Pirate: I can simplify skills

Chapter 182 Blackbeard soldiers, kill them all!

However, a gap suddenly appeared on the black ball.


The ball was also like glass, making a crisp breaking sound.

"What? This is impossible..."

Suddenly, Tiqi's expression changed suddenly, he looked at the gap in surprise, and said in disbelief.

"Blackbeard Teach! You don't think I'm dead, do you?" A familiar voice suddenly came from the gap.

It was Lu Chen who was still alive among them. He was not crushed into powder by Blackbeard Teach's attack at all, and he was alive and well anyway.


Teach roared angrily, and once again controlled a large amount of black water to spread towards the huge black ball, as if he wanted to fill the gap.

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Way of Heaven, and the Sword of Arrogance!"

Suddenly, a roar came from the black ball. Immediately afterwards, a large number of cracks appeared in the black sphere that was once again covered by endless black water, and dazzling golden light emanated from the cracks.

"Click! Click..."

There are more and more cracks, and the golden light pouring out of them is becoming more and more dazzling!

Suddenly, the entire black sphere burst into pieces, and a golden light shot up into the sky, as if it wanted to break through the entire sky.

The fierce sword intention, the arrogant domineering spirit, the sword energy soaring to the sky!

All of them are showing their domineering energy to the surroundings!

At this time, what Lu Chen was holding was Samsara, but now Samsara had turned into a golden demon sword, and the powerful sword intention formed a golden sword that shot straight into the sky!

On the other hand, Lu Chen's body was not harmed at all.

In fact, he just released his domineering energy to form a domineering defensive shield, blocking all of Teach's black water outside the protective shield, so it was impossible to cause harm to him.

When dealing with those with fruit abilities, the strongest thing is indeed domineering!

What's more, Lu Chen has already raised his domineering to the highest level, and can easily deal with Tiqi's Dark Fruit ability.

"You...are Lu Chen!"

Tiqi frowned and finally said this, completely confirming his guess.

Besides Lu Chen, he couldn't think of anyone else!

Moreover, with the ability of the Dark Fruit, he could feel the breath of more than one Devil Fruit from Lu Chen's body, so Lu Chen had more than one Devil Fruit on his body.

"I know it now, it seems a little late!"

Lu Chen sneered, raised the long knife in his hand, and slashed hard at Blackbeard Tiqi's position.

The golden giant sword moved accordingly, like a pole supporting the heaven and earth, falling straight from the mid-air, carrying the powerful pressure and crushing the black beard below.


Suppressed by the powerful pressure, Tiqi roared out and tried to break away from the powerful pressure, but to no avail, and his expression gradually became distorted.

His seven orifices were bleeding, and he raised his head slightly, only to watch helplessly as the huge golden sword fell towards him at high speed.

Cut it down with one sword!

The color of heaven and earth changes!

A trace of 'scratches' appeared in the originally empty sky, as if a crack had been cut by a powerful sword.

And Teach was hit hard by the giant sword. Even if he tried to resist with his armored and hardened arms, he could not withstand the powerful power.


Along with a loud noise, a long gully appeared in Tiqi's position. It looked like a ravine, but in fact it was more like a canyon.

The canyon started from Lu Chen's feet and gradually spread forward, covering a distance of more than a thousand meters.

With that sword blow just now, the entire Beehive Island was shaking, as if it was an earthquake.

Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mission. The system rewards: energy points +, sword skills +1, and a designated skill will be upgraded by 2 levels!

Hearing the system prompt, Chase Lu was sure that Blackbeard was dead. Looking at the tragic death of Blackbeard in the canyon, he appeared in front of Teach in an instant, taking away a piece of his flesh and blood, preparing to take it back to Vegapunk for a deal. .

"Lu Chen, I didn't expect that your strength is so strong, which surprises me!" At this time, Qing Pheasant appeared in front of Lu Chen and said in surprise.

It's been a long time since he saw him, and he didn't expect Lu Chen to grow to such an extent.

Lu Chen smiled and asked: "You can guess it, but I would like to know why you joined the Blackbeard Pirates?"

"Then why did you become Heiye?" Qingzhi did not answer, but asked Lu Chen a question.

This knocked Lu Chenwen down!


After a few seconds of silence, the two suddenly looked at each other and smiled.

Lu Chen: "Let's go over and have a look!"


The two walked and chatted.

"You still want to go back to the Navy?"

"I'm not going back!"

"How about joining my Night Pirates? I won't stay here forever, so I need a strong person to help me guard Beehive Island!"

"You think very well, treat me as a free labor force!" Qing Zhi joked.

"Hahaha, you don't know how to be in the navy anyway, how great would it be if you could still stay on Beehive Island and do what you want to do?" Lu Chen said with a smile.

If Aokiji can really join the Night Pirates, then the Night Pirates will truly be qualified to compete for the fifth emperor of the sea.

"Okay, I'll join your pirate group!" Aokiji nodded slightly.

“Happy to work with!”


After that, the two of them headed to the front of Beehive Island where the others were fighting.

The battle between the Dark Night Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates is still going on, but the people of the Dark Night Pirates are obviously at a disadvantage. I have to say that the captains of the Blackbeard Pirates are really strong.

The average pirate group is no match for him.

However, the appearance of Lu Chen and Qing Pheasant directly attracted the attention of everyone present.

"It's dark night! Qing Pheasant!"

"Why are they two back? Where is Blackbeard?"

"Why didn't you see Blackbeard? Is the captain dead?"


Chase Lu slowly stepped forward and said indifferently: "Blackbeard Tiqi has been killed by me. If you don't want to die, put down your weapons and surrender now and join my Black Night Pirates. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

"What? The captain is dead?"

"Dead? Blackbeard!"

"The captain is mighty! The captain is mighty! Kill them all!"


For a time, everyone in the Black Night Pirates became furious and launched a violent attack on the Blackbeard Pirates.

Many members of the Blackbeard Pirates chose to escape, and some chose to lay down their weapons and surrender.

Especially those captains, most of them chose to escape!

Seeing this, Lu Chen looked at Qing Pheasant next to him and said with a smile: "Qing Pheasant, it's your turn and my turn to do some work. Kill these captains and don't let any of them escape!"

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