Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 395: The Choice of Fish-Man Island

Mary's plan had a back-up plan.

Lunaria's soul has been guided to another body by her, and it is still unclear whether the Stone of Lunaria can control the King of Heaven. But there's nothing wrong with claiming Ravdru's Stone of Lunaria.

And as long as the news that someone arrived at Lavdru was spread, at this time point, Mary did not believe that Yin Mu would not leave.

To put it bluntly, even if Yin Mu didn't leave, it would certainly not be a loss for Mary to successfully obtain the Lunaria Stone. Desert United should not act rashly until Yin Mu makes any move. Staggering the time is completely feasible.

Just make sure not to act before Yin Mu leaves, and do it immediately after Yin Mu leaves.

"Split the troops..."

Warring States touched his chin and said: "It is indeed possible if it is based on attracting Yin Mu away, but Mary, if you really attract Yin Mu away, can you deal with it?"


Mary frowned.

The problem mentioned by Warring States goes straight to the point. Mary's idea is in the right direction, but the problem lies in operability.

If she carries out this plan, it means that she is likely to collide head-on with Yin Mu. This time it's not just a matter of calming down, but a real fight to determine the outcome.

And now, if you ask Mary if she has the confidence to defeat Yin Mu...

No, not at all.

It’s not that Mary has low self-esteem. In the current One Piece world, who is confident that they can defeat Yoon 100%? Only a few can even compete.

However, even so, Mary still has a way,

There is another way for her to become stronger in a short time. Although she doesn't know exactly how much stronger she can become...

"Wait for me for a moment." Mary turned around and said, "I'm going to contact someone, and you can discuss how the troops should be arranged if we divide the troops according to what I said."

After that, she walked out of the tent.

Sengoku and Long watched Mary leave in silence, looked at each other, and smiled knowingly.

"It seems like this guy really has a way to deal with Yin Mu..."

"Who are you trying to contact?"

"How could I possibly know."

Both of them shrugged, and then looked at the map with straight faces.

Around the sea near Marie Joa, the two began to have a heated discussion.

On the other side, Mary walked to the deserted cliff and dialed the phone bug.

Facing the sea breeze, after the phone was connected, a somewhat out of tune voice came out.

"Moses Moses?—Who is it?"

"It's me, Mary."

Mary said directly.

"...Hoho, it's Miss Mary."

There was a burst of harsh laughter from the other side of the phone, and then he hurriedly asked: "You have never contacted me before... Well, is there something that I need to do suddenly?"

"That's right, only you can do this." Mary narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you willing to be the enemy of the World Government?"

"..." There was a sound of gasping air from the other side of the phone, followed by the sound of pages of books being scattered.

After a while, the voice from the other side of the phone came again.

"Are you...going to take action?"

"Yes, you promised me." Mary said with a smile, "I will create a new era and destroy the world government."

"Would you like to do this for me?"

"..." A whirring sound came from the other side of the phone, obviously the other party was breathing heavily with excitement.

"Okay, okay. This is really amazing!——"

"Change the world, create an era, what shocking words——"

"Can I help too?"

"Of course." Mary nodded confidently, "And the power I need now, only you have in this world. Only you can do what I need to do."

"That would be a real honor!"

The person on the other side of the phone shouted excitedly: "If you need anything, please tell me! I will never miss such a big event, you can trust me one thousand percent!"

"Of course, I also believe in you - the bloody-handed general."

Mary chuckled twice, and then slowly began to describe her plan.

“Do you know about the Labor Bridge?”

"In about two to three days, you can meet me there."

"Before that, you have to..."

"I need to……"

Half an hour later, Mary hung up the phone after explaining her plan clearly.

That guy should be busy preparing now.

Looking at the phone in her hand with her eyes closed, Mary breathed a sigh of relief.

The connections I had cultivated long ago finally played a vital role at this moment.

With his character, there is no way he would make any mistakes in this matter.

Mary put away the phone bug, opened her system and checked the panel.

Inherent enchantments, fruit abilities, redeemable abilities...

Unexpectedly, I slowly accumulated skills and actually had a set of real skills that could beat the bottom of the box.

Link by link, the completion of his soul and the improvement of his fruit abilities in the last battle have unknowingly completed the last piece of the puzzle of the entire system.

At this time, she remembered a few words she had talked with Renesmee in the past.

"The strength of a person's soul will not change according to other people's will..."

"Ha ha."

Mary shrugged, turned and walked towards the tent.

She began to understand what some of the things the system said meant.

"The alignment of heaven, God's position, order and absolute neutrality."

If everything goes according to her ideas, then the battle between her and Yin Mu may become the real peak battle.

Almost all of Mary's abilities can be used in this battle, and after this battle, Mary has already thought about how to end it.

All the conditions have been prepared and completed a long time ago.

The aloof king who creates utopia will transcend this era.

Hawkins, you guy...

The prediction ability is terrifyingly accurate. It would be great if he didn't die.

In the sea forest of Fishman Island, Neptune stood in an open space and waited.

Not long after, a blue figure swam across the sky, hovering and landing in front of him.

"Have you thought about it? Neptune."

Renesmee looked at Neptune and asked in that indifferent and ethereal voice like a god.

After a moment of silence, Neptune nodded firmly: "Well, I've already decided."

"I will side with the world government."

Renesmee had no reaction to Neptune's choice and just nodded.

"Okay, I won't interfere with your choice."

"I'm not finished yet."

Neptune said in a deep voice: "But White Star wants to side with the Desert United."


This sentence made Renesmee startled for a moment, and an expression of interest appeared on her face.

"Huh?...What does this mean?"

"Mishman Island can no longer blindly bet on one side."

Neptune took a deep breath: "Fishman Island has a long history. As far as I know, there have been many efforts to return to the sea."

"No matter what, the World Government has at least accomplished a lot of things it promised us, and I haven't seen hope from other forces in this regard."

"So, I hope to split Fish-Man Island into two parts."

He looked at Renesmee seriously: "Since Lord Poseidon will not participate in the battle, then I will lead the Old Dragon Palace to support the World Government, while Bai Xing and several of my children will lead the people of Fishman Street to support the Desert United .”

"No matter which side wins, Fish-Man Island will be the final winner."

"However, this requires Poseidon to persuade Bai Xing. I will sever ties with them to make the necessary preparations."

"..." Renesmee raised her chin and said with a smile, "I see, this is the so-called politics?"

"The messy things that people think in their minds are really interesting. Yes, I promise you."

"Is there anything else you need my help with?"

"No more, Lord Poseidon. No need to worry about other things."

Neptune sighed and looked at the sea above Fish-Man Island.

Floating there was Noah's Ark, which had been silent for a long time.

"How many years have passed...our generation is really the most promising, right?"

"In this case, even if you make some sacrifices, you have to fight for this tiny possibility."

"...Sure enough, I'm afraid you still believe in the Desert United more."

Renesmee looked at Neptune and said with a smile.

Then he flicked his tail and swam towards the hard-shell tower where Shirahoshi lived.

Neptune pursed his lips and scratched his head unnaturally.

"Poseidon... why do you say everything directly... it's harmful."

In the mountains behind Windmill Town, everything in the base was still operating normally as before.

Anyone who is careful can notice that there are some subtle differences between the atmosphere in the base at this time and the past.

Everyone is working, but they are just working.

After the first battle was defeated and the pirates were almost completely wiped out, they had lost their direction.

The red-haired man was sitting alone on the top of the mountain, looking at a piece of paper in his hand.

Mihawk wrote a lot of words to Shanks before he went to the rear alone. This page, handed over by Mihawk Beckman on his behalf, contains many things about Mihawk's past.

Including why he and Mary got married, what was in his heart... Shanks didn't know these things before.

These days Shanks always sits alone on the top of the mountain in a daze. Now he no longer knows what he should do next. In the future, the Desert Alliance and the World Government will inevitably go to war. Which side will he help?

Do you want to set up your own business? But Mary was right, even Shanks knew it.

"The age of pirates has passed..."

He murmured quietly.

And whether it's helping the Desert United or the World Government, he can't do it now.

On the one hand, if he helps the World Government, he will undoubtedly completely deviate from the original intention he has always pursued. And if he helps the Desert United... In his opinion, it is impossible for someone like Mary to side with the World Government.

That meant that he had to fight with Mary, which... was also an insurmountable psychological hurdle.

Originally, Shanks' overlord-colored haki was born based on his belief in checking and balancing the world order, but now his belief has been shaken.


On the outskirts of the base, a young man wearing a cowboy hat walked out of the jungle and looked at the large playground that had been opened up in front of him.

"As expected, you just stay in the back mountain."

Ace showed an astonishing look in his eyes and strode towards the familiar person on the playground.

He Yi Xian was treating everyone as usual, and at this time, Ace's voice came from behind him.

"Hey, Yixian, I'm back."

Heyi Xian was slightly startled, then turned around to see Ace raising his cowboy hat and looking at him.

"Now it seems that the base is in good condition?..."

Ace looked around. People were bustling around him, but he couldn't see any major changes.

He Yi Xian apologized to the patient he was still treating, stood up and pulled Ace to a corner.

"You are finally back……"

"What's wrong?"

"That guy Shanks is autistic now."

Heyi Xian glanced at Ace, and Ace noticed Shanks sitting on the top of the mountain.

Just by seeing Shanks' lonely figure, Ace could feel the dejected and lonely mood of Shanks.

Heyi Xian continued: "That battle completely destroyed Shanks' goal. He seemed to have always wanted to defeat the navy, and then let the pirates fight against the world government..."

"But it's obvious that he still lost to Mary. I feel that he is a little crazy, and his purpose has shifted to how to defeat the navy."

"But the current environment no longer allows him to have such an idea."

Heyi Xian shook his head and said: "The atmosphere in the entire red-haired pirate group is not good now, and no one is trying to persuade Shanks. That battle took away the energy of many people."

"But you are different, Ace. Do you still want to challenge Mary now?"

"of course."

Ace clenched his fist and smiled confidently: "Otherwise, why would I have been practicing for so long?"

"So many people around me have been hurt by Mary, and she is also my old enemy. Sooner or later, she and I will have to decide the outcome. No matter whether I can beat her or not, I have to fight her again!"

Seeing his fighting spirit, He Yixian felt a little moved in his heart.

It's not entirely out of hatred. For Ace, his relationship with Mary is not as simple as enemies.


Heyi Xian nodded, then patted Ace on the back.

"You are the only one among the pirates who still has such a spirit."

"Go and persuade Shanks, Ace. You are Roger's son after all."

"At least let Shanks have a goal again. Mihawk's death was a huge blow to him."

"But I still believe that as long as that overlord can figure out what he wants to do, he will definitely have the strength and temperament at the top of the world again."

"give it to me!"

Ace grinned and rushed towards Shanks eagerly.

Heyi Xian looked at Ace's retreating back and couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.

"As expected, he is my silly captain's brother. Both of them have such carefree personalities..."

After saying that, he raised his head and glanced at the clear, cloudless sky.

"Speaking of which... Captain, it's been so many months, why don't you have any news..."

"Where have you been?"

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