Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 429: Rebellion

"How long have they been from here?"

"I have been away for a few hours." Famine said: "The opponent is quite strong, and I am not sure that I can defeat him. But the opponent was seriously injured by me when I left, and he should not have much ability to move in a short period of time."

"If your Excellency pursues us now, we should be able to intercept the opponent before he enters the waters near Lafdru."

"Do you know who the other party is?"

Yin Mu looked at Famine, his tone a little subtle.

There are few people in this world who can make Famine say that he is not sure of defeating him.

After being silent for a moment, Famine said calmly:

"I'm not impressed."


Yin Mu narrowed his eyes slightly.

This guy is lying.

Famine and Yin Mu have always been at odds with each other, which is ridiculous. In eight hundred years, Yin Mu has never seen the real body of Disimona, and has always met Famine's stand-in.

Although Fengfang has always followed his orders, Yin Mu also knows that the other party's fundamental purpose is different from his own.

Cooperating with myself... is purely because the other person finds it interesting, nothing more.

The other party was silent for a moment when he answered him just now, but when he spoke afterwards, he was straightforward and without any emotion. This is made clear and Yin Mu said: I know, but I don’t want to tell you.


Qingfang raised his head and looked at Yin Mu, with a chilling smile in his eyes.

"She is no match for you, I'm sure of that."


Yin Mu took a deep look at Famine, turned around, and flew quickly in the direction where the Labor Bridge extended.

Although he was dissatisfied with the famine attitude, he had become accustomed to this way of getting along with each other over the years.

Now is not the time to teach famine a lesson, the top priority is to catch up with that unknown guy. For Yom, Rafdru is the so-called center of destiny and the most important position in his heart. Even Marie Joa could fall, but Raphdrew definitely couldn't.

Since Famine just said specifically that the opponent's strongest one is currently unable to move, it means that the opponent's current action speed will be slower than his own, and he can catch up with him at full speed.

This guy from Famine... has taken advantage of it a little too far, and he has made no secret of his desires.

Is it because the eight hundred years have come and you think I will lose?



Xingfang watched Yinmu's figure go away and let out a hoarse sneer.

Then, she suddenly looked up at the sky and narrowed her eyes.

"Who else is following? Hmm... flying birds? This sound of flapping wings..."

Famine said softly, but had no intention of intercepting the other party.

In the blink of an eye, the double disappeared on the Labor Bridge.

Marie Joa's stand-in opened her eyes, and she pushed open the door between flowers. There was no one inside at the moment.

Attila is now patrolling outside Mariegioa with the Guard, Death, and War.

Disimona's true body replaced her avatar and appeared among the flowers, sitting casually on the Void Throne.

"Mary is an admiral in the navy and has an extraordinary reputation in the navy."

"He went to Lavdru alone, accompanied by people from the Revolutionary Army and the Desert Alliance... Did the Navy also collude with this matter?"


Disimona squinted her eyes to gather the recent information.

The Battle of Upside Down Mountain... It seemed before that Dragon's strategic vision was too brilliant, but now it seems that there are two possibilities.

First, Mary, as the navy's mole, passed the navy's movement information to the Desert Alliance and the Revolutionary Army, which exposed the navy's navigation route and allowed Long and the others to fight a beautiful ambush.

The second possibility...

Disimona's vagina tightened slightly.

"Has the Navy betrayed Mary... together? Is the Battle of Upside Down Mountain a coordinated double-drama?"


The wild imagination made Disimona slightly raise the corners of her mouth.

"If that's really the case...that would be great."

"Then Mary lured Yin Mu away because..."

She looked through the hole in the ceiling between the flowers into the dark night sky.

"Marie Joa... there's going to be a war."

"Perfect, perfect, perfect..."

"Fight more intensely, make the war more intense, hahahaha..."

She had no intention of telling Wu Laoxing what she had guessed.

Of course, the fun person will not destroy the upcoming fun, even if the fun may burn itself.

In Pangu City, the lights are brightly lit.

Yin Mu's sudden departure made the Five Old Stars instantly nervous. During this sensitive period, Yoon Mu's movements always affected the strategy of the World Government. Moreover, Yin Mu left without saying goodbye this time, leaving no instructions for the Five Old Stars.

What would make Yin Mu leave so eagerly would not be a trivial matter.

At this time, four of the Five Old Stars gathered in the meeting hall, and Sengoku, as the marshal of the navy and the leader of the army to defend the world government, was also urgently recruited.

Isaac was still out on patrol when he was suddenly called to a meeting.

They said it was a meeting, but they were actually responsible for ensuring the safety of Pangu City.

"I got the news." Ban Tuisheng put down the phone bug in his hand, "The CP of Donghai just reported that he saw a very dazzling meteor... It should be Master Yinmu."

They had been sitting here for several hours since Yin Mu left Marigio, constantly contacting CPs in various places to inquire about the situation, and trying to locate Yin Mu's current location.

"As for the East China Sea, aren't famines and plagues all there?" Saint Abraham asked with a frown, "Do the two of them know anything? Master Yin Mu suddenly left at this time..."

"Famine has a substitute left in Mary Joa." Mohandas Saint's voice was hoarse and he shouted to Ai Xi outside the door: "Ai Xi, go find Famine and ask him if he knows the specific situation of Lord Yin Mu. ."


Ai Xi's echo came from outside the door, followed by the sound of retreating footsteps.

"Is there anything in the East China Sea that Lord Yinmu deserves to go to personally..." Satan Saint murmured, "Is it an ancient weapon? Now only Pluto doesn't know the specific location, right? Neptune... Oh, yes, Princess White Star left the fish It’s a human island.”

"Can't we contact Master Yinmu?"

Saint Mohandas glanced at Tui Saint.

Ban Tuisheng replied calmly:

"Master Yinmu doesn't have the habit of carrying a phone bug with you. Even if he did, we don't know what your phone bug number is."

"Can't Lord Attila ask?"

"I have already sent someone to ask." Ban Tuisheng's face darkened, "But I'm afraid General Attila doesn't have a way to contact Master Yin Mu. Otherwise..."

Otherwise, after the holy guards brought by Attila were bombarded by Pluto on the White Earth Island, there would be no need to wait until they returned to the Red Earth Continent to fight Yin Mu again.

The Sacred Heart of Mohandas thought.

Ai Xi hurried to the flowers and knocked on the door cautiously.


A woman's voice came from inside.

Ai Xi opened the door and was immediately taken aback by the scene inside the flower room.

Dozens of figures stood in the shadows, all turning to look at her as she pushed the door open.

Dozens of pairs of eyes focused on Ai Xi, making her scalp feel numb.

"Is that... Master Famine?"


Dozens of people said at the same time.


Ai Xi looked at this scene with some confusion. After his brain shut down for a moment, he asked in a timid manner:


"Sir Mohandas asked me to come to you to ask...whether Lord Yinmu is really in the East China Sea..."

"It's true."

This time, it was no longer dozens of people speaking at the same time, but a lazy female voice from deep within the crowd.

"Go back and tell Wulaoxing that Master Yinmu is chasing others in the East China Sea."


Ai Xirumeng walked out of the flower room with an amnesty, closed the door, and hurried towards the meeting hall, turning back three times.

She and Fengfang had only met each other a few times, and they had never had a conversation before.

During this first conversation, she felt...

There is an indescribable strangeness about Famine.

After returning to the meeting hall, the feeling that everyone in high positions in the meeting hall looked at her at the same time reminded her of the scene of Famine among the Flowers.

After shaking her head hard to get rid of the dark and sticky feeling in her mind, Ai Xi reported softly:

"I just confirmed with Lord Famine that Lord Yinmu is indeed in the East China Sea."

"East China Sea..."

Warring States took a deep breath and shook his head, "Firstly, there is no way to contact Master Yinmu, and secondly, such a long distance..."

"If something happens to Mary Joa now..."

“There was absolutely no time to call back for help, and we may not even know what happened to Marie Gioia.”

Saint Satan was not aware of the subtlety of Sengoku's tone at all, and he covered his head with a headache.

"And Mr. Yin Mu is acting alone... We still don't know the location of the Revolutionary Army and the Desert Alliance. What if Mr. Yin Mu is surrounded by these two forces..."


! "

Before he finished speaking, there was a huge explosion, and Mary Joa was illuminated by the light of the sky.

The expressions of everyone in the meeting hall changed. Saint Abraham stood up from his seat almost immediately and rushed to the window in two or three steps.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Violent explosions occurred one after another. In just a few seconds, dozens of explosions occurred throughout Mariejoia, and the flames swept through the entire holy land almost instantly.

"Isaac!" Bituisheng shouted coldly.

Isaac's cooperation with Ban Tuisheng was extremely tacit. He almost didn't need any further instructions from Ban Tuisheng before he immediately disappeared to find out what was going on inside Mary Joa.

When Sengoku saw Isaac leaving, he stretched out his wrist and turned off the phone bug in his hand.

Saint Satan was slightly startled when he saw this scene, and then a horrified expression appeared on his face.

He stood up abruptly and looked at Warring States angrily: "Warring States, who were you talking to on the phone just now?"


Warring States didn't hold back at all and looked directly into Saint Satan's eyes.

This time, there was no compromise or condescension in Warring States' tone, he was calm and firm.


Holy Queen Abraham reacted belatedly: "All the explosions just occurred inside the Holy Land... and they happened from all places at the same time..."

"This is an internal rebellion! Sengoku, is it your navy!?"

Saint Abraham looked at Warring States in shock and anger.

Warring States breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"You already have an answer in your mind, don't you?"


Just when Saint Abraham was about to say something, suddenly, a biting cold wind came from behind him.


The harsh sound of metal and iron clashing came from behind his head, and it was only then that he could react.

Turning his head to look, Ban Tuisheng's hand was covered with mellow armed domineering energy, and he tightly grasped a purple-black long knife.

If Ban Tuisheng hadn't grabbed the knife...then Abraham Saint's head would have been chopped off by now.

"It's a pity that your reaction speed is still so fast."

The hoarse and familiar voice came, and Saint Abraham's eyes widened.

"Saint Mohandas!?"

Behind the blade, a pair of old and sharp eyes appeared.

Ban Tuisheng looked deeply at Mohandas Saint, and the muscles in his arms bulged.

In a clash of blades and flesh, both sides were evenly matched.

There is no need to ask any more questions. Anyone present will understand when they see this scene - Mohandas Sheng and Warring States are on the same side as the entire navy.

"Are you crazy to follow the rebellion in order to win over the navy?!"

Saint Satan roared in disbelief.

After Saint Mohandas looked at Saint Satan with contempt, he didn't bother to explain to him.

Until now, this idiot is still thinking about that little power struggle.

"Buzz buzz..."

In the flash of lightning, Warring States had transformed into a giant Buddha, and golden light filled the entire meeting hall.

Facing the four Five Old Stars, he waved his palm boldly.

"Big Buddha push palm!"


The violent air wave shattered the wall of the meeting hall facing the window, and carried the four old stars flying down.

Later, Warring States also jumped down together with the four old stars.

"Go and mobilize all CPs immediately——"

When Saint Abraham fell, he took Sengoku's slap and shouted loudly to Ai Xi who was not affected:

“Kill all the navy!

! ——”

Ai Xi, who was stunned by the sudden changes before her eyes, was startled when she heard Abraham Saint's call.

When she looked at the fallen people, a deep look came into her eyes.

That was the look in the eyes of Saint Mohandas.


The explosion inside Mariejoia was so deafening that even Attila, who was still patrolling outside Mariejoia, heard the sound.

He immediately waved his hand, and the Holy Guard immediately stopped.

Looking back at Mariejoia, who was in flames, Attila's expression turned serious.

"Inside? What's going on..."


Before he had time to think about it, his thoughts were interrupted by a holy guard.

The holy guard pointed to the horizon in the distance and said: "In that direction——"

Attila looked along the Holy Guard's hand and slowly opened his eyes.

On the distant horizon, under the moonlight, patches of black shadow appeared.

They were like dark clouds, pressing towards Mary Joa.

As for the leader, Attila had just fought with him not long ago.

"Monkey D. Dragon..."

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