surrounded Luffy and Chopper, and Luffy had already become obese.

Like two chubby fat men.

"You two come with me, but you can't eat in the cafe here." The Sheriff scolded.

"It's not for us to eat." Luffy said seriously.

He didn't even care about the chocolate that had not yet been wiped off the corners of his mouth, and it seemed as if he was telling the truth.

"If you still want to make excuses, come with me quickly!" the Sheriff scolded.

The Luffy and Chopper in front of him were so fat that he couldn't recognize who they were before.

Seeing that Luffy and the others were about to be taken away, Nami and others were ready to take action, but were stopped by Chase Lu: "Don't worry!"


Nami looked suspicious, but still watched quietly.

Suddenly, a woman wearing a pink skirt and blond hair got off the airship and said to the sheriff: "My house is about to expire, so I invited the two of them to eat it."

"Ah! Okay, okay, sir..." After the Sheriff saw the person clearly, he immediately became respectful.

When Nami and the others saw that Luffy was fine, they felt relieved, but Lu Chen was staring at the woman:

Character: Charlotte Brynn

Position: 34th daughter of the Charlotte family

Fruit: None

Grade: E-

Skills: Cooking (SS+)…

Bounty: None

The woman in front of her is none other than Charlotte Brynn, the three-eyed girl who is going to marry Sanji. She is also a very complicated woman.

However, Chase Chase has no interest in Charlotte Brynn, even if it is to compensate Sanji, not to mention that this Charlotte Brynn is difficult to deal with.

After some conversation, the Sheriff allowed Luffy and Chopper to leave.

Charlotte Brynn also took the opportunity to invite Luffy and his party into her cafe. When he saw Lu Chen in black robe, his face was slightly startled, but he quickly disappeared.

He was well hidden, but he was still discovered by Lu Chen, who had powerful knowledge and domination.

"Guys, why don't you go sit in my cafe!" Charlotte Brynn said with a smile.


Everyone followed her to the coffee shop.

Charlotte Breen took out a lot of cakes, chocolates, and coffee to entertain everyone.

"Thank you so much for just now. If it weren't for you, they would have gotten into some trouble again!" Nami thanked her sincerely.

She still doesn't know Charlotte Breen's true identity.

"It's okay. They said the chocolate I made is delicious, which is a great affirmation for me."

Charlotte Brynn smiled and continued to ask: "I wonder who you are and what are you doing here?"

"Ah! My name is Monkey D. Luffy..." Luffy said.

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