Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 457: Decisive Battle Twenty-Nine·Complete Elfization

The big news spread all over the world, and even the residents on the other side of the world who were still in the dark were not awakened by the clatter of falling newspapers.

For a moment, the whole sea was in a commotion. The news in this newspaper was so important that many people even thought it was just a joke.

Many naval bases at sea who were still in the dark immediately contacted the headquarters, but no one answered.

The more alert organizations immediately began to contact spies from various places, but they could not get any news about Mariejoia in a short period of time.

After the brief confusion, many people remembered the news released by the World Economic News not long ago.

[There will be an epoch-making large-scale global live broadcast in the near future].

It didn't take much time for the smart people to connect the two things together. The news spread from one place to another. Many people on some small islands did not even bother to sleep and gathered towards the center of the island.

The World Economic News has a live broadcast service, and projection screens for the World Economic News are set up on almost all islands where people are stationed.

Now that the news of such an explosion has spread, almost everyone, whether they support the navy or support the world government, has gathered near the projection screen.

Looking expectantly at the dark projection screen, they eagerly wanted to know what would be broadcast in the so-called global live broadcast.

Different people's positions are naturally different. Although the World Government's previous declaration of war against the Desert Alliance and its demon-slaying order against the North Sea caused considerable controversy, it has ruled the world for eight hundred years. Now that they suddenly say that they want to overthrow the world government, many people still hold a conservative attitude.

Some even angrily attacked the Desert Alliance and the Navy, denouncing this rebellion.

The identity of the descendants of the Celestial Dragons and Gods has been deeply engraved in the hearts of most people in the sea. Even if what Mary did during this period has subtly shaken the concept of the Navy and shaken the impression of the Celestial Dragons in people's hearts, after all, it is still Only less than two years.

Those aren't enough hours to get everyone on board with the Navy.

Many big islands were in chaos, and scolding wars started everywhere.

Smoker in Rogge Town in the East China Sea has urgently mobilized the navy to maintain order on the island. He did not express his attitude to the navy under his command.

This is also due to some special considerations. Although Admiral Smoker logically supports the news report on the Navy, all relevant intelligence is now in darkness. With only news reports, Smoker cannot confirm the current situation. specific situation.

If he expresses his attitude, the navy in the East China Sea will undoubtedly stand with him.

But if there is no such rift between the World Government and the Navy, or if the World Government wins in the end, Smoker and others in the team will suffer.

Smoker himself is not afraid, but he still has to consider the navy under his command.

The navy in Rogge Town didn't know why their immediate superiors remained silent at this time, but they still followed the orders from Smoker very strictly. After preventing the initial chaos in Rogge Town, there began to be some People marched to the Central Execution Platform Square in an orderly manner.

The broadcast screen in Rogue Town is located in the former execution platform square.

Smoker also connected the current news with the global live broadcast claimed by the World Economic News not long ago.

He didn't know when the so-called global live broadcast would start, but...

The news papers being released now are undoubtedly a sign.

Everything that World Economic News does now is basically a plan discussed by Mary and Morgans.

Starting from releasing live broadcast news, constantly using newspaper news to build momentum, and then compressing the recent news volume to lower people's expectations.

When the time comes to start executing the plan, all the heavyweight news will be revealed. While revealing the historical truth about the world government's strict blockade, it will also explain the current maritime situation and completely ignite public opinion.

Intentionally or unintentionally, through the writing style of news reports, we guide the consciousness of the world, and use the half-truth method that is very familiar to relevant practitioners to emphasize the justice of the Desert Alliance and the Navy and the rebellious nature of the world government.

Through the simulated description of the current battlefield situation, it intentionally or unintentionally hints that the world government is in decline, and adds more chips to the desert alliance and navy in the hearts of the world.

Whether you admit it or not, there is always some greed in people's hearts. And now that he has the mouthpiece, Morgans can easily create an image of a strong man in the hearts of the world.

And everything Mary and Morgans did was just to build momentum for the most important step in the plan.

The most important trump card... must be a [global live broadcast] to be fully in place.

An uninvited guest came to the coast of Windmill Town.

The townspeople are now in chaos because of the sudden news, and no one cares about the sudden visit of the man in black.

The man in black picked up the newspaper that had fallen on the dock, glanced at it a few times, and then casually put the newspaper away.

Things like world trends and changes in the times are irrelevant to him now.

Taking out the paper of life from his sleeve, following the direction in which the paper of life moved, the man in black walked towards the back mountain.

Heyi Xian, who was arranging the empty base in the back mountain, suddenly felt his heart tightening. He subconsciously turned his head to look at the distant coast, and a chill of unknown origin suddenly rose in his heart.

But he frowned and did not leave. Instead, he put down his work and walked slowly to the empty square.

After a long time, a figure in a black cloak walked out of the dense forest and looked at Heyi Xian standing in the center of the square.

Heyi Xian also saw the man in black at the same time. He turned around and looked at the upright figure, feeling a strange sense of familiarity in him.

It was at this moment that He Yixian understood who the person in front of him was. There is no reason, but it is intuitively certain.

The man in black took off the cloak covering his head, revealing a face that was very similar to He Yi Xian.

"Long time no see, brother."

Plague, or rather He Wanwen, showed a dry smile.

"...Ha." Heyi Xian sighed softly and tugged on his white gloves.

"I guessed it was you... When did you come to Donghai? Forget it, let's change the question."

He Yixian raised his eyebrows and stared at He Wanwen.

"What are you doing here looking for me?"

"Of course I'm trying to kill you." He Wanwen said and took out five test tubes from his cuffs.

"More than ten years have passed since then, and my achievements in medicine and toxicology have far surpassed what I achieved back then."

"So, brother... I hope you won't die so easily."

"Is it so important to prove that you are better than me?" He Yixian said coldly, "I never learned this to compete with others. I don't intend to argue with you anymore."

"It's very important to me." He Wanwen grinned, "Otherwise, why would I go to the hands of the enemy who exterminated my clan and treat me as a plague?"

"This knowledge is the only thing I have left, so I have to be better than you."

"When you have this kind of thinking, it's impossible for you to reach the top."

He Yixian opened his medicine box, then pulled out a pistol and pointed it at He Wanwen.

"The purpose of studying medicine is to save people, not to kill people. If you want to kill people, you have to use this!"


"I kind of understand you now."

Yin Mu was chopped down by Mary, then stabilized his body and flew out several explosive rock swords.

Then he suddenly turned around and stuck his elbow on the blade swung by Mary who appeared behind him in an instant.

The armed-color domineering energy collided, the overlord-colored domineering energy entwined together, and the two colors of lightning flashed in the air.

"I have been thinking before why elves are always obsessed with the body. A strong body is rare, and whether it is Renesmee or Lunaria, their bodies are extremely weak in my opinion."

"You gave me the answer."

Yin Mu violently threw Mary away.

The next moment, Mary's body appeared behind Yin Mu.

The black knife slashed towards the back of Yin Mu's head with gusts of cold wind.

"The human body——"

"It can actually be developed to this extent by elves!"

Yin Mu lowered his head to dodge the slashing attack, then turned around and swung the sword out. As expected, it missed the target.

"It's no wonder that the immortal species has feelings for flesh and blood."

After saying that, he raised his hand and firmly caught Mary's slash from above.

Blood surged, and thousands of tons of blood gathered into dozens of rivers, rushing toward Yin Mu.

"Blood shower and fire flow!"

The blood burning with the fire spirit flames and demonic flames broke through Yin Mu's domineering energy, and the blazing high temperature and erosion of the soul washed over Yin Mu's body without reservation.


Yin Mu's body stiffened for a moment before he unleashed an astonishing power. He turned his palms to expel the blood.

And Mary's sword, which was flowing like a mighty river, followed closely and headed towards Yin Muchao.

Yin Mu said calmly while parrying Mary's attack:

"Most of your attacks are killing moves."

"Elf, what grudge do I have against you to make you kill like this?"

"I want to kill you, so why should I have any grudge against you?"

Mary's answer made Yin Mu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

After a while, he shook his head with a smile.

"A battle of ideas? That's fine, that's fine."

"In that case, let me see how brilliant the ideas you insist on can shine..."

"This condescending tone is really unpleasant..."

Mary whispered.

Her nerves were now completely on edge.

At this time, while Luffy was blocking the aftermath of the explosion from reaching Raphdrew, he would also bounce back the explosive rock that Yinmu accidentally ejected. Ace was constantly lighting the explosive rock, and every time Yinmu did something While relaxing, he lit a fire for Yin Mu.

Mary is naturally responsible for confronting Yin Mu head-on.

With the three people working together, Yin Mu was already in decline.

But Mary did not let down her guard at all. The beastman's intuition told her... Yin Mu did not use his full strength, and the other party had back-ups.

As for when this back-up plan will be released...

Suddenly, Mary saw Yin Mu's expression change slightly.

This change was not due to the battle. Mary immediately knew that something special had happened.

She looked at Rafdru almost immediately.


The blue ripples on the high tower have disappeared, and the ocean current that has lost its driving force slowly slows down, and then turns into a downpour.

Two half-elves, A Tian and A Hai, walked out of the tower. Mary, with sharp eyes, saw the white stones in their hands from a thousand meters away.

The Stone of Lunaria? He could barely see because he had the five senses of a beastman. Did Yinmu rely on sight and color at this distance?

Thinking of this, Mary subconsciously released her emotions, and then felt an incredible feeling.

There was a wave of consciousness... coming from the Lunaria Stone?

Before Mary could think about it, a suffocating sense of crisis came over her. She suddenly looked at Yin Mu and saw that Yin Mu had already held a red crystal in his hand.

At the same time, his body also began to crystallize rapidly.

This red crystal can be said to be a purified version of dynamite rock. Seeing this scene, Mary felt her scalp numb and immediately stepped back.

"Everyone retreat——"

Amid the explosion, her shouts were drowned in the loud roar before they even reached ten meters.

However, even if Mary didn't remind him, Ace and Luffy, who had been through the battlefield for a long time, both reacted and faded into the distance.

The white explosion wave spanned a thousand meters this time and enveloped Rafdru together. Rafdru, who had stood on the sea for eight hundred years and had not been damaged, turned to dust at this moment.

The entire island was completely wiped out. If Lilia hadn't quickly picked up A Tian and A Hai and carried them away, the two half-elves would have been seriously injured even if they didn't die.

The two half-elves had some strength, but their minds were immature. They were only a few dozen days old and they didn't have much experience in life, let alone combat experience. Therefore, it is impossible to make a decent response on this kind of battlefield.

This explosion seemed to evaporate Mary's sea of ​​blood, while Mary and Ace looked at each other helplessly and smiled bitterly.

Although I know that the other party has not used all his strength... but it is hidden too deeply.

An explosion made both of them realize the gap between the two sides. Among the three of them, no one except Luffy dared to resist the explosion.

Of course, even Luffy would definitely be on the verge of death if he forced himself to explode in his current state.

Fortunately, he was far away and did not suffer too much damage.

At this time, Luffy was dumbfounded as he stared at the slowly spreading shock wave. After a moment, he screamed: "What on earth is going on with this uncle? Why is he so strong?"

"This guy is the strongest in the world..."

Mary's mouth twitched.

The explosion gradually subsided, but the white light did not disappear.

Mary's eyes widened slightly as she looked at the figure appearing in the dimming firelight.

Ace and Luffy both opened their mouths and slowly looked up.

A white giant with an unknown height of several thousand meters stood in the ocean overlooking the three people.

"Now is when the battle really begins."

There was a mighty sound in the sky.

Ace trembled, pointed at the giant in front of him and said to Mary:

"This, this, this..."

"This is Yin Mu."

Mary answered directly, then showed a relieved smile.

"Have you finally completely given up your human characteristics and become completely elves?"

She glanced at the clouds in the distance, and when she turned her hand, a piece of paper of life appeared in her palm.

This piece of life paper has not been touched for a long time.

"It seems we're almost here..."

Mary let out a hoarse sneer, "That's right, Yin Mu."

"The battle really begins."

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