Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 385: Handover of position

"Before, Saints Edwyd and Saint McGik...the ones next to you also bypassed the base's security and entered the base directly."

Vegapunk looked at Saint Magik and said, "If I guess correctly, your fruit ability should be special, right?"

"Well, my fruit can control space."

Saint Magik nodded: "If necessary, I can carry out space teleportation."

"I remember your spatial coordinates, so I can teleport here."

"Positioning and teleportation? This ability is quite convenient." Vegapunk raised his eyebrows, "It is much more reliable for navigation than pointers."

"You flatter me."

Magik Saint nodded.

Several mechanical arms stretched out from behind Vegapunk, reached behind Magik's wheelchair, and pushed him forward.

Mary followed soon after.

The three of them walked to the desk. Vegapunk adjusted a bunch of parameters, and then pulled out a huge scroll from the drawer.

"I don't care much about geological matters, so I didn't prepare any electronic maps or anything like that... This is a chart that my former assistant brought to me. I guess he left because of you, right?"

Vegapunk asked as he spread out the sea map.

Magik Saint nodded.

"When Saint Edved and I came to the base to rescue people, we rescued Venus and Mr. Makarov."

"I see... I'm sorry for the death of Saint Edwine."

Vegapunk said in a deep voice.

Saint Magik shook his head and looked at Mary beside him.

"I don't care. This is Edwyd's own choice. If you really want to apologize, you should apologize to the person next to me."


Mary glanced at Saint Magik.

Vegapunk turned to look at Mary: "This is Mary Vinicius...well, I know."

"You are the sister of Saint Edwine, a Draco who escaped from Mariejoia ten... no, eleven years ago."

"You know about this." Mary narrowed her eyes, "Is it...because of Venus?"

"That's right."

Vegapunk nodded: "I don't know what happened to Venus. I used your cells to cultivate artificial humans, and then used your body structure to create a soul, but someone else's unexpectedly appeared. Memorized.”

"Originally, I thought I had successfully created a perfectly independent soul, but in the end she was still connected to the original body. It was a pity after knowing the truth."

"..." Mary touched her chin, "In other words, is that really [Mary]?"

"I don't know what you mean by real Mary, but if you mean she is the same person as you - that's impossible, don't worry."

Vegapunk handed the chart to Magik Saint, with a little red mark on it.

"This location is where my base is."

"I don't know what coordinate system you are using. Please give me a few special points in the coordinate system you are using, as well as the coordinates of the base."

"Ah...this is a bit troublesome."

Magiksheng scratched his head and took the red pen from Bega Punk: "I strive for a higher standard."

"Thank you."

Vegapunk nodded slightly, and then continued to look at Mary: "She is still a brand new soul, but for some special reasons, she obtained part of your memory... and maybe part of your personality."

"You can understand that she is a mirror image of you, but she is not you, nor is she an old soul - do you understand what I mean?"

The hint in Begapunk's tone made Mary wince.

"Venus...did you also tell me what happened a year ago?"

"She didn't say it proactively."

Vegapunk shook his head: "But obviously, the memory of Venus comes from you, but the personalities of the two of you are simply different. Therefore, since you emerged more than a year ago, I asked Wei Nas was about a year ago.”

"So...I can probably guess something."

"That's why I said, you don't have to worry. No matter what, Venus is not the [original body]."

Looking at Vegapunk's deep eyes, Mary was silent for a moment.

Magik, who was still marking the coordinates, suddenly shuddered.

"Hey, why did you suddenly feel cold?"

After a while, Mary smiled, and the originally depressing atmosphere disappeared.

She sighed, waved her hands and said:

"Mr. Vegapunk, there's no need to be so alert."

"You're mechanically sensitive."

Vegapunk pursed his lips, and the slightly moving mechanical device behind him returned to silence.

If Mary had taken action just now, Vegapunk would have been able to escape - although he didn't need to escape, as this was not his true nature.

Mary chuckled: "This is probably because my physique is a bit special."

"But you can rest assured, Mr. Vegapunk."

"A year ago, I might have been desperate to keep it quiet."

"But now I won't do that."

"Huh? Wait wait wait..."

Saint Magik, who was still marking the landmarks seriously, suddenly stood up and looked at Mary with a strange expression: "I just didn't pay attention to the conversation between you two just now, so what are you saying to shut up so suddenly?"

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

Mary shook her head and said.

Saint Magik looked at Begapunk, who waved to him.

"Then punctuate."

"...Well, I feel like I've been underestimated..."

McGuirk Saint continued to mark the points a little depressed.

Begapunk looked at Mary: "What does this mean?"

"It's simple, I am who I am now."

Mary snorted softly: "In more than a year, I have accomplished too many things. Now the world knows 'Mary Vinicius', not 'Livingston Vinicius Palace'."

"So what if I'm not 'Livingston Vinicius Palace'? I'm Mary Vinicius, a bloody hand, a... Haha, who am I now, where do I come from, is there really such a thing? Is it important?"

Mary said proudly: "For me, standing here and talking to you now - this is who I am."

"I said that, do you understand what I mean?"

"...I see, this explanation has a bit of a metaphysical meaning."

A faint smile appeared on Bega Punk's cold face: "If you can, I hope you can tell me about the incident a year ago..."

"What you know. This may be of great help to my research."

"I don't care. If you are really willing to listen, I will also tell you. Anyway, I believe that you will not talk about things everywhere."

Mary, who has read the original novel, has some understanding of Vegapunk's character. Or anyone who can stand at the top of a field in the world of One Piece, Mary is very reassured by their character.

"But on the other hand, I want to know what your relationship is between Mihawk and Vegapunk."

Of course, Mary would not tell Vegapunk her secret in vain, exchanging her own information with the other party's information to satisfy her curiosity.

This information may not be of any practical use to her, but Mary really wants to know why Bega Punk would risk offending Yin Mu to comply with Mihawk's request.

"Do you have a good relationship with him?"

"Not good, or very bad."

Vegapunk immediately denied it.

Before Mary could ask the next sentence, Saint Magik interrupted her.

"Okay, everything is marked."

Magik Saint said, handing the sea chart to Bega Punk.

"Well, are these points enough? If not, I will mark a few more."

"Well...that's enough."

Vegapunk looked at the chart in his hand, pondered for a moment, then brought up the electronic screen on his desk and began some calculations that dazzled both Mary and Magik.

About ten minutes later, Bega Punk handed Magik a note.

"You can send these coordinates when the time comes."

"I'll wait for you here."

"Is this where your base is?"

Magik asked curiously as he looked at the string of numbers on the note.

"How could I tell you the location of my base?" Vegapunk said expressionlessly, "I will bring the information you need to meet you here."

After saying that, he looked at Mary.

"That's it, Ms. Mary. When you arrive at this location, I will personally tell you about my relationship with Mihawk."

"As for what happened to you a year ago, is it a long story?"

"It's quite long."

Mary nodded.

"Then you can come back to me some other time. This is my phone number."

Bega Punk wrote down another series of numbers and handed them to Mary: "Since it's troublesome to say it, I guess you don't have that much time now."

"Just contact me when you feel free."

"...You are really relieved."

Mary raised her eyebrows and took the note, memorizing the numbers on it.

"You believe in me and I believe in you. This is normal."

Vegapunk responded naturally.

Then, he used a robotic arm to push the two people out of his office.

"Okay, I've given you the coordinates. Send them over quickly."

"Stop disturbing my research. I won't deal with you. This is not my responsibility."

After that, he pressed the button and the door closed immediately.

Mary and Magik were locked directly on the corridor outside the door.

Both of them were speechless for a while, then looked at each other and said, "It feels really special to talk to the clone..."

McGuirk shrugged his shoulders and took Mary's hand.

"Okay, now that Vegapunk has said so, let's set off."

"This coordinate is a bit far away from us, get ready..."

White light flashed, and the corridor was empty.

At this time, Marie Joa was in a very embarrassed state.

The tsunami launched by Renesmee and the White Star was too sudden, and it was not until the loud rumbling sound reached the coast that the remaining four Five Old Stars noticed it.

But things happened too suddenly, and they were not good at defending, so they only had time to evacuate the Tianlong people.

The waves were so huge that Mariejoia was almost destroyed, and countless slaves who were not released from the dungeon were directly drowned in the water.

Several days have passed since the wave, and CP is still cleaning up the ruins without having time to rebuild. The Tianlong people were already scolding outside.

Pangu City was unscathed in this huge wave because its defense force was the strongest. The remaining four Five Old Stars looked at the ugly ordinary Celestial Dragons in the distance, and they couldn't help but sigh as they were used to it.

"The quality of the Celestial Dragons is getting worse year by year. It's a pity that the best Saint Edved of this generation has betrayed us."

Winston sighed.

Saint Mohandas standing by the window looked down at Mary Joa with cold eyes. Several colleagues behind him did not even realize that the person in front of them was also a traitor.

"Pangu City is a little boring, so I'll go outside for a walk."

He whispered and walked out of the meeting hall.

The remaining three Five Old Stars looked at the back of Saint Mohandas and frowned.

"This guy has been depressed since his apprentice died."

"Don't do anything stupid, otherwise we might be implicated."

Saint Abraham, the blond Five Old Star, said with some worry.

Saint Jeyongo Lucia Satan (previously known as Saint Winston in this book, and his real name has appeared in the original work in recent chapters) was unwilling to discuss this topic anymore, and instead asked:

"By the way, is there any news about Mikhail Saint?"

"I have suddenly lost contact for so many days. Is there any accident?"

"God knows."

Ban Tuisheng leaned on the sofa behind him and stroked his long beard.

"With his strength, there are not many people in this world who can threaten him."


On the ruins of Mariejoia outside, CP struggled to carry rubble and corpses.

A woman wearing a cloak and a mask silently stuck her hands under a huge short wall and exerted force.

The broken wall slowly rose, and the next moment, a stench hit.

A body that had been smashed into cakes and had rotted and turned brown in a few days appeared under the wall.


When the woman saw such a visually shocking scene, even as a CP, she couldn't bear it.

Just when the wall was about to collapse, Saint Mohandas reached out to help support the wall.

He looked at the body without changing his expression, and then looked at the woman.

"Are you OK?"

"Lord Saint Mohandas..."

The woman was slightly startled when she saw Mohandas Saint, and stretched out her hands to support the wall.

Then he said in a voice as subtle as a mosquito:

"I'm fine, I made you laugh."

"It's okay."

Saint Mohandas did not let go, but slammed his fingers into the wall.

Then the arm exerted force and threw it directly into the sky.

The broken wall drew a parabola and hit the garbage dump where walls were piled up in the distance.

"The corpses are more troublesome to clean up than the rubble."

He shook his head and looked at the rotten corpse, and asked casually: "It seems that your strength is very weak, and your psychological quality needs to be strengthened."

"Your mark is CP0, right? Logically speaking, with your quality, you shouldn't be able to get into CP0."

"May I have your name?"

The woman who was questioned by Saint Mohandas did not dare to refute, but lowered her head and replied carefully:

"I, my name is Selence Ash..."

"Selence Ash..."

Mohandas Saint shook his head, "You are not suitable for CP0. Why don't you go to CP3 for development? They just have a shortage of people there."

"Well, well, I'm not weak..."

Ash said carefully.

Before Saint Mohandas could speak, Ai Xi slowed down his breathing.

The whole person's temperament changed instantly.

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