Along the way, Louis didn't know how many pirates he had encountered. Louis counted the heads with his fingers and found that ten fingers were not enough.

Urouge, Killer, Dorek and some unknown pirates, there were more than a hundred pirates who fell under his fist.

However, there were still a few cunning guys who escaped Louis's eyes, namely Bonnie, Bege, Hawkins and Law.

These supernova pirates were very good at seizing opportunities and were not stubborn. Seeing that Louis was trying every means to escape, Louis didn't want to chase them anymore.

Anyway, there was no performance, and Louis felt it was not worthwhile to spend so much effort to catch a few pirates.

Simply, he didn't chase these supernova pirates anymore.

He turned to change direction and headed to the illegal area where Luffy was!

He and Luffy had been separated for two years, and now he went to see how his younger brother was doing. Since the two brothers separated, it was a rare opportunity to be so close to each other, so they had to meet.

If Louis remembered correctly, Luffy was fighting with Kizaru at the moment.

Needless to say, it was very tragic. The Straw Hat Pirates were almost wiped out, and the one who suffered the most damage was the green algae-headed Zoro.

It really fits the saying, you are happy outside, and I am silently suffering inside, just because I have a little green on my head.

Zoro never complains.

I don't know if it's because he has been with Luffy for a long time that he has become stubborn, or because he often went out at night with Kuina when he was a child.

But it doesn't matter, what does it have to do with Louis.

He Louis just wants to go and take a look, not to help out.

He can help Luffy persuade Kizaru to show mercy for the sake of brotherhood.

As for other things, he Louis doesn't want to get involved too much, so as not to cause greater interference due to the emergence of the butterfly effect, leading to a complete change in the direction of the entire pirate world.

This is not good for him, at least it is not good for predicting what will happen in the future. If the timeline of the pirate world has not changed, then he is an omniscient and omnipotent existence.

He knows most of the direction of the entire pirate world, what happened in which place, and what treasures are buried where.

This is his innate advantage.

But if the timeline gradually changes, then his advantage will no longer exist.

For this reason, he will try to reduce the changes in the timeline as much as possible. Anyway, what he needs now is to survive, survive to the strongest, survive to find ALLBLUE, and survive to expand the Dadan Family BBQ Company to the entire pirate world.

In this way, his goal will be achieved!......

The area near Shampoo Island, the No. 16 illegal zone.

At this time, the Straw Hat Pirates and Kizaru were in a fierce confrontation.

Although Sanji, Nami, Robin, Franky, Usopp, Chopper, and Brook had all grumbled about running away before.

But when Captain Luffy was as still as a mountain and had no intention of retreating and running away, they all chose to stay where they were without hesitation and fight shoulder to shoulder with Luffy to the end, helping the captain to overcome the difficulties.

We are all people on the same boat, unity is strength! Never abandon, never give up!

Kizaru made an ordinary flat attack from the air, kicked out a laser with huge energy, and hit the ground where the Straw Hat Pirates were.

The speed was so fast that it seemed as if time had stopped at this moment.

There was only a loud bang.

The huge and dazzling light wave ball suddenly expanded violently, and a strong air wave attacked all directions of the illegal zone.

And this flat attack, Kizaru did not use all his strength, he just wanted to test the real combat power of the Straw Hat Pirates or Luffy.

However, just this one attack was enough to suppress the Straw Hat Pirates and their brutal and domineering ways.

Zoro used his three sword styles to block Kizaru's ordinary kick with his body.

As a result, Zoro's body was covered with wounds and blood, and he was shaking all over.

This block seemed to have consumed all his strength.

He said weakly:

"Captain, I have tried my best......."

Then Zoro fell straight to the ground, breathing weakly.

Luffy beside him let out a heart-wrenching roar, his eyes full of murderous intent. Luffy gritted his teeth and stood up, pointing directly at Kizaru, shouting:

"Let me be your opponent! You let them go!"

Sanji, Nami, Robin, Franky, Usopp, Chopper, and Brook all burst into tears, partly because Zoro had just blocked such a powerful attack for them. Partly because of the helplessness and self-blame for their inability to protect their teammates and friends.

Captain Luffy and Zoro protected them, so how could they run away like deserters!

"Let's go together!"

Nami, who was the first to say she wanted to run away, suddenly stood up. She held the weather stick in both hands, and looked like she was ready to fight side by side with Luffy and die.

Several other Straw Hat Pirates also stood up. They chose to face this guy who they could not win together with their captain Luffy!

Live and die together! This is the essence of the Straw Hat Pirates' victory over all difficulties!

Luffy was also moved by his teammates' actions. He vowed that he must become stronger, strong enough to protect all his teammates with his own strength!

He glared at Kizaru and shouted:

"Come on, let me, Luffy, be your opponent today!"

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