The sun was shining and the sky was clear.

The sea was calm with a light breeze and waves.

After more than ten days of drifting on the sea, everything was smooth.

There were no powerful pirate groups in the East China Sea, and the sea returned to its natural tranquility.

The navy soldiers on the entire warship finally got a long rest, and even had a very pleasant life. Going fishing, swimming, and surfing, there were not so many constraints as before at the Navy Headquarters.

Colonel Hina only turned a blind eye to these entertainment projects. After all, life on the sea was indeed too monotonous.

Long sea journeys, even for well-trained navy soldiers, would cause great psychological pressure if they did not relax properly. In serious cases, fighting would occur, affecting the morale of the navy's unity on the warship.

In addition to daily maritime affairs during the day, her daily leisure was to play billiards, drink tea, and enjoy the scenery on the sea with Louis on the ship. It was so pleasant.

Although she had no interest in drinking tea before, during the time she was sailing on the sea, Colonel Hina was gradually influenced by Louis.

As the sun sets, the sky is full of stars. In the deep space in the distance, a purple Milky Way cuts through the sky, and sometimes a meteor flashes across the edge of the sky.

Under this purple-black sky dotted with stars.

The sea surface is shimmering, which is the rays of light from the moon.

On the sea, a group of naval soldiers on the No. 143 warship are happily holding a barbecue party on the ship.

Louis cooperates with the Chinese barbecue technique, Chinese honey sauce and Chinese meat-supplementing technique, plus his skilled barbecue technique, and the barbecue with meat fragrance is ready in less than 30 minutes.

A group of sailors feasted on it, drank cold beer, and toasted to the end of a busy day.

At this time, suddenly a sailor began to hum the"Binx's Wine" that has been passed down by word of mouth on the sea, and the cheerful music instantly permeated the No. 143 warship.

After that disaster, the naval soldiers on the No. 143 warship also hummed this ballad. No one knows what kind of disaster will happen in the future. Since they have chosen the sea, they embrace the unknown, adventure and freedom.

At this moment, they seem to have found their inner selves, the self that has been suppressed for a long time by affairs and the rules of the world.

Yo-ho-ho, Yo-ho-ho

Yo-ho-ho, Yo-ho-ho

I'll bring you the wine of Binks......

Ride the wind and waves and let me swim......

The waves are surging and the sunset is moving......

The birds singing, piercing the sky......

Leaving the port, unforgettable homesickness......

Sing a song to express your feelings......

The navy soldiers couldn't help themselves, even Colonel Hinai and Louis were infected by this emotion and joined the singing team one after another.

The banquet lasted for nearly three hours, and the navy went to the dormitory to rest one after another.

Only a small number of navy soldiers were left to take night shifts.

After eating and drinking, Louis moved out a rocking chair and placed it on the observation deck of the warship, holding a cup of tea in his hand. This kind of comfort was something he could not feel as a social animal before he crossed over.

Looking at the deep space in the distance, I wonder if the world of pirates is also like the world before crossing over, and there is also a vibrant world in the distant stars.

However, judging from the current technological level of the world of pirates, it is far from capable of interstellar navigation. Even the technology of astronomical telescopes is still relatively primitive, not to mention interstellar exploration.

Louis looked at the stars in the sky. He felt that in a corner of this starry sky, there should be a planet like the world of pirates or even more vibrant and magical than the world of pirates.

Just as he was thinking, Colonel Hinai also moved out a rocking chair, lay on it, and looked into the distance

"Lieutenant General Louis, we will be arriving in the East China Sea soon. Why don't you go to the Windmill Village?"

Louis said calmly:

"Now is not the time. By the way, you should call me Louis Junior. I am not used to hearing that. After all, I can call you sister."

Hina chuckled lightly:

"Yes, in terms of job title, I still call you Vice Admiral Louis. I'm used to it."

Under the moonlight, Hina's skin was as white as cream, her lips were like cherry blossoms, and her proud figure was even more plump. Louis, who was in adolescence, would be lying if he said he was not moved.

But Louis really regarded Hina as a sister, so naturally he would not think about that.

Listening to the sound of the waves, drinking tea, and looking at the full moon, Louis soon fell asleep.

While getting stronger, Louis gradually found that he slept longer and did not have much emotional fluctuations about the things around him. Falling asleep became much faster than before.

Louis slept on the stands.

After a while, Hina looked at the sleeping Louis, then left the stands and went to the command room to stand guard.

After a night, the 143rd warship finally arrived at the Barati, the offshore restaurant.

This was what Louis had ordered Hina to do before. According to the school’s route, they would stop at the Barati restaurant for a while, and then rush to the East China Sea 153 branch base, Shields Town.

Before leaving Marinford, the head chef gave Louis a letter and asked Louis to give it to Barati’s boss, Zepp, the lame old man with a long golden braided mustache, Sanji’s master and savior.

He was a fan of One Piece before crossing, so naturally he knew something about Zepp’s life.

His personality can be described as another version of Garp, the complete opposite of Garp. He is cold to people but also warm. Maybe he is not good at expressing his feelings.

Louis was too lazy to think about it. Now he just had to hand the letter to Zepp. He didn’t want to care about anything else. After all, he had no idea about the renovation of the cafeteria at the 153 Naval Base.

"Dock! Everyone put away your weapons!"

With the order from Colonel Rina, all the navy soldiers opened the safety of their guns and waited on the warship.

According to the rules of the maritime restaurant Barati, no force is allowed to bring weapons into the restaurant. Even the navy does not allow it, and the navy's high-ranking officials often come to Barati for banquets.

This is the most famous restaurant in the entire Great Navigation Area. Even the villages in the East China Sea know about Barati through word of mouth.

Of course, the Celestial Dragons are another matter, and there is nothing that can be done about it. However, under normal circumstances, the Celestial Dragons will not come here to enjoy the food.

They even disdain to share the air with ordinary people, let alone food.

Only occasionally would a few celestial dragons come to the sea restaurant to try the new food after collecting the sky gold.

With his amazing cooking skills, Zeff conquered the appetites of many navigators. Now, looking at this big restaurant, it is magnificent and radiates a dazzling light, standing in this sea.

It must have taken a lot of effort, and it is bound to become a strong competitor of Louis in the future.

I really don't know what Sanji was thinking at the time, and how he was willing to leave the sea restaurant Barati. Is it just for ALLBLUE?

Louis couldn't help but wonder in his heart whether this ALLBLUE really exists. If it does, the selection of ingredients will not be a problem at all.

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