Dust was floating over the entire illegal zone, and coupled with the continuous vibrations just now, it seemed as if a volcanic eruption was happening here.

The surrounding pirates and navy also rushed in this direction.

Law, Bonnie, Hawkins and other supernova pirates who have not been caught by the navy will naturally not miss such a big event. They quickly approached the illegal zone.

According to the information Law learned, the Straw Hat Pirates are in the illegal zone.

The Pacifist Squad led by Cherry Maru and Bear naturally sped up and rushed towards the illegal zone.

Admiral Kizaru was walking in that direction just now. Cherry Maru had a serious face. To be able to make such a big noise, Admiral Kizaru must have encountered a powerful pirate.

He quickened his pace.

The pirates who were just being chased by Cherry Maru and Pacifism were secretly glad that they finally survived the disaster and had to find a way to leave the Sabaodia Islands quickly.

Obviously, they didn't know that a huge fleet of naval warships would be waiting for them on the beach.

The entire Sabaodia Archipelago has been surrounded by the navy. Pirates without strong strength cannot escape from the navy.

In the lawless area, the huge and bottomless pit has returned to calm. The surroundings are also dead silent, and a cough breaks the calm.

It is Kizaru lying in a deep pit.

Countless dust particles are inhaled into the lungs, making people cough uncomfortably.

The surrounding vision is also obscured by the dust, making it difficult to distinguish the direction.

Kizaru instantly activates the ability of the Flash Fruit, moving at the speed of light, blowing away the dust around.

The collapsed trees and buildings, the bumpy ground, and the people lying on the ground with their eyes rolled up and foaming at the mouth are like a battlefield full of smoke, dead and lifeless.

Kizaru set his eyes on the earth pit less than two meters away from him. Rayleigh finally coughed, holding his waist and slowly climbed out of the pit.

He spit out a mouthful of mud from his mouth, and mobilized his breath to try to regain consciousness.

It has been nearly ten minutes since they were knocked unconscious.

As a result, they did not see the Red Earl.

Rayleigh turned his sight towards the Straw Hat Pirates. He used his Observation Haki to sense the survival status of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Fortunately, although their breath was weak, they finally survived.

Rayleigh couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He looked at Kizaru who was looking at him at this time, with a serious face, and said:

"Have you sensed the aura of the Red Earl?"

Yellow Monkey pouted, spread his hands, and said indifferently:

"I didn't sense it. It's really strange. I was hit by him just now, but I was still alive. This is simply a miracle."

"Yes. Why didn't he kill us? Or suck our blood? It's really hard to figure out."

At this moment, Rayleigh's eyes had already touched a huge deep pit.

He looked at Kizaru with a threatening look and said in a deep voice:

"Could it be related to this?"

Having said that, Huang Yuan also stared at a huge deep pit in the distance, nodded slightly, and said:

"If it doesn't work, we can go down and see what happened just now. It seems like a big battle took place."

At this time, Rayleigh's glasses were shining white, and he said with a gloomy face:

"He must be a difficult guy, even we can't detect his breath."

Kizaru snorted and said:

"Maybe he and the Red Earl died together. It's not impossible."

"But the strength of the Red Earl is almost unmatched in this sea. We can only pray that this is the case."

Just as Rayleigh and Kizaru were discussing and wanted to go down to the huge pit to find out, suddenly a huge explosion came from the huge pit.

Before Kizaru and Rayleigh could react, a red figure rushed from the pit to the sky.

The sound of breaking wind was deafening.

And the red figure actually rushed to the sky a thousand meters above in a short ten seconds.

Then, under the influence of gravity, it fell quickly to the ground, and the red robe fluttered in the air.

Rayleigh and Kizaru had already seen the red figure clearly, obviously the Red Earl himself!

Both of them had flashing eyes. Who had the strength to knock the Red Earl out?

At this moment, Rayleigh and Kizaru couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes.

The Red Earl was actually knocked out like this?!

How strong is this person?

"I can't care about so much. Now is the best chance to control the Red Earl!"

After saying that, Kizaru appeared in the air.

Now they can sense the breath of the Red Earl through his Observation Haki.

Obviously, the Red Earl did not activate his Observation Haki, and perhaps he became a little unconscious.

This is indeed a good time to control the Red Earl.

Rayleigh thought to himself that since the other party didn't even have the physical skills to activate his Observation Haki, then it was naturally right.

In an instant, the two reached a consensus.

Rayleigh also stepped into the air, and prepared to control the Red Earl with Kizaru.

However, before the two approached the Red Earl, the Red Earl suddenly opened his eyes, and his originally out-of-control body suddenly became controlled.

Within a few seconds, the Red Earl turned over, and a strong breath instantly spread from his whole body.

It caught Kizaru and Rayleigh off guard.

"Do you want to launch a sneak attack?!" The Red Earl asked with a crooked mouth.

Rayleigh and Kizaru looked gloomy. This time they were just a little bit away from controlling the Red Earl. It was really abominable. I really don't know how this guy grew up to be such a terrifying existence. As soon as this powerful aura was released, Rayleigh and Kizaru quickly withdrew their hands and feet and retreated ten steps.

���They had already experienced the speed and swordsmanship of the Red Earl not long ago.

Even if they attacked together, they were no match for the Red Earl.

With a bang, the Red Earl fell to the ground, and dust rose up. The

Red Earl's eyes were full of killing, and the eyes of Rayleigh and Kizaru were even more fierce than fifteen minutes ago.

It was obvious that the skill [Bloodthirsty Devil] that the Red Earl had just activated was still working.

"Today, you all have to die!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out of the huge pit.

The wind blew Louis's loose shorts and shorts, making a whirring sound.

Even though his body was covered with scars, Louis still didn't care.

He endured the pain and appeared in everyone's sight.

The Red Earl was startled and said:

"You're not dead? That punch was enough to suffocate you!"

"I am also very curious. The power of my punch is not weaker than yours. I just punched you, but you can recover so quickly. I really don't understand."Louis wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said slowly.

Just relying on the power of the Supreme Physical Technique and the powerful Observation Haki, he was able to resist Louis's punch using the 100% Supreme Physical Technique.

This is something Louis can't imagine.

The Red Earl pointed his slender nails at Louis and said angrily:

"Boy! You are looking for trouble!"

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