Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 347: Dragon going all out

"Who are you?"

Long shook his numb hand and looked at the one-armed man in the distance warily.

The power of the blow just now, judging from Long's experience of being beaten violently by Garp for many years when he was young, is not inferior to Garp's full blow.

After all, the current dragon is no longer someone that Garp can manipulate casually.

But judging from the opponent's aura... the spear just now seemed to be just an ordinary blow to him.

This is an exaggeration.

Long's brows knit together tightly.

He was not surprised when he saw Yin Mu's appearance in the live broadcast. After dealing with the World Government for so many years, even if Yin Mu hides it, he probably knows that the World Government should have a supreme ruler above the Five Old Stars.

But... what is the origin of this black-armored man who suddenly appeared?

Like Red Hair, he is a one-armed man, but in the sense of dragon... this guy's strength is probably more than one level higher than Red Hair.

That devastating power cannot be underestimated.


Long took a deep breath slowly, and a blue air flow visible to the naked eye surged around him.

Since he formed the revolutionary army, only when he fought Kaido near Impel Down City some time ago, did Long show any real moves.

After practicing for so many years, almost no one can force him to go all out.

But now it seems...

This time we must go all out!

"I am General of the Great Kingdom, Attila."

Attila said in a deep voice: "You surrender now, and I will stop."

"Otherwise, the island will sink."

Pingtan's words were full of threats, and Long could tell that he was not joking.

Judging from the strength he just showed, this is just a piece of cake for him.


"The Revolutionary Army has been established for so many years just for this moment. If you are here on behalf of the World Government, there is no need to say anything else."

"If you want to fight, then fight."

The dragon lowered his body, the green wind swept up, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Although Ryu's destructive ability is also extremely amazing, his ability is actually the natural wind fruit. Like Kizaru, he is also known for his speed when he truly fights with all his strength.

It's just that no one has ever been able to force the speed of a dragon before.

But now, Long starts with all his strength.

Amidst the howling wind, the dragon-green figure still appeared in front of Attila, and a dragon-clawed hand covered with armed domineering grabbed Attila's face.

Attila slammed the spear on Lu Qi's body, knocking him out of the battlefield. The next moment, he raised his foot and stamped on Long's hand.

The two armed colors collided, and Long Jingchun's armed colors completely collapsed in an instant, and blood spurted out from his fingers.


Seeing this, Longtong shrank and immediately stepped out.


Attila stamped his foot on the ground, then swung his spear horizontally, and a huge slash hundreds of meters long flew out, blocking the direction of the dragon's flight.

Attila does not have the domineering look of a king.

But with eight hundred years of experience and knowledge, he has no rival in this world.

The scope of his knowledge, knowledge, and color theory is probably second only to Yixiao, but in terms of accuracy, no one can predict the future further than him, and not even the red-haired man's knowledge, knowledge, and color theory can block his perception.

No matter how fast the dragon was, it could not escape the prediction range of his sight, hearing and color.

"Dragon Claw Guosuna!"

The dragon that was caught in the trajectory did not dodge. If he forcibly changed the direction of action at this time, he would probably be hit by Attila several times in a row.

The wind gathered on his fingers, stopping the bleeding, and then slapped the slash.

The huge slash covering the part of the dragon suddenly shattered, and the remaining slash flew out in a mighty manner, cutting off the revolutionary army base building behind the dragon in half.


Feeling the air waves caused by the collapse of the building behind him, a trace of cold sweat flowed down Long's forehead inadvertently.

Why does this feel a bit similar to Hawkeye...

The sword was swung out one after another without saying a word, just like a peace ax. But why is every move incredibly powerful?

"Is it just a case of armed domineering? I'm really looked down upon."

Attila said in a low voice, without any aggressive aura on his body. But just standing there made Long feel afraid.

He looked at his hands.

The fingertips were cracked, the nails were split, blood was flowing, and the heartbreaking pain kept coming.

Did I completely fail in the collision of armed colors... I was obviously quite confident in the strength of my armed colors, but I didn't expect that I would be defeated to such an extent.

"In today's world, only Garp is the only one who wants to fight me with his armed color. So take out your overlord color. Since you want to fight me to the end, let me take a good look. The spirit of a top figure in today’s era.”

"Let me see, is each generation stronger than the last, or worse than the last!"

After saying that, he took steps and rushed towards the dragon.

His speed is not fast, just the sprint speed of a normal person, but even so, the dragon feels quite troublesome.

Although Attila's speed is not fast, it means that the opponent will not be disrupted by sprinting.

His main purpose here is to destroy and kill. It doesn't matter if he goes slower, but the dragon can't rely on the advantage of speed to fight him.

After all, he can dodge Attila's attacks, but his friends can't.

"Can we just bite the bullet and do it..."

Long sighed, and then a light green light suddenly appeared in his eyes.


"Buzz buzz-"


A strong wind suddenly rose and blew along the ground.

The speed is getting faster and faster, ten meters per second, twenty meters per second, fifty meters per second, one hundred meters per second, two hundred meters per second...

The wind speed increased sharply, far exceeding the range that can be delineated by conventional wind speed levels.

And when the wind speed reaches a threshold, the wind wave that originally roared past with debris mixed with it and peeled off the earth suddenly disappeared.

And at this moment, Attila's charging pace suddenly stopped.

He was less than a hundred meters away from the dragon. From this distance, he could easily hit even a spear.


Can't move.

The sudden disappearance of the storm brought a brief calm, the turbulent airflow also disappeared, and the chaotic vision temporarily became clear.

On Long's body, a blue gas was wrapped around his body like a ribbon.

His eyes released a dull blue light.

"Fruit awakening?"

Attila narrowed his eyes.

A gas-like flowing ribbon is wrapped around the Devil Fruit user's body. This is a sign that the user and the Devil Fruit are completely integrated, and that the Devil Fruit fully recognizes the user.

This is the so-called fruit awakening.

Once a person with abilities takes this step, they will understand the nature of Devil Fruit and their abilities will be further improved.


"You are indeed a genius for awakening the Natural Devil Fruit to this point. Of the three types of Devil Fruit, the Natural Devil Fruit is the most difficult to awaken."

The dragon did not answer Attila's words. He slowly raised his hands.

Like those with awakened abilities such as Luffy and Ming Ge, maintaining the awakened state of Dragon consumes a lot of energy.

Therefore, now that this state has been activated, he must make a quick decision.

After a natural devil fruit user awakens, their abilities will evolve from controlling elements to controlling the essence of elements.

The essence of wind is...


Long whispered.

No matter how strong the wind is, no matter how powerful Attila's absolute power is, the gap will be cut open with overwhelming force, but the flow is not enough.

Everything was flowing, and the dragon caused the airflow and ground near Attila's body to completely stop flowing.

Attila now has difficulty even breathing, let alone moving.


The dragon's hands turned up and were raised suddenly, the light was distorted, and Attila's body was violently thrown up.

Give Attila an upward flow.

When Attila flew hundreds of meters above the ground, the dragon also rose into the sky.

After awakening, he mastered the power of flow, but he did not lose the ability to control the wind.

After mastering the flow further, the strong wind he masters will become sharper.

As he ascended, the wind rising behind him grew louder and louder like a snowball.

Mixed with countless gravel and metal sprints, sparks burst out in the fierce friction, and the wind assisted the fire. A menacing fire dragon was wrapped in the endless wind. With the dragon's movements, it bit hard into the sky and was still covered by the dragon. Forcibly controlling Attila who was unable to move.


"Face Hayate!"

"Meteor volcano!"

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

"Ice Age!"

On the battlefield in the windless zone, the three generals simultaneously released their own large-scale AOE skills.

Firstly, the pressure brought by hundreds of pirate ships floating in the sky to the naval soldiers was really terrible. Secondly, the three of them had their own thoughts at this time.

Maybe it was because they were a little unhappy being manipulated by the World Government in this way, or maybe it was because the current pirates were no longer the powerful pirates they had been in the war in the past. The three of them did not hold back this time, but went all out to attack.

In addition to AOE clearing the area, Aokiji's Ice Age also has the purpose of freezing the sea.

It is unwise to fight the Golden Lion's air fleet on the rough sea, as there is a risk of capsizing at any time. It is Aokiji's instinct to create an ice field on the sea and fight against the pirates.

And this time, he can focus most of his energy on offense.

Because, in terms of creating an environment, there is someone with similar abilities who is much stronger than him.

“It’s so exciting!”

Esdeath stood tall on the bow of the ship and drew his Western sword.

"Finally here, the powerful enemy I've been longing for!"

"Let me use the strength I have accumulated over the past few days to entertain you——"

The Ice Emperor's Demon God Appearance and Demon's Essence has the ability to store frozen energy for several days. Esdeath usually chooses to store this energy in the Ice Cavalry.

Of course, after arriving in the pirate world, since there was no land to ride on, Esdeath chose to use ice and snow covering the interior of the ship instead of ice cavalry. Warring States and others had no objections to this, as it would not affect the normal operation of the ship.

And Esdeath can also choose to pour out this energy in an instant.

And this massive amount of ice energy is enough to completely change a country's climate over a long period of time!

This move is the hidden ability "General Binglan" of Esdeath and Mokobotemo.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the originally windy and rainy sea area became even more gloomy. The temperature plummeted by dozens of degrees, and the sea surface froze at a speed visible to the naked eye. Snow fell instantly in the sky, and the originally violent waves had not had time to pounce. When it returns to the sea, it freezes into glaciers of different shapes.

In just the blink of an eye, the sea with huge waves turned into a kingdom of ice and snow.

Even Shanks, who relied on his overlord color and constant wandering to resist AOE skills, could not react to such a rapid weather change.

Aoki's principle of creating a battlefield is just to freeze the sea surface, but Esdeath's trick is different. Her principle of creating a battlefield is to directly lower the temperature of the entire sea area. The difference between this can be said to be the difference between cloud and mud.

"I really envy you, Sengoku."

The golden lion couldn't help but gasped, and said angrily:

"Ever since that Mary appeared, all kinds of monsters have appeared in your navy every day."

"First of all, that Mary, I'm too lazy to say more. Kill Charlotte Lingling and a group of sixth-level felons, Coleman, this girl who is almost as good as Aoki... Damn it, all these benefits will be given to your navy. !”


Warring States was also silent for a moment. To be fair, Mary did bring a lot of powerful combat power to the navy.

But... this is also a destabilizing factor within the Navy.

who cares.

If things had gone as they were, Sengoku might have been wary of Mary's somewhat overpowering influence, but now that he has resigned, strictly speaking, he is only the acting marshal now.

He no longer wanted to care about this. Mary likes it as much as she likes. Anyway, Sengoku is sure that this little girl will not harm the navy.

In that case, what should he worry about?

"Hmph, people always yearn for justice, Shiji. The more things people understand, the more they long for this kind of justice. As time goes by, the navy will naturally be stronger than you!"

"You know how to talk..."

Seeing Seng Guo, who was uncharacteristically emotional, Shi Ji felt his teeth itch with hatred.

There is no way, as the most orthodox type of pirate, Ji can't keep up with Sengoku in terms of cultural history. He can be hung up and beaten by Sengoku if he just talks.

But seeing the arrogance of his rival Zeng Guo, he couldn't swallow his breath. After thinking about it, he thought of a good way to stimulate him.

"Hahaha, Warring States Period, do you know?" Golden Lion suddenly hugged his arms and laughed wildly, "Do you know why my flying fleet is hundreds in size?"

"Appreciate further details."

Sengoku narrowed his eyes.

He was also curious about this issue.

"This is all thanks to you, Sengoku!"

Shi Ji grinned: "Although your Red Sea operation wiped out almost all the pirates, the sea is so vast, and there is always a place for the sea men to hide."

"And the remaining pirates all understand that now is no longer the time to fight alone, and the news that Red Hair and I are in the East China Sea has been spread for some reason, so pirates from all over the world have gathered here! "

"Now you are facing the pirate power of the world, which you have forced to unite!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The golden lion's laughter was very loud and full of confidence, and it had the effect he hoped for.

Seng Guo's face darkened instantly.

Then, his laughter stopped abruptly with a sinister voice.

Blood rained from the sky, and Mary's voice fell with the blood:

"Oh? You mean..."

"Are all the remaining pirates in the world here?"

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