Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 315: The Saint of Extreme Sun


! ——”

The White Earth Island shook violently.

"What!?...What happened!?"

There was a commotion in the Revolutionary Army base, but Sabo, who was trained by Long as his heir, was the calmest at the critical moment.

"Don't panic, maintain order, this is not an attack against us!"

he shouted loudly, adding at the end in a low voice:

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to feel anything about what I see, hear, and see."

During the meeting, Long Yao was busy handling various revolutionary army affairs. In fact, as the leader of the revolutionary army, it is difficult for Long to focus on other aspects besides government affairs.

Therefore, base security has always been the responsibility of Saab. During this critical period, Saab's knowledge was always covering the bases.

"what happened……"

"I gonna go see."

In the conference room, Weiwei held on to the wall and barely stood firm, while Long said with a slight frown.

"Be careful." Weiwei is very self-aware that her fighting ability is not enough, and she will not follow her to places that may be dangerous.


Long nodded, opened the door and ran out.

He rushed all the way to the rooftop, and as soon as he showed his head, a dazzling white light hit his face.

"This is……"


The white jade-like fragments floated away, and everything on Mary's body turned into snow-white.

Skin, hair, eyes.

Everything turned white.

There was a layer of pale white ash lingering on the long white knife in her hand. Under Mary's feet, a piece of white spread, and snow-like flying dust gradually rose up without the wind.

"The five aggregates are empty and the six roots are pure."

"Yu Ru, Yu Cheng."

Thunder and lightning surrounded Mary, making a piercing sound.

But he couldn't get even close to Mary.

The aura that came with the Zanpakutō when it was released counteracted the blow.

"It seems that the so-called gods are nothing more than that."

She raised her head and smiled in the direction of Enelu.

The level of taunting is directly maxed out.

Although Mary's eyes were covered with cloth, Enelu still seemed to be able to see the vague mocking gaze.

"What kind of ability does Mary have..." Rayleigh also showed a look of surprise, "We haven't seen her for a while, and she has become stronger again."

"Bastard!" Enelu roared loudly, "You just hit me casually, and you just blocked such a thunder and lightning. Are you so arrogant?"

"Stop your disrespect for God and worship me, kid!"

"Then use your magical power to make me respect you. Talking is nothing."

Mary said as the third eye on her forehead opened.

This eye has no ability to see, and it is dyed white at this time, as clear as crystal.

As this eye opened, a white flame slowly rose around Mary's body.

The Zanpakutō cannot change the nature of her abilities, but it can make all of her appearance white.


Golden lines appeared on her body, and her hair was spread out.

After turning albino, even people who are familiar with Mary's fighting style may not recognize what this is like.

Mary turned on the bloodbath.


Her body turned into an aurora and blasted towards Eneloo at an incredible speed.


Enel was shocked when he saw Mary's exaggerated speed, and then his body turned into thunder and lightning and flew towards the sky at high speed.

And Mary followed without hesitation.

The Thunder Fruit is indeed the top fruit in the natural system. While it has terrifying destructive power, it also has high speed like a Shining Fruit.

Even if Mary turns on the bloody evil, it will be difficult to catch up with Enel.

“Does God just run away?”

"Hey, you can only talk nonsense now!"

Enelu snorted coldly and rushed forward without looking back.

Rayleigh, who was watching the two rays of light rising into the sky from the ground, narrowed his eyes.

"Well, this boy Enelu has become smarter."

"Huh?" An looked at Lei Li, "Isn't Brother Enel always smart?"

"..." Rayleigh raised his eyebrows, "Maybe, maybe he can make Mary suffer a big loss later."

The sky was covered with clouds, and when he flew under the clouds, Enilu's body suddenly stopped.

"What, you're not running away?"

Mary also slowed down slightly.

"Ha, do you think I'm running?"

Enelu said and waved the golden stick in his hand, and for a moment, thunder surged in the rain clouds that covered the entire White Earth Island.


Mary also let out a surprised exclamation.

"Who do you think I am!?"

"I am God, God Enelu!"

"Listen to the thunder that can destroy the world. This is God's mercy! Kneel down before the mighty power of God!"

"Lei Ying!

! "

"Lei Ying was originally a move that Enelu could only use to coordinate with the golden ship."

Rayleigh looked at the lightning blooming in the sky blankly: "This kind of lightning strike that is enough to destroy an island originally requires a long period of accumulation. But Enel has learned to use the power of nature to launch this lightning strike instantly. Got it."

"It's a lot of progress."

And Mary, who was watching this scene, also showed a touch of uncontrollable excitement.

"Okay, okay!"

"What are you capable of doing? Chuunibyou!"

"Blood and fighting spirit are coming up!"

She froze her body for an instant, and the white flames on her body burst out.

White flames spurted out from all over her body, converging into a dragon.

He ran into Lei Ying head-on.



! "

With a roar, the White Earth Island fell into silence.

The huge sound made all other noises disappear.

After a burst of white light that covered everything dispersed, a thunder net spread out in the sky and lingered for a long time.

However, in the center of the thunder net, a white sun burned more fiercely.

"As expected..." Rayleigh shook his head, "The current gap between Enel and Mary cannot be bridged by this technique."

"The gap between hard power and experience is not small. That guy still has a long way to go."

"Poor, weak, poor, weak, weak!"

Mary violently slapped her hands away to both sides, and the circle of fire expanded, raging toward the direction of Anilu.

"The power of Lei Ying is indeed amazing, but it is not concentrated enough. If you want to break through my defense, this alone is not enough!"

"It's my turn, Bai Longbo·Longhuo sings!"

With a wave of Mary's saber, more than a dozen giant dragons formed by white magic flames flew out and rushed towards Enelu.

"Can you take this move?"


Enelu roared angrily and struck the drum behind him with his golden stick.

Several Brontosaurus emerged from behind him. Then he swung the golden stick, and the thunder dragon crashed down with the momentum.

"60 Million Volts, Thunder Dragon, Eight Thunder Gods!"

The thunder dragon and the fire dragon faced each other one by one, and exploded after violent collision in the air.

In the turbulent shock wave, a figure flashed behind Enelu.

The white blade slashed towards Enelu's waist.

"Stab it!"

The next moment, Enilu's waist turned into thunder and lightning, causing the sword to be in vain. At the same time, he turned around and struck the people behind him with lightning.


Mary let out a light cry, stamped her foot in the air, and then her body exploded out, dodging Enel's stick blow.

"You actually reacted."

"I've already seen everything you think!"

Enelu shouted loudly:

"I've told you, who do you think I am!? I am God, the center of this world, and the whole world revolves around me!"

"One day I can easily crush you, crush that old man, crush everyone, and become the only god!"

"God Enel!"

"I see, I almost forgot, your perception and color can read minds."

Mary looked stunned, then smiled disdainfully.

"Crush everything? Since you have this idea, go back to where you came from. This world does not need gods who destroy each other at every turn. In comparison, fragile people are much better!"

"What do you know!?"

Enel roared and approached quickly, waving his golden stick.

Mary was not at a disadvantage in terms of momentum and pressed forward.

"Let me understand the childish thoughts of you, and please spare me!"


The stick and the knife collided violently, making a harsh scream.

When the circular air wave exploded, their figures turned into phantoms again.

Two strips of light, one white and one blue, kept circling and colliding in the sky, punching holes in the thick clouds.


After another collision, Enelu pulled away.

As he continued to retreat, he turned his body into thunder and lightning.

At the same time, the power that had been accumulated in his body for a long time was fully released, filling his body. A huge phantom of the God of Thunder suddenly appeared in front of Mary.

"Two billion volts, God of Thunder, God of Jianbutu!"

"Thunder represents the power of destruction. Do you dare to disobey me who has the power of thunder!?"

Enel shouted a line that was quite familiar to Mary.

Bayali, right?

"Since you are so confident, let me penetrate you head-on!"

"This move..."

Hancock's beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

"Ah, the power of this move is quite terrifying." Rayleigh grinned, "This is his most powerful move. Even I find it tricky. It is a very scary move in both attack and defense. The key is..."

"As long as he doesn't lose consciousness, he can regenerate endlessly, and the energy can be extracted directly from the surrounding thunderclouds."

"It can be regarded as another level of immortality. In short, it is very difficult to deal with."


As soon as he finished speaking, cyan ripples flashed over everyone's heads, and then a gust of wind stirred up from the sea and converged in the same direction. The wind path formed a barrier blocking everyone's heads.

Rayleigh and others looked in the direction of the strong wind and saw Long standing at the lower end of the base with one hand raised high.

"Two bastards, they fight and don't care what's going on underneath."

he said cursingly.

Of course Enelu knew who he was, and the other person...

Others probably couldn't tell who it was, but Long, who had just been swept by that level of overlord color, knew with his toes that the strange guy in front of him must be Mary.

Not many people have ever bathed in such a domineering color, and it is indeed quite difficult to identify Mary based on this.

"With this image, your identity will indeed not be revealed. I didn't expect you to be quite careful."

Long murmured softly.

Fortunately, Rayleigh and Mary didn't hear this.

Mary in the sky looked at the Jianbutu God in front of her. She quickly approached and was thinking about how to defeat him.

In fact, she has a very simple plan, which is to directly transform her white magic flame into a giant of the same size to fight against Enel. This operation is the least difficult.

'But I refuse. ’

Mary chuckled.

She said she wanted to hit the opponent head-on. In this case, she will defeat Enelu in the same way.

Enelu will give life to thunder and lightning and turn himself into thunder and lightning.

And Mary also wants to turn herself into flames!

It would have been easy to give life to the flames, but Mary, who was now furious, put the thought aside without hesitation.

She had a crazier, more difficult idea.


"That's why we have to do it!"

"Those who want to create a new world, come and create a new self today!"

When fighting enemies, Mary has a lot to consider, and the enemies she faces are often stronger than herself every time, leaving no room for her to act arrogantly.

But this time the battle with Enelu gave her a rare opportunity.

Under Reilly's training, Enelu's strength has reached a level that allows her to use her methods. The opponent is not an enemy who wants to be killed, and Mary does not need to seek stability.

Just do whatever you want.

That is to say——

“Now is the time to let yourself go!”

At this moment, she seemed to have turned into a real machine, and the flow of time slowed down to an incredible level in her eyes.

The things she learned on the Fish-Man Island were still vivid in her mind, and every scene Renesmee taught her came to mind.

Vitality is the most mysterious and magical power in this world.

Life force can change everything.

Since I can absorb life force, I can also fix the life force of others, and I can also give life...

So, can life be transformed?

Mary's cells collapsed, then quickly reorganized.

Her body was in pieces, expanding rapidly with the heat wave, and blended with the white magic flames.

The life force lingers between the cells and the fire, and the two merge together.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts—"

I don't know if it was because the act of forcibly merging lives was too unnatural, but for the first time, Mary felt the burning heat from the devil's flames.

The severe pain caused a slight tremor in her state of mind that had not been shaken for a long time.

But just for a moment——

"The fruit of desire!" Blue ripples rippled from the vaguely visible head of the fire. "It's just painful, so let me use my fighting spirit and arrogance to suppress it!"

The ultimate spiritual power explodes instantly under the guidance of the fruit's ability. In terms of assistance, the ability of the Desire Fruit has always been top-notch.

"This kind of momentum - how is it possible!"

Enilu's eyes were horrified and he shouted:

"Thunder and lightning and I are one, so I can do this - but are you a natural type!?"

"No way, no way!"

"Why can you do this if you are not a natural type? Rayleigh said that this should be the biggest gap between people with non-natural type fruit abilities and those with natural type fruit abilities - this is an impossible gap!"

"Did you say this?"

Hancock looked at Reilly curiously.

Reilly nodded.

"Ah, I did say that."


Looking at the fire giant that was gradually taking shape, Rayleigh sighed:

"That man cannot be restrained by common sense."

"That's just for you!"

The cells and flames finally merged completely, and the pure white overlord color exploded.

The clouds were swept away at this moment, and two giant gods appeared in the clear sky.

"To me, it's just a stinking ditch that can be crossed in one step!"

The goddess made of white flames sits cross-legged in the sky, her cloak flying like a cassock.

White flames like whirlpools spread around the goddess's body, just like the radiance emanating from the goddess.

A pair of golden eyes looked directly at the Jianbutu God of Enelu.

"Enilu, use your words to respond to you."

"Who do you think I am!?"

The huge goddess clasped her hands together, and a white flame flower disk with a diameter of thousands of meters bloomed behind her with a crisp explosion.

It looks just like the sun-drenched snake, but on a much larger scale.

"Holy Maiden Jihi, Brilliant White Incandescence, Amaterasu Omikami!"

"Use your [True God's Body] to defeat me head-on, idiot!"

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