In the ruins that had just collapsed at the door, there was a vague figure covered by the ruins and dust.

Looking closely, it was the bandit king Shange, and he looked like he was dying and seemed to have been seriously injured.

All the navy officers present were shocked, especially the officer.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze at this moment, causing everyone to exclaim and gasp for breath!

After a while, the officer recovered from his half-stupid state and turned to face Louis with dignity.

The child in front of him should not be simple to be able to hurt Shange to this extent!

Maybe he is a devil fruit ability user, because apart from eating devil fruits, he can't find other reasons to explain this phenomenon.

You know, Shange is a person that even their temporary office of the navy can't afford to offend.

He is a broken child, but he can beat Shange seriously, and it seems effortless!

It's really unbelievable.

The person in charge's voice trembled with his body, his face was serious, and he said tremblingly:

"My name is���G. Riku is a lieutenant of the 153rd branch of the East China Sea and the highest person in charge of the Navy Windmill Village Office. You can call me Lieutenant Riku directly. What is your name, sir?"

Due to the internal regulations of the Navy, the Navy branch is not allowed to enter villages and towns without authorization, and can only operate near the Navy base or Navy offices. Even Riku, the highest person in charge of the Navy Windmill Village, does not know Louis' identity, not to mention that Louis has only been in the Windmill Village for a short time.

Judging from his tone, it is obvious that he no longer regards Louis as a child.

Louis still has the same posture and said calmly:


As soon as the words came out, the navy present exclaimed again, and even the top leader Lieutenant Riku couldn't help but exclaimed.

He frowned and asked in a noncommittal tone:

"you......What is your relationship with Vice Admiral Garp?"

Louis smiled.

"I guess he's my grandfather."

When these words came out, the backs of all the navy soldiers straightened up a lot.

Vice Admiral Garp was a hero all over the world and an idol of most navy soldiers. No navy soldier didn't know about Garp's existence and heroic deeds, not to mention that this was Windmill Village, Garp's hometown.

As navy soldiers in Windmill Village, they naturally worshipped Garp very much. They all hoped that they could also gallop on the sea like Garp and make their own heroic achievements and become navy heroes.

And the extraordinary young man in front of him was actually the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp. It was too unreal.

Perhaps because of his old age, Lieutenant Riku kept shaking his head and sighed:

"I joined the navy in the hope that I could become a naval hero like Vice Admiral Garp one day. But time flies, more than a decade has passed, and I am almost old. Not only has my strength not improved, but I can only live in a remote corner. It is a shame to spend my old age in this small village in the East China Sea and not be able to uphold justice on the front line."

He looked at Louis with a light in his eyes, and then he became excited:

"Louis, are you willing to join the navy?! Become a naval hero like your grandfather?!"

Seeing that Louis did not respond immediately, he continued excitedly:

"You are so young, but your strength has reached the level of lieutenant colonel, plus you are the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp. If you join the navy, you will definitely be trained by the Navy Headquarters. As long as you are willing, you may even surpass Vice Admiral Garp in the future and become an admiral or even a marshal. It is imperative to punish evil, promote good, revitalize the navy and uphold justice!"

It can be seen that Lieutenant Riku still has some ideals and ambitions. He has always firmly believed in and maintained the justice that the navy upholds.

But from Louis' God's perspective. In the world of pirates, does the navy really represent justice? Judging from various circumstances, it is not at all.

Arresting and detaining so-called criminals for the Celestial Dragons, escorting Tenjoujin for the Celestial Dragons, being bodyguards for the Celestial Dragons, maintaining the supreme status of the Celestial Dragons, and even turning a blind eye to the Celestial Dragons' dirty deals in private. This is what the current navy is doing.

If this is considered just... Justice, then there is no justice in the pirate world.

Of course, this does not mean that all navy officers are like this. There are also a large number of people in the navy who have conscience and yearn for peace and freedom. Lieutenant Riku can be considered such a person.

However, Lieutenant Riku's heartfelt words are not Louis's ambition after all. What's more, he is just an eight-year-old kid. If he doesn't enjoy his childhood at this time, carrying such a heavy burden of justice will make his already weak body unable to breathe. Life is only once. Although you may travel through time, doing what you want to do is the right choice.

Uh.....I feel like Lieutenant Riku's words are somewhat familiar.......

The bounty hasn't even been paid yet, and you're already making big promises.......

"Can you pay me the 10 million berries reward first? It's urgent."

Louis' left eye twitched and he said softly.

It seemed that the lieutenant was too enthusiastic and forgot the business.

Lieutenant Riku laughed awkwardly for a while and said with a red face.

"Oh, sorry, I got carried away. I can only pay you a portion of the bounty today, probably only about 5 million Baileys."

He paused for a moment, then continued:

"The office really has no working capital. I can only report to the branch headquarters, and they will send someone to deliver it to you after the funds are addition......"

His face flushed, and he whispered in embarrassment:

"This gate and the walls......These......The funds for the dispatched office are really......"

Louis interrupted Riku's words and said:

"You can just deduct it from the reward. I am quite generous.

He did not want to talk too much here. After all, he did break the wall by himself.���

Louis patted his chest

"That's it."

Lieutenant Riku clapped his hands in agreement.

Soon, two large suitcases of Bailey were presented to Louis, and Lieutenant Riku said calmly:

"You can check the count now. There are 2.5 million Baileys in each box."

Louis picked up the box, shook his head and smiled.

"No need to count, I believe you."

Then he turned around and left, not forgetting to leave a sentence:

"Don't forget the other 5 million Baileys."

Louis is a very principled person. He can take more money but not give less.

His 10 million Baileys are hard-earned money. And if he is not careful or weak at this time, he may lose his life. He can't give less than a penny of the money he earned with his hard work. What

's more, there are a group of employees whose salaries have not been paid yet.......

Navy Windmill Village Police Station Riku Office

Bulu Bulu Bulu......

Riku looked at Den Den Mushi with a serious expression.

"Colonel Monka, I am Riku"

"Just tell me what's going on!"

The other party's voice was very rough, with a tone of rebuke.

"The bandit king Shange has been defeated and is being sought by our army. Please allocate the bounty."Riku said calmly.

"The base has no funds now, let's talk about this later!" The other party shouted sternly.

Riku paused for a moment, frowned and continued:

"It was Garp's grandson who defeated Sanger for us."

"Hahaha......Who is Garp?! Not to mention he is his grandson! In the entire East Sea! Always remember that I am your highest commander! You are from the 153rd branch, and you will always be. You are not under Garp's jurisdiction!" His tone was very arrogant.

Riku hesitated for a while and continued:

"The key is......The key is......The other party is only eight years old, but he has such a strong strength. If he becomes a navy, he will definitely be able to......"

Before Riku could continue, the other party interrupted him.

"This matter is settled. Also, don't mention Garp in front of me!"

Beep beep beep......

Before Riku could finish, Monka hung up the Den Den Mushi.

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