Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 398: Prerequisites for Elfization

Riding the submarine, Yin Mu once again returned to Vegapunk's underwater base.

This time, Yin Mu didn't have a mother-in-law. He followed the path he had taken before and broke into Bega Punk's laboratory.

"It's very rude to push the door violently without saying a word."

Vegapunk turned his head and looked at the door behind him, which was pushed down by Yin Mu's two fists, and said expressionlessly.

Yin Mu crossed the threshold, waved his hand casually and said, "It only takes a few minutes to repair the door anyway."

"It's been more than a week since I left the base. How is the progress that I mentioned before?"

"Well, the preliminary technical improvements have been completed, but there is no time to conduct clinical trials in such a short time."

"All that's left is to wait for you to provide the resources. Once the resources are in place, I can make the medicine."

"As expected of Vegapunk, he can actually do things like becoming an elf."

Yin Mu smiled with satisfaction.

Vegapunk didn't show any happy expression, but explained:

"This is just a small amount of credit."

"Those who create Devil Fruits are the foundation of this technology."


Yin Mu raised his eyebrows: "How do you say this?"

"The people who made Devil Fruit back then were probably thinking about how to turn humans into elves."

Vegapunk poured the liquid in the test tube in front of him and said slowly: "It is not feasible to directly turn humans into elves. These are two completely different life forms, and there are differences in the underlying structure."

"So they chose to use waves to connect people and elves."

"Devil Fruits have the ability to assimilate, and this is especially true for animal-type Devil Fruits. I used to think that this was the difference caused by the bloodline factor, but now it seems that the bloodline factor only affects the different ways of using the same fruit, but The assimilation of Devil Fruit itself probably comes from the power of spirits.”

"This week I have been thinking about whether the elves corresponding to the so-called upper fruits and lower fruits are really upper and lower. But if they are really upper and lower, then according to the generation logic of the ship elves, the concept of lower elves itself should be If it is integrated into a high-level spirit, then the so-called low-level devil fruit has no corresponding ability."

"It's a logical contradiction."

"But after having this conjecture about the assimilation of elves, I roughly understood that the so-called upper and lower elves are not a relationship of dominance and integration, but inclusion and assimilation."

"Burning is included in magma, but combustion is not exactly equal to magma. Magma is the upper level of burning, but the burning elves still exist, but they have some assimilation relationship with the magma elves."

"Based on this conjecture, I believe that the original intention of those who created Devil Fruits was to treat humans as one type of [elf] to assimilate to another type of elven, in order to achieve the transition from humans to elves."

"But it's not feasible from the current situation." Yin Mu said with squinted eyes, "Even if the fruit awakens, it will only gain more advanced or more elven abilities, but it will still not be assimilated..."

"No, they succeeded!"

Vegapunk suddenly said excitedly: "There is no doubt that they succeeded. Devil Fruit can indeed turn people into elves!"


Yin Mu narrowed his eyes and tilted his head: "What do you mean?"

"Ahem...Sorry, I lost my temper."

Vegapunk coughed twice, and his expression turned cold again.

He then explained in a cold tone: "Devil Fruit has already built the entire road. People can indeed use Devil Fruit abilities to take the place of the original elves... When elves assimilate people, they will also be assimilated by people. This There’s a delicate balance there.”

"But one of the keys is domineering."

Vegapunk held up two test tubes and said, "Look here, there are devil fruit samples and blood samples."

"I have developed materials that can shield domineering energy before, and the inspiration came from Hailou Stone."

"If various elemental powers and supernatural powers are the abilities of elves, domineering power is the power that belongs only to flesh and blood. These are different powers extended by two different life forms, so the two are contradictory in nature."

"For example, Armed Haki can capture elemental power users, and Sight-Hearing Haki can see invisible power users... Haki and elves are not compatible."

"And anyone who practices Haki will unknowingly stop the path to becoming an elf."

Yin Mu's child shrank suddenly: "What do you mean..."

"Yes, since the Devil Fruit appeared, I have never heard of anyone turning into an elf. The main reason is that anyone who is qualified to awaken the fruit's ability will have no less domineering power."

"Awakening is a sign of assimilation with the elves, and Haki has blocked this road before. Unless you are willing to give up Haki and experience the devil fruit wholeheartedly, the road will come to an end when you reach awakening."

"But is there anyone willing to give up their Haki and pursue the power of Devil Fruit?"

"Of course, the opposite is also true. If you don't give up your devil fruit ability, you will never reach the peak of domineering. This is relative, there are advantages and disadvantages. If you want to reach the extreme at one end, you must give up the other end. Generally speaking, That’s right.”

"As of right now, no one is out of this [general]."

"Including you, Lord Yinmu."

Yin Mu rubbed his fingers, and after a while, he smiled helplessly.

While shaking his head, he sighed:

"I see. I never thought before that Haki would have such a huge impact on the performance of Devil Fruit."

"But it's true if you think about it carefully. Since Haki can limit other people's Devil Fruits, naturally it can also limit one's own Devil Fruits."

After saying that, he raised his head and his expression became serious:

"So, what do you mean by technical perfection you just mentioned?"

"If the devil fruit has set up the entire process, what have you done?"

"I gave you the chance to become an elf."

Vegapunk put down the two tubes of reagents in his hands and wrote a list to Yin Mu.

"These newly added materials will be handed over to me along with the previously requested materials."

"I want to hear the rationale."

Yin Mu accepted the list nonchalantly. He had never set limits on Vegapunk's needs. He only cared about what the other party could provide for him.

Vegapunk has no intention of hiding anything... He is confident that he is the only one in the sea who can understand the principle.

Even the other Vegapunks couldn't figure it out.

"Let me put it in simpler terms."

Vegapunk leaned against the table and faced Yoom with a lazy expression.

"The devil fruit has completed the entire process, but there are obstacles such as domineering and the degree of development of the fruit."

"Furthermore, the Eternal Spirit you requested does not match your own Devil Fruit, so even if you solve the first Haki problem, you still need some guidance."

"But the good news is, Yin Mu, you should know, or at least know something about - that kind of special top-level elves, right?"

Without giving Yin Mu a chance to speak, Vegapunk directly told Yin Mu how he came to this conclusion.

"While studying the relationship between Haki and Devil Fruit, I conducted experiments using the two tubes of blood samples you gave me before."

"As a result, those two tubes of blood can suppress the power of almost any Devil Fruit. Even the Shock Fruit you recently found is completely incomparable."

"The strongest superhuman fruit, the Zhenzhen Fruit... what else could be superior to it?"

Vegapunk grinned.

Unlike the grins of Luffy and Ace, Yoom could only feel a deep-seated sense of madness from this smile.

Just like a hunter seeing his prey, this scientist seems to have found something that is at the end of science.

"Just as there are superior and inferior domineering spirits, there are also superior and inferior elves."

"The fact that you are not as domineering as Attila shows that your domineering power has not reached the top yet."

"So since the top elf can completely suppress or even ignore the power of the weaker elf, Haki should be able to do the same."

"Based on this idea, I conducted experiments using bloodline factors, and the results were completely consistent with my predictions, which also proved that this idea is feasible."

"My theory is to use the influence of the highest level spirit to change your Devil Fruit correspondence - it's just a matter of changing the wave, and it's not difficult to actually do it."

"Retain your understanding of Devil Fruit. Under the influence of the top elf, your body will completely ignore the influence of domineering——"

"While retaining your domineering power, be assimilated by the elves, or assimilate the elves and become a brand new life form!"

"It combines the domineering power of humans and the abilities of elves, plus the immortality of elves and human emotions... Haha, maybe that is the so-called god?"

"Off topic."

After talking to himself for a while, Vegapunk slowed down, waved his hand and said:

"To put it simply, it means using the body of a more powerful elf to guide your transformation."

"After I make the potion, I will inject it into myself."

"Then if you can get the owner of the two tubes of blood you gave me before, the carrier of their consciousness will be transformed into this thing and injected into themselves."

After saying that, Vegapunk handed a needle-like device in his hand to Yin Mu.

"It allows a solid to become semifluid without destroying the structure of the substance itself."

"When you do both of these things, you'll get what you want."

After Yin Mu took the device, he solemnly stuffed it into his arms.

After Vegapunk glanced at Yin Mu, he turned around and waved:

"Okay, that's all that needs to be said. Let's go back and prepare the materials."

"Don't waste time here. I can repair the door better if you leave."


Yin Mu said seriously: "If what you do is really effective, then I promise you."

"After I win, I will give you a hundred years to develop everything you want to develop without any hindrance."

"forget it."

Vegapunk said disdainfully: "What I'm saying now is just on a whim. Besides...are you really confident that you can win?"

"Hoo, ho, ho... Why is this damn thing so difficult to climb?"

After carrying Poison Q and Zhuangzhuang on his back, Blackbeard climbed up to the Red Earth Continent with great difficulty and sat down on the ground.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked angrily at Fan Oka who was calm and composed beside him.

"Hey, Oka, shouldn't you carry someone up on your back?"

"I'm a sniper, and carrying a gun is the limit."

Van Oka pushed his eyes and said.

Then he looked toward the horizon to his east.

"From now on, if you go east along the coast, you should be able to reach Mariejoia."

"Huh...have you changed from a pirate to a mountain bandit?"

After Blackbeard took a breath, he also stood up, twisted his neck and said: "Maybe I won't be a thief anymore, thief hahahaha."

"As long as the world government exists, we can be it."

Van Oka said calmly: "There are two conditions for the world government to maintain the tribute system of heavenly gold."

"One is absolute power, with the power to protect the entire sea."

"The second is that there must be a threat to all countries in the world, and this threat cannot come from the world government itself."

"So the world government must have pirates. Only in this way can they have reason to collect heavenly gold from other countries."

"You're right!"

Blackbeard picked up Zhuang Zhuang and Poison Q, and put Poison Q on Zhuang Zhuang.

"The Desert United is not as dirty as the World Government, so for them, they don't want the pirates if they can."

"But I want to be the Pirate King. If there are no pirates left in the sea, then what's the point of being the Pirate King!"

"Let's go and see how dirty that so-called holy place is!"

"Is Mikhail Saint dead?...Well, good, I understand."

At the top of Pangu City, Saint Mohandas hung up the phone.

After a long silence, he dialed the phone again.

"Hi, hello."

A woman's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hello, Mary Vinicius." Saint Mohandas said expressionlessly, "Let me tell you a piece of news. Saint Mikhail, one of the five old stars, is dead."


On the other side of the phone, Mary was stunned for a moment and asked quickly: "What's going on?"

"While you were fighting the pirates, Mikhail Saint led an army on his own to go on a secret mission."

"This plan was shattered by the White Dragon and the Black Knight, and no news was spread. It was not until my CP conducted a search that they discovered the wreckage of their fleet. Now it seems that Mikhail Saint is most likely dead."

"I see."

Mary chuckled lightly: "It seems that the balance is still on my side."

"On your side?" Saint Mohandas raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, Mr. Mohandas Saint."

Mary stood up slowly.

What Mohandas Sanctuary didn't know was that Sengoku, Long and others were sitting next to her.

"At this time, it is certainly good news that the world government has lost its troops."

"By the way, Mr. Mohandas Saint..."

"Are you interested in joining me in destroying the world government?"

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