The battle was finally over, but inside and outside the warship, there was only the mess left after the battle between the two strong men.

Hawkeye's words just now pointed out a truth to Louis.

Even in the world of pirates, it is not all about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships.

Let's take Red Hair as an example. He can make all the forces in the world give him face. He not only won by fighting and killing, but also handled the relationship with all the forces skillfully. This is a kind of human relationship.

In the world of pirates, it is better to have one more friend than none, and it is such a powerful friend, why not?

"Be friends? I'll think about it if you're willing to buy my barbecue in the future."

Louis yawned and said casually.

The battle with Hawkeye just now consumed a lot of his energy. He is now looking for the rocking chair he sat on before, wanting to sit down and rest for a while to recover some strength.

After he has a little more strength, he will try to use the [Chinese Meat Recovery Technique] randomly given by the system just now to make barbecue and see how it works.

It just so happens that there are so many test subjects now.

Seeing that the battle between the two was over, Colonel Hina, who was also exhausted, walked to Louis' side and looked straight at Hawkeye who was walking slowly towards him.

Looking around, he glared and gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Seven Warlords of the Sea Hawkeye, don't you know the consequences of doing this? Your actions are against the entire navy!"

The sharp eyes like a hawk stared coldly at Colonel Hinai, Hawkeye had no expression on his face and said calmly:

"It is my pleasure to spar with the strong. If this also infringes on the interests of the navy, then you might as well think about my previous reputation."

After hearing this, Colonel Hina's face was full of horror.

If Hawkeye hadn't reminded her just now, she would not have thought that when Hawkeye was still a pirate, in addition to the title of"the world's number one swordsman", he also had a name that made all the navy, including the admirals, shudder: Navy Hunter-a pirate who specializes in hunting the navy for commissions.

Don't look at Mihawk's noble aura on the surface. In fact, he is also a big pirate who kills decisively and kills countless people. His swordsmanship was forged from a sea of blood, and even the heads of senior navy generals.

Although Hawkeye has been a lot more low-key since he became a Shichibukai, and he has not hunted the navy.

But when people think of his previous name, they can't help but regard him as a devil.

Hina looked at Hawkeye with horror, but couldn't spit out a few words, but some anger came out from between his teeth:

"Damn it! Just because you are the world's number one swordsman and have great strength, you can do whatever you want?! You don't take the navy seriously at all!"

She is not the only one who has such thoughts in the navy headquarters, especially in the navy branches scattered around the world. Even Garp thinks this system is a bit ridiculous, not to mention Akainu, who was the first to oppose it.

Of course, there are also Admiral Z Zephyr and other hawkish navy officers.

The existence of this system is simply the navy making wedding dresses for those powerful pirates. It is equivalent to a compromise of the navy's weakness and incompetence, and the so-called justice is gone.

There have been a large number of people in the navy who opposed the system of the Seven Warlords of the Sea for a long time, but due to the regulations of the World Government, the abolition of the Seven Warlords of the Sea has been delayed. Nothing is done.

That is why today, pirates are rampant, and some of the Shichibukai pirates rely on their legal status to do horrible things in private or even in public.

Everyone hopes to obtain the status of Shichibukai, and everyone is scrambling for these seven limited places. The emerging pirate groups challenge these old Shichibukai pirates, and if they succeed, they will replace them as Shichibukai, and if they fail, they will die.

The pirates enjoy doing this, fighting and killing non-stop.

In this way, this system runs counter to the original good direction, causing pirates to become more and more rampant and arrogant, and even powerful enough to control the combat power of a country.

And all this has not played a role in curbing the pirates.

The navy certainly does not want this to happen, but the world government thinks differently. The world government's highest goal is to maintain the supreme status of the Celestial Dragons.

They don't care whether the means are just or whether the civilians are suffering. As long as they can maintain the balance of power among all parties and prevent the emergence of forces that can threaten their supreme status, it's fine.

They also secretly intervened in the muddy water of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, which is akin to aiding and abetting. The navy is a sharp sword based on the principles they set, and the direction of the sword is also theirs. It's just that the navy is now He also had his own independent thoughts and began to listen to them less.

Take the treatment of Louis for example, the Navy did not completely follow the arrangements of the Five Elders of the World Government.

Hina believed that one day, the Navy would break away from the World Government and become an independent navy force that resolutely implements justice and maintains world stability and is a strong force.

Abolish the Seven Warlords of the Sea and wipe out the pirates!

Although Hina's face was horrified, she was not afraid at all, even though in front of her was Hawkeye, who was respected as the world's number one swordsman.

After all, she was a student brought up by Admiral Zephyr, and she had the courage and awareness to sacrifice for justice.

She said sternly:

"Don't go too far, Mihawk!"

Hawkeye didn't take Hina seriously. He ignored Colonel Hina and turned to look at Louis with a little more respect on his face.

He said calmly:

"If you are willing to be my friend, that would be great. I will come to you anytime to learn from you when I have time."

His eyes moved suddenly, and there was a hint of excitement on his face:

"It is difficult to find an opponent who can fight with me on this sea, except that you are one of them."

Sure enough, the strong are so lonely.

This eternal truth is really not deceptive.

Louis couldn't help but sigh in his heart, is this Hawkeye's Versailles?

This is too good.

And Hina who was standing beside him turned her head and looked at him in surprise.

She muttered in her heart: Is Vice Admiral Louis going to be friends with pirates?!

In her heart, the navy and pirates are incompatible, which is very similar to her teacher Zephyr.

She hopes that Louis' answer will be a firm refusal. In her heart, a navy with strong strength and potential like Louis should shoulder the responsibility and honor of being a navy, and be friends with the pirates. To put it bluntly, she is completely against the existence of pirates.

In her opinion, pirates are the most heinous criminals whose crimes are unforgivable.

If Louis dares to say yes at this time, she will not care about herself and will fight against the rocks with an egg to show her navy's position and fight Hawkeye to the end.

As for Louis, she can't blame him. One reason is her good impression of him, and the other is because of Vice Admiral Garp.

Louis did not give a direct answer at this time. One reason is his identity, and the other is that he really has no strength now and does not want to answer.

Seeing that Louis did not reply, Hawkeye wisely jumped towards his small boat and left a message in the air:

"We will see each other again in the future, and I will wait for your reply then!"

Louis just smiled lightly and said nothing.

Standing aside, Hina finally breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the deck. The crisis was finally over.

Hawkeye, who was sitting on the boat, suddenly touched his abdomen with his hand, and a mouthful of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth!

"His fist is so terrifying!"

He stared at the damaged navy ship and said with emotion.

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