Ten years passed in the blink of an eye. Louis was already eighteen years old and had become a handsome young man with elegant manners.

After Luffy and Ace went to sea, he was the only one left in the Windmill Village to continue selling barbecue. He felt a little lonely. In his spare time every day, besides chatting with Dadan, he also dealt with the blind dates introduced to him by Makino and Dadan.

As expected, he was forced to get married by his parents wherever he went.

Although he also liked beautiful girls and liked to touch their hands, he was far from the point of getting married. Women can only be admired from a distance and not approached.

Now he is a celebrity in the Windmill Village, and his barbecue stall is well-known throughout the Kingdom of Goa. Many diners come here just for the small piece of barbecue made by Louis. Even the king came to the Windmill Village just for the two famous dishes grilled by Louis: the King of the Near Sea Barbecue and the Roasted Manatee.

These two portions are sold for 50,000 Baileys each, and the talent points gained are 10 points each. Ordinary people can't afford these. They are delicacies that only the king and some nobles can enjoy.

���Of course, for the villagers of Windmill Village, Louis will provide free tastings on some festivals.

At the same time, he will also teach Dadan and the chef of the branch store the barbecue honey sauce method learned from the system.

In this way, Dadan's barbecue restaurant branches have spread across major cities in the Kingdom of Goa. As the boss, Louis's reputation in the entire Kingdom of Goa is even higher than that of Garp.

Even the king has to respect Louis three points, and even wants to give his baby princess to Louis as a gift, as long as he cooks a barbecue for him every day. But Louis felt that he was losing a lot and it was not cost-effective, so he refused.

With the 3 billion Baileys and more than 300,000 talent points he has accumulated, he still wants to stay in Windmill Village for a few more years. When he is completely invincible, he will expand his barbecue stall to other seas and countries.

Then he will become bigger and stronger and conquer the pirate world with barbecue.

The combined revenue of the shops in the entire Kingdom of Goa is 500,000 or 600,000 per day, of which the system adds more than 1,000 points of talent per day. At this rate, the entire Kingdom of Goa can bring him more than 100 million Bailey income and more than 360,000 talent points every year.

Of course, these revenues are not enough for Louis to expand his shops.

He doesn't lack anything now, and it's not a problem to stay in Windmill Village for another ten years.

The key is that he is studying the ancient weapon Pluto, and he wants to use his savings to build this ancient weapon Pluto. As we all know, the ancient weapon Pluto is a powerful warship. If it can be built and transformed into a large barbecue restaurant on the sea, the entire ocean, the men and women on the entire ocean will bow down to his barbecue and fall completely. Just thinking about it is very cool.

However, after studying for a while, he gave up because the shipbuilding technology was too profound.

The sky was clear and the air was clear.

Louis was lying on the sea, and his big red shorts were rising and falling with the waves.

Faintly from a distance, a ship's whistle sounded, and a huge dog-headed navy warship was approaching the shore.

""It's Vice Admiral Garp! It's Vice Admiral Garp who's back!"

People swimming on the beach kept exclaiming.

Louis was awakened by the exclamations and swam back to the shore.

Facing Garp, Louis was somewhat in awe. This man who had saved him from Sugar Juice Village was a top-notch existence in terms of both combat power and personal charm.

He quickly put on a loose short-sleeved shirt, shorts, and wooden slippers, ready to welcome Garp.

Garp stood at the bow, wearing a cloak of justice, his sturdy body facing the sea breeze, showing his majesty.

""Old man Karp, you are finally back."

Louis waved and greeted him from afar.

Before the boat reached the shore, Karp had already used his razor and flashed in front of Louis.

"Hehe, Louis, long time no see!"

Then, he looked around and asked curiously:

"Where are Luffy and Ace? I, a grandfather, didn't even greet them when they came back."

"this this......"

Louis scratched his head, his mouth twitching, and took a few steps back, fearing that if he told the truth, the old man would lose control of his emotions and punch him on the head.

"They went out to sea as pirates."

As soon as these words came out, Garp was instantly furious, his teeth itching with hatred, he clenched his fists and cursed:

"This damn red-haired guy will have to taste the iron fist sooner or later."

Then he looked at Louis angrily and said loudly:

"Why don't you take care of your two brothers and let them become pirates?"

The angry Iron Fist was ready to move.

Fortunately, Louis hid far away and avoided this old man who could explode at any time.

Then Garp said in a low voice:

"You should have stopped them at that time."

He also wanted to stop them. Ace and Luffy were both good workers. With them in the barbecue restaurant, he could spend less Bailey.

Louis' mouth twitched, trying to comfort the old man:

"Don't be angry, Ace and Luffy might change their minds when they encounter difficulties at sea.

Although Louis himself didn't believe this, it was better to say it out loud.

"Forget it, I don’t blame you."

Karp gradually suppressed his inner anger and continued:

"My original purpose of coming back this time was to bring you three brothers to the Navy Headquarters for naval training, but now it's all gone."

Louis scratched his head, smiling fakely.

The old man looked at him with eyes that showed he was determined to bring his only remaining grandson back to the Navy Headquarters.

But Louis didn't want to go out to sea now, he wanted to stay in Windmill Village for a few more years. When he had enough wealth to rival a country, he would go out to sea to expand the barbecue restaurant. After all, the Kingdom of Goa was a place that even the Celestial Dragons dared not touch easily.

But Garp didn't think so.

Garp brought his followers with him and his face was paralyzed.���The swordsman followed Louis to the barbecue restaurant.

At this time, Dadan was busy making barbecue.

Garp did not blame Dadan. He knew Luffy and Ace's temper very well. No one could stop them from doing what they were determined to do, including him as a grandfather.

The two of them just talked a little.

Louis poured two large glasses of juice for Garp and the paralyzed swordsman, and then brought two plates of grilled King of the East China Sea forward, smiling and saying:

"Grandpa Cap, please try it."

""Haha, Louis is really good at it."

Garp ate heartily and couldn't help but praise him.

The paralyzed swordsman next to him looked reserved and expressionless, his left hand never leaving the hilt of the sword.

Louis didn't say anything either, just accompanied Garp to eat the barbecue.

"Um, Grandpa Cap, can I not go?" Louis blinked several times.

"Hehe, Louis, don't think that I won't take you to the navy just because you treat me to barbecue." Cap said with a smile while eating barbecue.

Louis went on to say,"What if I don't go?"

"It depends on whether you have the ability to do it!"

Karp said sternly.

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