Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 340: Empowerment, Awakening

"The bombings are becoming more frequent."

After waving the sword again to lift up the desert, Yixia took a breath.

The continuous high-intensity use of the fruit's ability caused a lot of burden on his body. Under normal circumstances, Yixiao wouldn't have to be so strenuous in the face of such an attack. He could easily dodge it if he wanted to.


"How far are we from the coast?"

Yixiao asked Kobra.

He doesn't just want to protect himself now.

Tens of thousands of ordinary people also need his protection, which means that he must endure every explosion of dynamite rock.

This consumption is staggering.

"We are now approaching the north coast, it won't be long..."

Kobra frowned.

"But there aren't enough ships on the north coast to go out to sea..."

"It doesn't matter, I will hold everyone up. As long as you leave the bombing zone, I can take you to any place in the world."

Yixiao said confidently.

Then, facing the dynamite rock falling from the sky again, he controlled a pile of floating sand to rush towards the dynamite rock.



A huge explosion sounded, and the explosive rock was canceled out as usual.

However, before he could smile and breathe a sigh of relief, the next moment, an even more dazzling white light enveloped everyone.

And Yixiao's expression changed accordingly.


"Is there still one hidden?"

he exclaimed in surprise.

He didn't realize that there was a second explosive rock in the sky.

Could it be that it came out of the explosion just now? No...why didn't this dynamite rock explode?

Isn't this thing very sensitive?

Yixiao didn't care to think about the reason at this time. At this time, his old strength was exhausted and new strength was not yet born.

He could only wave the sword in his hand with all his strength, and the sea of ​​sand that had not yet subsided was churning again and rising into the sky.


Too late.

With a smile, he realized that the dynamite rock was less than a hundred meters away from the ground. In this case, even if he stopped the explosive rock in time and prevented it from falling to the ground, the shock wave generated by the explosion would still cause considerable damage.

"Your Majesty the Consul, lie down!"

Yixiao shouted.

Kobra was also aware of the danger. He did not lie down immediately, but shouted to the people first.

"Look out - the explosion is coming!"

"I will build barriers as much as possible, but...protection cannot be guaranteed."

Yixiao could only comfort him like this.

And at this critical moment, the explosion was about to happen.

The dynamite rock fell at high speed, and the sea of ​​sand surged into the dynamite rock.


The explosive rock suddenly stopped.


Yixiao, who had reached the extreme level of his intelligence, immediately noticed this. He immediately turned his sword and forcibly stopped Shahai's momentum.

The sand and the dynamite rock were only one meter apart and almost collided.

"what happened……"

Yixia frowned and raised his head in confusion.

"Why did you stop?"



The people who were lying down nervously and resigned to their fate didn't notice any movement for a long time, and they all raised their heads in confusion.

"What's happening here?"

Kobra also frowned and straightened up, looking at the sky and asked.

"I don't know...but..."



As soon as the words came out, a disturbing voice immediately appeared.


This sound made the people lie down again.

Even Kobra was shocked and didn't know how to react.

After holding it in for a long time, he asked in a muffled voice:

"What's going on?"

"……have no idea."

Yixiao shook his head blankly.

"Dynamite Rock hasn't changed..."

"Wait a minute..." Yixiao was suddenly startled, "The sound just now was not made by dynamite rock."

"That was the sound of electricity."

"The sound of electricity?"

Kobra reacted immediately, "Is there anything else near us?"

"Yes, and..." After realizing this, a smile immediately swept the sky and desert with his sense of knowledge.

No abnormalities were found.

The desert underfoot effectively blocks the spread of sight, hearing and color.

That is to say...

"That thing should be underground."

Yixiao said firmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the dynamite rock suddenly turned into blue powder and dissipated.

This was not a rapid spread like an explosion, but it disappeared silently as if it had been worn away.

This phenomenon immediately aroused everyone's vigilance.

Not long after this dynamite rock was a child, a huge earthquake suddenly began in the entire desert.


"Sure enough, there is a problem underground."

Feeling the constant vibration waves coming from the ground, Yixiao suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Something woke up."


At this time, it was a hundred meters deep underground.

All the lights on the Destiny were on.

There was no one on board the Destiny, but all the instruments were operating without anyone on board.

At first glance, it looks quite strange and scary.

In the main control center, Destiny, the ship spirit of the Destiny, felt the growing energy and began to increase the operating efficiency of the energy capture system to the highest level.

Destiny's energy source is mainly dynamite rock. Explosive rock itself is an extremely potent material and can easily explode due to improper storage during transportation.

Therefore, in order to prevent casualties when replenishing energy, the Destiny was equipped with remote capture technology when it was first studied.

But this capture distance is extremely limited... only about a hundred meters.

Yinmu relied on this to bomb Alabasta. He knew that the distance between the Destiny and the ground had long exceeded its energy capture range, so he acted at will.

He knew that Hades was in Alabasta, but he didn't know where exactly it was. And I don’t know how deep it is buried.

But one thing he knew was that Pluto was at least several hundred meters deep underground, otherwise he would have used his knowledge to find out his location.

With such information, Yin Mu dared to release explosive rocks unscrupulously over Alabasta.

However, he missed one thing, and that was a smile.

In other words, this is not an omission, it is just an unexpected situation.

An unexpected situation brought about by Mary.

Yin Mu didn't know that Alabasta had a smile, nor did he know what Yixia's ability was.

Yixiao kept peeling off the sand from the surface to block the explosive rocks falling from the sky. By doing this several times, the thickness of the desert will continue to become thinner.

Until now...

The dynamite rock falling from the sky entered the Destiny's long-range capture range for the first time.

The dynamite rock itself can be regarded as an aggregate of extremely high concentration of energy. Just such a small piece is enough for the Destiny to fully operate without activating its own armed facilities.


"Why do dynamite rocks appear in Alabasta?"

Destiny thought so.


"Is that the little one named Mary?"



In a certain area of ​​the East China Sea, there are countless floating islands hidden in the clouds.

On the floating island, countless pirates took action.

"Hey, Shanks, do you know the Navy's next move?"

"Ah, I know."

Shanks stood on the edge of the island, overlooking the sea, and answered to the golden lion beside him.

"We start from Upside Down Mountain and take the windless route. We will definitely encounter the navy."


The golden lion asked puzzledly:

"If the World Government and the desert unite to start a war, then the navy should go to Alabasta. Then we should be able to meet them as long as we go near Alabasta."

“Isn’t Alabasta the heart of the Desert Alliance?”

"You are right." Shanks nodded, "But because of this, the navy will not appear in Alabasta."

Shanks said solemnly:

"Even the king who sits high behind the scenes has shown his face... I'm afraid it will be Mary Joa who will take action in Alabasta."

"Marie Joa? CP?" Golden Lion was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "What can you do with those CPs?"

"No, not CP."

After all, Shanks is a frequent visitor to Marie Joa, and he is also a Celestial Dragon himself. He still knows more about Marie Joa's internal situation than Golden Lion.

"They are some more terrifying troops, but you don't need to know this."

"Okay, okay, just think what you said is true."

The golden lion shrugged, "But even so, how can you be sure that the navy will show up where you said it would?"

"It's very simple. Since the World Government has openly declared war, it will definitely launch an all-round attack on the entire Desert Alliance."

Shanks analyzed it quite seriously: "The member states of the Desert Alliance cover the four seas and the entire great shipping route. If the navy wants to cover all member states as quickly as possible, in addition to mobilizing the navy itself that is arranged in the four seas, In addition, their main force must be diverted at Upside Down Mountain."

"Of course they can choose to go against the Grand Line, but that will slow down their march significantly, and the various bad weather encountered along the way will affect their forward speed."

"In comparison, marching along the windless zone they control is definitely faster and more convenient."

"So, we just need to block it along the windless zone near Upside Down Mountain."

"I see……"

The golden lion touched his chin and laughed loudly after a while.

"Hahaha, forget it, let us also add trouble to the navy."

"That boy from the Warring States Period has made me suffer so many times, and we have to go back feeling disgusted."

"It's more than just nausea."

Beckman also came forward at this time and sat down on the cliff.

"Golden Lion, do you know why we are sure they will be taken away from Wufeng? Because of time."

"They have to hurry."

Beckman narrowed his eyes.

"The Desert Federation has been declared a war and will be found to be colluding with the Revolutionary Army. Regardless of whether this is true or not, the existence of the other party must have threatened the World Government."

"And once the world government declares war on the Desert United, the Desert United will definitely find an opportunity to counterattack."

"From this point on, the Revolutionary Army, regardless of whether they have any previous relationship with the Desert Alliance, will inevitably choose to help the Desert Alliance fight against the World Government."

"Here's the problem. Once the Revolutionary Army chooses to help the Desert United, then the World Government's words will come true. The Revolutionary Army will no longer be a rebel organization, but a regular army under another World Government-like organization."

"If the Revolutionary Army and the Desert Alliance were not related before, then declaring a full-scale war on the Desert Alliance on the grounds of colluding with the Revolutionary Army is a bad move. This makes one trying to overthrow the world government through force, and the other slowly eroding the world government with ideas. organizations have come together.”

"The sea has a deep grudge against the World Government, and it is precisely because of this that the World Government must destroy the Desert United in the shortest possible time. Because once they are unable to crush the Desert United with overwhelming force——"

"Then there is no doubt that their absolute dominance in power has been destroyed."

"I see!"

The golden lion suddenly understood: "The world government has always relied on absolute force to suppress the sea."

"The Demon-Slaying Order is the ultimate expression of this kind of rule. It is the terror of the Demon-Slaying Order that makes rebellion against the World Government almost non-existent."

"And once this image of force that is superior to everyone is destroyed..."

"Will complete chaos break out on the sea?"

"That's right."

Shanks took up the conversation.

"We only need to block the navy so that the navy's highest-level combat power cannot be dispersed to attack other desert coalition countries——"

"The authority of the world government will be shaken."

"Then they will have endless rebellions."

"This is the biggest trouble for the world government."

"And this is our true purpose."

The red-haired man's face was gloomy, he held his sword, and his aura was extremely fierce.

"Only in a chaotic stage can the real king of this world be determined."

"Whether it is the dominance of the navy, the authority of the world government, or the rise of the Desert Alliance, it is not what we want to see."

"And now, the World Government itself has given us this opportunity."

"Not to be missed."

Beckman shook his head and lit a cigarette.

"But Shanks, why did the World Government declare war on the Desert Union? Is the threat from the Desert Union really big enough to require an open declaration of war?"

"If we use military strikes as before instead of openly declaring war..."

"Not feasible."

Shanks shook his head: "There are two situations. One is as they said publicly, the Desert Alliance has united with the Revolutionary Army. Then if the World Government launches a local attack on the Desert Alliance, with the help of the Revolutionary Army, not only will it not be able to If you injure the Desert Alliance, you may be used to rebel against the First Army. The World Government must maintain its legitimacy after all, and being caught by a behemoth of the same level can be said to be quite disadvantageous."

"Another situation is that the Desert Alliance has no contact with the revolutionary army..."

"That would be more fun."

Shanks suddenly seemed to remember something happy, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"What, what happens in the second case?"

Beckman and the Golden Lion looked at Shanks.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I remember happy things."

Shanks waved his hand.

"But if there is a local conflict in this situation, there is no buffer from the revolutionary army..."

"I'm afraid the World Government may not be able to defeat the Desert United."


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