Pirate: I can simplify skills

Chapter 187 World Conference (1)

"Yeah, I know."

Ain nodded affirmatively. In fact, she had already noticed everything about Lu Chen, but there was no clear evidence.

Everything can be said to be a woman's sixth sense.

I have already guessed that Lu Chen is probably the criminal with a bounty of 3.5 billion Baileys on the navy's head.

Captain of the Dark Night Pirates, Dark Night!

A few days later.

Lu Chen learned the news about the bear from Xia Qi. The bear was actually in Mariejoia, the Holy Land of the Celestial Dragons, and the World Conference was about to be held, but he had not received an invitation yet.

I don’t know if I can go to Mariejoia. If I can go there, that’ll be great. If not, I’ll have to sneak into Mariejoia.

No matter what, this task must be completed in order to collect all the materials for the construction of Hades. I believe that the system will not issue any other rewards for materials for the construction of Hades.

So this task must be done.

It depends on whether you can get an invitation from the Holy Land Mary Joa to go to the Holy Land, which will be much more convenient.

The next day.

"Jingle Bell!"

Lu Chen's phone rang, and Garp's voice came from the other side: "Hey, Lu Chen, I'll give you a mission now. Go to the Holy Land Marie Joa to protect the mermaid princess Bai Xing!"

"Grandpa? I didn't receive an order from Akainu. You gave me the task because you were too lazy to go, right?" Lu Chen asked with interest.

Originally, this task should belong to Garp, so he could guess that Garp was too lazy to go and gave it to him.

"Why do you care so much? Don't you know Bai Xing? You go and protect her. If it doesn't happen, don't talk about it anymore. I have something else to do."

As soon as he finished speaking, Karp hung up the phone.

New Navy Headquarters.

Garp ate the donuts and slowly looked out the window, with a faint smile on his lips: "I really don't know where that kid is going and what he is going to do, but he told me about it a long time ago. Is it really that important? "

"I guess he's doing something shameful again. Just don't cause any trouble."


Lu Chen found Ain and said with a smile: "This time I am going to Malinfando to perform a mission. Do you want to go with me?"

"Go!" Ain smiled and agreed directly without thinking too much.

"Okay, let's go. The World Conference will start in three days. We can also go shopping in Malinfando." Lu Chen said.


Ain nodded affectionately. The two of them had been to Mariejoia together last time, but they had a not-so-good meeting there.

I still want to visit there this time. After all, it is a holy land and there are many things that are not found in other places.

So, after the two of them packed up, they took a team of navy and headed to the Red Earth Continent, which was the port that they had to arrive at to get to the Holy Land Marie Joa.

A few hours later.

The naval warship that Lu Chen and Ain were riding came to the port, and a large number of navy had already gathered around the port to guard it.

Not only to protect the safety of Victory Mary Joa, but also to protect the safety of people from various countries who come to participate in the World Conference.

As the two men's warship arrived, they got off the warship.

A young rear admiral on the shore immediately stepped forward to greet him, walked up to Lu Chen, and saluted respectfully: "Lieutenant General Lu Chen!"


Lu Chen nodded slightly and looked at the young man, feeling that he looked familiar, but he didn't remember who he was for a moment, so he asked, "Have we known each other before?"

"Lieutenant General Lu Chen, we were in the same training camp before in the advanced training camp!" Fred Gavin replied.

"It's you! Fred Gavin!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said.

In fact, I didn't remember who the other party was at all. I just learned the other party's name based on the message displayed on the system interface!

"I didn't expect Lieutenant General Lu Chen to know my name."

Fred Gavin's face lit up and he continued to introduce: "I am sent by the Navy Headquarters to maintain order with the Vice Admiral. My subordinates and I are now under your command."

"Okay, just do what you prepared, I'm just here to calm things down." Lu Chen waved his hand.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Lu Chen."

Fred Gavin packed his luggage and immediately went to make arrangements for the work.

Although he was in the same period as Lu Chen, Lu Chen was now a vice admiral in the navy, and he was also an all-powerful naval supernova with extraordinary strength.

It is even more important for the navy to be admired, and they all aim to become a navy like Lu Chen.

It can be said that the prestige of Lieutenant General Lu Chen in the navy is about to surpass that of Garp and Marshal Akainu, and he can even be called a new generation of naval heroes.

The other side.

After Lu Chen and Ain left.

When there was no one around, Ain asked curiously: "Do you really remember him? I don't remember him at all!"

"If I say I don't remember, would you believe me?" Lu Chen asked with a smile on his face.


After a moment of silence, Ain shook his head: "I don't believe it!"

You can call each other by name, how could you not recognize them.

"Then I should remember it." So Lu Chen nodded affirmatively.

"Hmph! You lied to me again!"

But the more this happened, the more Ain didn't believe it, and he was so angry that he pinched Lu Chen's waist.

"It hurts! Spare my life, spare my life!"

Lu Chen begged for mercy again and again.

The two of them walked into the nearby tent to rest while talking and laughing. The start time of the World Conference had not yet arrived, and they were just here to make a series of preparations.

The actual start time of the meeting will be two days later.

Early the next morning, kings and representatives from some countries came to the port one after another. They came relatively early, so they arrived early.

Lu Chen and Ain also appeared at the port, looking at the kings who came one by one, and there were even a few acquaintances among them:

Lao Cai, who inherited the eight-treasure navy, the boxing king...

It's just that they don't know Lu Chen now, and they don't know that Lu Chen is Heiye, but they have still heard of Lu Chen's name.

Every king who passes by will look at Lu Chen twice.

Suddenly, two acquaintances got off a boat.

King Kobra of Alabasta, and his daughter Vivi.

Weiwei looked around and suddenly noticed the man standing at the port, looking into the distance. She immediately pulled Cobra next to her and asked: "Father, is that Vice Admiral Monkey D. Lu Chen?" It was he who defeated and captured Crocodile!"

"It's him!"

Cobra nodded. He still knew Lu Chen and even remembered the agreement between the two.

"Father, let me go over and say hello to him and thank him properly!"

After saying that, Weiwei turned around and ran towards Lu Chen's position.

Cobra couldn't even stop shouting: "Hey, Weiwei, don't run around..."

"Father, I'll be back soon!"

Weiwei said without looking back.

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