Pirate: I can simplify skills

Chapter 195 Not worth the price!

"Lu Chen, why are there so many navies in this place? I see there are many navies from the navy headquarters." Ain looked around and asked in a low voice.

This was her first time on the Desolo. She had only heard about it before, but now that she saw it, she was indeed a little shocked.

There are more surprises than what I have heard before.

"This place is neutral. The navy is not allowed to take action against the pirates, and the pirates are not allowed to take action against the navy. In addition, the stakes are relatively high, and the power of the Tianlong people is inside, so it is natural to create such a place." Lu Chen explained .

"Oh!" Ain nodded, still not able to believe it.

at the same time.

Everyone present noticed Lu Chen and Ai En who had just come in. After all, the people who came in were not good people, so most people knew Lu Chen.

"It's him! Vice Admiral, Monkey D. Lu Chen!"

"Navy Supernova. It is said that his strength can rival that of a naval admiral. I don't know if that's true."

"It's most likely true, but this place is neutral, so he wouldn't dare to take action against us."


Everyone was talking about it and didn't dare to look at it. They were all playing for themselves.

"Lu Chen, where are we going to play? Do we really want to play?" Ain asked as he walked.

"Let's try it."

Lu Chen smiled slightly and walked up to a table. A crew member was rolling dice next to him, and the customers around him were placing bets. The minimum bet required one hundred thousand beli.

The amount is still quite large.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Chen placed his first bet of 50 million beli on the 'big' one.

Seeing this, everyone around was shocked!

"What? The first one is 50 million Baileys? He is indeed a naval supernova, so impressive!"

"Lu Chen, is this your first time?"

"That's awesome! You're so brave."


Lu Chen smiled and said nothing, waiting for the crew in front to open his cup.

After opening the cup, it turned out to be really big. For a moment, everyone around became excited.

"Big! Really big!"

"I won 50 million beli in one hand, 100 million beli in one hand!"

"Awesome! This Vice Admiral!"


"Lu Chen, you are so awesome!" Ain looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

"It's a small thing."

Lu Chen waved his hand. In fact, it was all due to his domineering power, his ability to foresee the future, and the size of the dice.

Of course, he was just trying his luck. He had won all the 50 million Baileys, and it didn't matter if he lost. He still made 40 million Baileys.

He didn't believe that Baccarat was the only back-up man on board the Desolo, so Lu Chen's bet this time was just a test.

In fact, 100 million Baileys is not much at all for the Desolo.

After a while, the second round of guessing the size started again. Lu Chen used the domineering power of his knowledge to sense that it was 'small', so he directly bet 100 million Baileys on the 'small' position.

Seeing this, many people started betting with him, hoping to make money along the way.

Lu Chen didn't care, he just didn't know whether Gilder Tezzolo would agree or not.

Open the cup, "one, two, three, small."

Lu Chen was right again. The 100 million Baileys in his hand doubled to 200 million Baileys. Adding the previous 50 million Baileys, he made a full profit of 250 million Baileys.

Immediately afterwards, he began to continue to win money, always using his knowledge, sex, and domineering power to win money.

At the same time, the monitoring room.

Baccarat walked into the monitoring room, frowned slightly and said, "Captain, Lu Chen has already won nearly 300 million beli, why don't you take action?"

"Why are you so anxious? Vice Admiral Lu Chen is not worth so much. Naturally, we have to let him win more." Gilder Tezzolo said with interest while holding a glass of red wine.

The cup containing the red wine was also made of pure gold.

"Yes, Captain."

Baccarat nodded slightly, as if she understood what he meant.

As time went by, Lu Chen won more and more, and the money in his hands was as much as three billion beli, and this was just a few handfuls.

You know, Lu Chen always placed half of the bet and kept the remaining one. The doubled number was naturally very large.

He easily got three billion Baileys, and the people around him who followed him in betting also got a lot of Baileys.

"Lieutenant General Lu Chen, please place your bet quickly, and we will all follow suit."

"Yes, we will all follow you."

"Hehehe, if you win, we won too."


People around him were urging Lu Chen to place bets, and they all wanted to follow with a big one. After all, so many bets were won, wouldn't the next bet be won?


Lu Chen smiled slightly and put ten thousand Baileys on the 'big' as a bet.

Seeing this, other people followed suit and placed their bets before they could react. Some even put their entire worth on the bet, not even noticing that Chase Lu only bet 10,000 Baileys.

Of course, what he predicted with his knowledge and Haki was indeed 'big', but he always felt that something was about to happen, so he only gave ten thousand beli.

Besides, three hundred thousand beli is enough.

After a while, others discovered that Lu Chen only had 10,000 beli under his hand.

"What? Ten thousand Baileys! Lieutenant General Lu Chen, are you kidding us?"

"Yeah, why only 10,000 beli?"

"That's right, is there something wrong this time?"


Many people already want to get their money back, but they have already placed their bets and are not allowed to get their money back on the Desolo.

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, staring at the people behind him, and said indifferently: "Do I need to tell you how much I bet?"


In an instant, the faces of the people around him turned dark. Then they remembered Lu Chen's identity and strength and did not dare to say anything.

The crew member on the opposite side, Moore McGee, looked helpless and seemed to be at a loss as to what to do.

"open ah!"

"Yes, you are driving, why are you still standing there?"

"That's right, drive quickly!"


People around him began to urge.

Although Lu Chen didn't bet much, everyone else bet at least one billion beri. If he lost, he would lose one billion beri.

After a moment of silence, Moore McGee had no choice but to open his cup: "Three two three, eight o'clock, small!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him was disappointed.

"What? Xiao! How is this possible?"

"Could it be that Chase Lu and the Desolo are working together to deceive us?"

"You were betting big just now, why did you suddenly bet so little?"


As everyone lost, they naturally pointed their finger at Lu Chen.

However, there was no fear on Lu Chen's face, and he said coldly: "If you lose, blame me. I'm afraid something is not right. I am a navy, and I will hang out with these pirates to defraud you of your money?"

"I really don't care about this little money. I can get a lot of rewards by just killing a few pirates!"

It sounds like it's true.

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