Pirate: I can simplify skills

Chapter 156: Annihilate the Straw Hats and say goodbye!


Nami smiled and continued to ask: "Brother Lu Chen, what are your plans next time?"

"We may have to go out for a while. If there is a chance, we will naturally meet each other." Lu Chen said.


Nami smiled and nodded.

Since Lu Chen said they would meet again, then maybe they would really meet again, he just had to wait.

The two were drinking when the door of the tavern was suddenly kicked open.


Several idle people rushed up. One of them was wearing a straw hat, one had short orange hair, one had a green algae head, and he was holding three knives in his hand, and a fox...

Lu Chen turned his head and looked at the people in front of him. A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he almost laughed out loud.

The few people who appeared were the fake Straw Hats.

With their appearance, everyone in the tavern became nervous and whispered something.

"It's the Straw Hats...the gang!"

"It's really the Straw Hats. I didn't expect them to come to the Chambord Islands again."

"You dare to come to the Shampoo Islands. Aren't you afraid that Lieutenant General Lu Chen will cause trouble for them?"


At this time, Nami also noticed the fake straw hat behind her, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and chuckled: "Brother Lu Chen, look!"

"It's very ugly. That fake Nami is not even one ten thousandth good-looking." Lu Chen said seriously.


Nami smiled and was very happy to hear brother Lu Chen praising her.

However, the fake Straw Hat Pirates over there were arrogant and domineering in the tavern, and even shot and killed people.

The fake Nami even walked up to Nami, pointed the pistol at Nami, and sneered: "Hey, you look pretty, do you mind if I make a hole in your face?"


Nami sneered, her face showing no fear, not even the slightest change.

Even if Brother Lu Chen is not here, she does not have to be afraid of this fake, let alone Brother Lu Chen is by her side.

Suddenly, the sword flashed!

The fake Nami's hand holding the pistol was neatly cut off, and blood gushes out in large amounts. The fake Nami seemed to be delayed, seeing the blood gush out, and then let out a scream after a moment.


Holding his bleeding arm, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who? Who is it?"

The speed of the sword light was so fast that she didn't even see clearly who made the move, but it was definitely not the woman in front of her, because she didn't see her take action at all.

"Who is it? How dare you take action against our Straw Hat Pirates!"

"Who, stand up."


Several other members of the fake Straw Hat Pirates stood up and yelled at the people around them.

Trying to find out who did it.

Suddenly, Lu Chen stood up slowly, took off his black robe, revealing the navy vice-admiral's cape, and asked with interest: "Are you looking for me?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone showed surprise.

"It's Lieutenant General Lu Chen! It's really Lieutenant General Lu Chen!"

"I knew Lu Chenzhong would protect us!"

"Hahaha, the Straw Hat Pirates are going to suffer now."


The fake Straw Hat Pirates also panicked and quickly explained in fear: "Lieutenant General Lu Chen, I..."

Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, Chase Lu had already taken action.

Gently wave the reincarnation knife in his right hand, as if just pulling out a trace of the scabbard.

Several rays of sword light were slashed out!

A flash of cold light!

All members of the fake Straw Hat Pirates were decapitated and fell to the ground dead!

Before the people around him could even react, they saw several corpses falling to the ground.

"Thank you Lieutenant General Lu Chen!"

"Lieutenant General Lu Chen is so powerful. He actually killed the Straw Hat Pirates in one fell swoop. I'm going to give you a monkey!"

"Awesome! As expected of the killer Lieutenant General Lu Chen!"


Lu Chen looked helpless, waved his hands and said, "You're welcome, can anyone help me clean up? I will pay for all the expenses in the pub today. Let's all have a drink."

"Okay, thank you Lieutenant General Lu Chen!"

"Thank you Lieutenant General Lu Chen!"


After a while, Lu Chen sat down again and shook his head helplessly: "People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Now everyone can know me when I go out!"

"Pfft, brother Lu Chen, don't you have another identity? By the way, why didn't you just say that those people were the fake Straw Hat Pirates?" Nami asked with a smile.

"If I tell you, wouldn't it be easy for you to be discovered? Leave quickly, otherwise if I take action, you will have no chance to leave." Lu Chen said seriously.

"Okay, thank you brother Lu Chen, see you later!"

After that, Nami stood up and left, but Usopp had been waiting outside for a long time.

After he saw Lu Chen taking action inside, he was not prepared to go in again, because he had long known that the relationship between Nami and Lu Chen was unusual, but he was still worried about what happened to the Shampoo Islands last time.

Lu Chen sat in the tavern and watched Nami and Usopp leave.

After the two people's backs disappeared from sight, he also left the tavern and disappeared into the darkness.

In addition to Nami, there are two people he wants to meet, one is Luffy and the other is Zoro.

Somewhere in the Shampoo Islands.

The injured bear slowly left the dock like a robot, and behind him was the Sunny, which he had guarded for two years. Sauron saw the bear as soon as he arrived.

Lu Chen was watching not far away. The appearance of the bear did not surprise him. Only Sauron's eyes made him a little surprised.

Within half a year, Sauron's eyes were fine.

But after not seeing him for more than a year, Sauron's eyes were still closed. I don't know if he was blind, injured, or had other problems.

Everything remains a mystery.

Soon after, other crew members arrived.

Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Luffy, Franky, Brooke.

All nine arrived and then, pursued by some naval forces, began their journey to the Grand Line.

"Luffy, I hope you can give me a lot of surprises next time we meet!" Chase Lu looked at the backs of Luffy and his group and murmured.

There is no need for him to take action, but he may be leaving Malinfando now.

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure disappeared, returned to Marinefando, and began to pack his things.

And Ain appeared behind him at some point and asked suspiciously: "Lu Chen, are you going out?"

"Well, I'm going out tomorrow." Lu Chen answered truthfully.

"So fast?"

Ayn Dai frowned slightly.

Hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly turned around, put his hand on Ain's shoulder, and said with a smile: "What? You can't bear to part with me?"

"Yeah." Ain nodded affectionately.

"Hahaha, that's the best!"

Lu Chen laughed, then picked up Ain and walked into the house.

Early the next morning.

Chase Chase personally took Kebi and Belumeb to go out for training, but he never saw Ain. She was in a room, looking at Chase Chase outside through the window.

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